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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Default pid equation

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Author Topic: Default pid equation
Posts: 19
Post Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

I am trying to monitor the DPF on my Toyota.
There is a default called “DPF pressure” this gives me a crazy reading but I do not know how to edit or check the equation or even which pid it uses.
Also WIKI shows DPF pids of mode 01 pids 7A 7B and 7C.
7C is shown as DPF temperature which I am fairly sure is EGT B01S02 so does anyone know what the other two are? 017a and 017b or could point me in the right direction to find out please.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

give detailed information about the car

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

It is a Toyota Prado with the 2.8 litre diesel. Somebody has worked out how to monitor the soot % by sniffing the output from a scan tool.
Torque pro shows % soot or clogging, exhaust temperature of three sensors, including the dpf but I would like to be able to monitor more such as pressure differential across the filter, (there is a sensor) and possibly when a regeneration or burn is happening. Although of course I can see this now with raised temperatures and % soot falling.
I have read that some vehicles will give such information as how many burns, distance and time between them etc.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

year of manufacture of a car

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

Forgot to say 2015 year of manufacture, it is the 1GD engine as fitted in the Prado, Hilux and Fortuner vehicles from that year onwards.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

make scanning the PIDs with the TorqueScan plugin with the Header 7E0
and post the results
after that, we will be able to see if the parameters you need in Toyota’s factory protocol are specific to your car

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

Thank you I am scanning now with header 7E0 as requested, this seems to take a very long time at present reached 224xxx
Any idea how long a scan takes and does the email function work as I have read that it doesn’t? hopefully the issue has been fixed?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

The first scan took half an hour, it had almost completed then the ignition automatically shut off.
Second time I went for a drive, scan completed but trying to save as a pdf gives the error message “no file to save” and emailing the results gives the error message “cannot attach an empty file”

Now this is only my fourth post and I hate to come on here asking for help then moaning and complaining but I have read of this same issue months if not years ago. How are you meant to save a scan result???

I have taken photos of the screen showing the results how can I upload them or email them to you?

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

just scan the address 2100 – 21FF
if you specify your mail, I’ll write to you at my mail address of my mail, to which you can send scan results
or you can put the data on any file hosting and give a link

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

Thank you for your ongoing help. I have uploaded here:

I hope this is successful if not I will post an email tomorrow as I am in Australia.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

I copied to myself the data you gave
I’ll write when I check it out.

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

Just curious… would you post the raw hex
responses for the mode 01 pids you discussed
in the first post? Might be a fun exercise trying
to make sense of any bytes returned.

KOEO and running would be useful for
matching atmospheric pressures and

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 17, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks to both of you for helping me. I have also heard from Ian saying the email bug was fixed a long time ago.
I am using a Chinese head unit with 10 inch screen in the car and will check that the version of torque pro is 1.8.199 Although I have paid for the app I fear that my version came with the unit and could be anything put on in China.

I have been monitoring the raw data (with someone else driving) but as yet have not been able to make any sense of it. I have also tried pids and equations published for other vehicle manufacturers but as expected these don’t make sense either.

I will update this thread with my progress.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

Hi, crabber
Unfortunately, the TorqueScan plugin scans the PIDs only before the request of 2160, so it was not possible to see all supported PIDs from 2100 to 21FF.
Do a scan of the PID using my program, at the link below.
After the scan is over, only after you close the program, on the memory card or on the card emulator in the internal memory of the phone, a PID scan log is created in the folder PIDscan_Logs.
Put it on the file hosting and give the link.

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

I have installed your pid scanner on a galaxy s6.
It connects to the BT OBD adapter and shows under the red and green scan and stop buttons:
7E0 7E8 2100 21FF

Unfortunately when I press the green scan button absolutely nothing happens.

Have I understood the basics of this? there is no need for torque pro to be running? it isn’t a plugin for torque pro but a separate scanner?

I also checked that the version of torque pro was the latest and changed the obd settings to speed up the scan. this did make a torque scan faster but the email function still reports “cannot attach an empty file”

Edit I have checked to see if anything is logged and there is:
“PIDscan log:Device: “CAR-KITo” 17:D1:5E:18:0D:00Android 7.0 Close.”

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on January 17, 2018
Just curious… would you post the raw hex
responses for the mode 01 pids you discussed
in the first post? Might be a fun exercise trying
to make sense of any bytes returned.

KOEO and running would be useful for
matching atmospheric pressures and

The KOEO for 017A is:
cmd 017A
response 009
0:41 7A 01 7F F8 00
1:00 00 00 00 00 00 00

When driving only bytes B and C change.
B hardly at all (hex 83) and the decimal of C changes from around 11 to 200
They didn’t really seem to match anything although using the equation {B:0} to switch an indication on/off as suggested by someone seemed to change with acceleration and deceleration.

What I cannot understand is how to edit the default dpf pressure that is built into torque pro. How do you know which pid this is monitoring?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

I would try creating a custom pid to look
at bytes B and C as …




Do any of these results match
atmospheric conditions with
KOEO? (101 kPaA where I live)

For temperatures you might want to
fully read the following thread for the
Ford 6.7’s where “22F4xx” was equivalent
to “01xx”.

Since your posted result is so close to x8000
I would also test…








Posts: 1665
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

write to me by e-mail

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

Thank you, I will try what you suggest as soon as I get time, in fact I am happy to try any suggestion to try to get to the bottom of this.

As I am such a novice please would you answer this basic question which is still bugging me.
Is it possible to edit a default or built in pid in torque pro?
for instance I would like to know what the default sensor in torque pro is monitoring for “dpf pressure”. How do I find the details (pid and equation) for this?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Default pid equation
on: January 18, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on January 18, 2018
write to me by e-mail

Thanks I have sent you an email so you can remove your address if you do not want it public for too long.

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