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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » No MAN page?!

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Author Topic: No MAN page?!
Posts: 6
Post No MAN page?!
on: July 27, 2011 (GMT)

I have a bunch of questions and I don’t want to search threads for answers that should be in a user manual. Though ironic, I have been searching for a user manual.

Is there a manual?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: July 27, 2011 (GMT)

At the minute there is a very basic wiki which you could grep for some info, however I’ve been putting lots of development time into the app trying to add features and making it simple to use

If you have specific questions, I could try to answer them here

Posts: 6
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: July 27, 2011 (GMT)

I was only trying not to take up your time with what might be dumb questions.

I’m not clear of what files get saved, and what’s in them. If I put a collection of widgets on one page and start recording are those the items being saved?

I found some files saved in torqueLogs in csv format. Is this it for file types?

If so is there a program to graph this data?

(in general I want to record data and view it) how?

The plugnin Track Record has 3 widgets in the top left. Can I change those?


FYI – I’m not sure your keep track but I’m using the new Droid 3 from Motorola and have had no troubles so far.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: July 28, 2011 (GMT)

No problem – it’s all content for the wiki at some point.

> I’m not clear of what files get saved, and what’s in them. If I put a collection of
>widgets on one page and start recording are those the items being saved?

When logging data – you need to go into the main app settings->logging->select what to log – in there you can add the PIDs that you would like saved to the CSV file (GPS and accel data should be saved automatically as it does not impact PID read speed)

> I found some files saved in torqueLogs in csv format. Is this it for file types?

Yes, those are the CSV files that are generated. You should also be able to gmail them from within the app

> If so is there a program to graph this data?

Externally, Excel or OpenOffice/LibreOffice(or ‘Numbers’ on a mac) can be used to graph the CSV files that have been logged. From within the full version of the app, there is a graphing tool that allows you to graph the data in realtime (more options to this will be added as new versions of the app are released)

> (in general I want to record data and view it) how?

Start the logging from within the app, that will save it to CSV (there is also a web-upload component to the app should you wish to upload data in realtime to a php script)
You can then import the CSV file into excel/OpenOffice and manipulate the data how you want

> The plugnin Track Record has 3 widgets in the top left. Can I change those?

Not yet – But this is going to happen (the version I have not released can, but it’s not finished yet). The next update will give you this functionality!



Posts: 6
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: July 28, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks a bunch.

This should get me started and I’m looking forward to the next reease.


Posts: 3
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: December 10, 2013 (GMT)


I’m thrashing around. I love the graphic look of the interface, but I would REALLY like to get an overview of the operation – like from a manual. I see you replied on this topic in 2011. Any progress?

    At times, I get a canned “Menu”screen with about eight links around a gauge, but I cannot find the sequence to go there directly.
    AH, i JUST FIGURED IT OUT. Hitting the Samsung “back” key returns from gauge view.
    At [url=][/url] , you say “Torque can be used to view any stored fault codes on your vehicles ECU, then, after a mechanic fixing the fault, it also can clear the fault codes allowing you to clear the ‘Check Engine’ light warning on your dashboard” How do I do this?
    LIKEWISE: this function is available from the “Menu” screen.
    I installed the lite version from Google Play, which came up as ver 1.1.1 or so. A version included with the mini ELM237 I bought was version 1.4.99. What version is the PRO?

Operating smoothly on 2008 Aveo / Samsung Tab2.7

Thanks for your time.

Posts: 3
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: December 18, 2013 (GMT)

Here’s a quick startup guide I wrote for the folks I’m giving an ELM327 to…

Posts: 276
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: December 18, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from mf70 on December 18, 2013
Here’s a quick startup guide I wrote for the folks I’m giving an ELM327 to…

Thanks: Nice Job
It makes is easier for me too.

Posts: 1
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: November 20, 2017 (GMT)

The link you, Ian, provided a while back for a “manual” seems to be broken, giving only a 403, not found, error.
Posts: 1
Post Re: No MAN page?!
on: November 13, 2022 (GMT)

Manual is no longer there

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