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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Dashboard Design

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Author Topic: Dashboard Design
Posts: 1
Post Dashboard Design
on: December 6, 2021 (GMT)

It would be nice to have more tools while designing a dashboard.
It would be typical in software design to have…

-Snap to other control (not just grid)
-Select more than one control at a time (perhaps even lasso what to select)
-Align lefts/rights/tops/bottom (where control 2 auto aligns, or even auto sizes to control 1)

I’m sure there’s more in the design category, but these rather simple ones would help make better looking dashboards.

On other fronts…

-Associate the theme per control. Keep it at the dash level too so there is a design to non-individually-themed controls, but you could have a dash full of blue with a lone red dial thrown in. Having only 1 theme severely limits the possibilities.

25-year veteran software engineer using .NET, C#, web technologies, and other Microsoft servers, services, and technologies.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 9, 2021 (GMT)


I’ll see if I can add those (starting with the snap-to lines) soon as that should be reasonably simple to implement…

Posts: 1
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 9, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 9, 2021

I’ll see if I can add those (starting with the snap-to lines) soon as that should be reasonably simple to implement…

I like the Push Button for adjusting the fuel level, which makes it easier to update the information when I fill up my vehicle. However, would it be possible to add a Push Button option for adjusting the fuel price? That way I can adjust that quickly to accurately log my trip costs, as opposed to needing to back out and edit that in my vehicle profile.

Also, I tried downloading the plugin sample linked in the Plugin Wiki page from your site (“…”), but it always went to an unreachable page. Is there a new location for those files?

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 11, 2021 (GMT)

Ok – will add that to the list!

The latest beta is now out (pending approval on google play), unfortunately I didn’t manage to get the layout changes into this release but it should be in the next – there are a *lot* of fixes in this version and it is probably worth getting

I’ll see if I can update the plugin page on Sunday – I thought I had already put the zip locally, but looks like that never happened. I will liekly stick it on a github page which will probably be infinitely more useful

Posts: 2
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 13, 2021 (GMT)

very new to Torque, bought the pro version as I confirmed it worked with my OBD2 scanner.
I’ve been trying to figure out if this is possible: is there a way to “copy/share” layouts? I know themes are uploaded to a server (took me a while to find that out), but I’m talking about the dials, placement of dials, data been shown, etc. I noticed the themes modify the colour, designs, etc. but not what info I want to be displayed.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 13, 2021 (GMT)


The “alignment lines” (for want of a better description) are mostly done. They don’t work too well with different sized displays yet (due to an oversight and a compromise in the early android 1.5 days on my part) but it’s a start and should help you with the layouts

Sharing dashboards is a little more difficult (but I will still look at it) because there are things like screen sizes and dpi (which affect the layout) as well as available PIDs (which are different between each vehicle). I would do a desktop layout, app but someone went and patented that idea so I can’t do that.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Dashboard Design
on: December 13, 2021 (GMT)

That’s a shame! desktop app is a great option for designing layouts. Don’t know if shrinking or cropping are options, and if the display is larger, then just center it. It’ll be easier to modify a layout than having to recreate it. But you are the expert so I’ll leave it with you 😉

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