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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » DPF pid for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN

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Author Topic: DPF pid for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN
Posts: 20
Post DPF pid for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN
on: September 28, 2020 (GMT)

Hi guys, I found the app torque pro very cool.
I have bought this ELM327:

this work with torque pro it give me engine gear etc…

But I want to monitor my DPF informations.

I tryed this pids:
Pid: aa0118
Long name/short name: DPF Level
Min: 0
Max: 510
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: r3*2
OBD Header: lasciare vuoto
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0


Pid: 22336a
Long name/short name: DPF Level
Min: 0
Max: 100
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: A*100/255


Pid: 223275
Long name/short name: DPF Level
Min: 0
Max: 100
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: A

but not works…
I have installed plugin TorqueScan but nothing find on the end. I scanned it with engine off but key on I don’t know if it is correct or I need to make engine on for all scan

Thanks for help

Posts: 20
Post Re: DPF pid for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN
on: September 28, 2020 (GMT)

Sorry I don’t know why my post are empty.
I try to remember what I wrote.

I have this obd2:

It work on torque pro and I can see engine speed, turbo psi, etc… but I need to monitor the DPF saturation, DPF pressure, etc…

I tryed with:
Pid: aa0118
Long name/short name: DPF status
Min: 0
Max: 510
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: r3*2
OBD Header: empty
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0


Pid: 223275
Long name/short name: DPF status
Min: 0
Max: 100
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: A
OBD Header: empty


Pid: 22336a
Long name/short name: DPF status
Min: 0
Max: 100
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: A*100/255
OBD Header: empty

but not works…

I tryed to scan with TorqueScan but nothing find. After all loop I see empty list.
Torque Scan will be used with engine on or only the key power on in dash?

People know the pids to read all DPF informations for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN?


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