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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » KKL VAG 409.1

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Author Topic: KKL VAG 409.1
Posts: 1
Post KKL VAG 409.1
on: November 12, 2017 (GMT)


Can I please get information if Torque can work when KKL VAG 409.1 cable + USB mini adapter for cell phone is used?


Posts: 6632
Post Re: KKL VAG 409.1
on: November 12, 2017 (GMT)


The adapter needs to be more than a simple ‘dumb’ KKL adapter (it needs an ELM327 chip on it, which does some of the work talking to the ECU – you’ll need an ELM327 compatible adapter (and an OBD2 compliant vehicle)

Posts: 6632
Post Re: KKL VAG 409.1
on: November 12, 2017 (GMT)


The adapter needs to be more than a simple ‘dumb’ KKL adapter (it needs an ELM327 chip on it, which does some of the work talking to the ECU – you’ll need an ELM327 compatible adapter (and an OBD2 compliant vehicle)

Posts: 1
Post Re: KKL VAG 409.1
on: May 29, 2019 (GMT)

I have registered solely to reply to this post and say this:

What an absolute load of crap. If btssm and many other odb apps can use a generic USB device such as the vagcom kkl 409.1 cable than so can torque. You are either lazy or personally unable to implement such a feature because many others do, btssm being a prime example as I myself use btssm and a generic vagcom kkl 409.1 cable to display all the info I want on the android headunit in my Subaru and it works perfectly. To say it isn’t possible is completely false.

On another note while searching the forum I also noticed you said usb functionality would triccle down to the lite version, that was over 5 years ago…
If it had I wouldn’t of wasted money on torque Pro to find you haven’t implemented a feature that many others have.
Oh well, back to btssm and my vagcom cable it is

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