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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Trip times.

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Author Topic: Trip times.
Posts: 37
Post Trip times.
on: February 5, 2018 (GMT)

I had to remake my theme on my torque recently.
The issue I am having is that I had a trip time setup in there.
It used to display minutes and seconds. Now it’s displaying seconds and milliseconds. I looked all through the menus but I can’t see where to change it back to minutes and seconds

Eg. Trip time used to be 01:01 now its 61.48sec

Posts: 37
Post Re: Trip times.
on: March 28, 2018 (GMT)

Anyone ? :(

Pavlo Zastavnyi
Posts: 1
Post Re: Trip times.
on: May 4, 2018 (GMT)

I’ve also faced with this issue. Help us please!

Posts: 1
Post Re: Trip times.
on: August 20, 2018 (GMT)

Why is trip showing in seconds?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Trip times.
on: August 21, 2018 (GMT)

My trip time display shows units in
seconds until the GPS locks into satellites
at which time the units change to m:s.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Trip times.
on: August 25, 2018 (GMT)

I just noticed this same issue when adding the trip time to another screen. The original “widget” on the original screen still displays in min.sec but the new one only in seconds and there does not appear to be a way to change it. Did this change after an upgrade I wonder>

Posts: 2
Post Re: Trip times.
on: January 30, 2019 (GMT)

OK this seemed to work for me. Add the trip time whilst moving or any trip time display. Your first instinct is to use the digital display type. that’s what i use anyway. Don’t use that one. use the bar display or the graph display. then pick the size and place it. then drive around a a little with it running. Now i did the next things while moving. long pressed the display (trip time) display configuration…change display type to the digital display. and now for some reason the readout will be in MM:SS not just seconds.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Trip times.
on: September 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from Davegrips on January 30, 2019
OK this seemed to work for me. Add the trip time whilst moving or any trip time display. Your first instinct is to use the digital display type. that’s what i use anyway. Don’t use that one. use the bar display or the graph display. then pick the size and place it. then drive around a a little with it running. Now i did the next things while moving. long pressed the display (trip time) display configuration…change display type to the digital display. and now for some reason the readout will be in MM:SS not just seconds.

Thanks for figuring this out and sharing it. Works like a charm.

Now, if only the display could be set up to show Hours:Minutes instead of Minutes:Seconds… No harm in dreaming, I guess.

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