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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » GPS Location in Custom PID Equation

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Author Topic: GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
Posts: 4
Post GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
on: August 30, 2017 (GMT)


I’d like to create a custom PID that uses data GPS Altitude data within the equation, however whatever I do I only ever get a value of 0 returned. My custom PID is set up as follows:

OBD2 Mode and PID:
Long Name: Altitude Test
Short Name: AltTest
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Scale: 1x
Unit Type: m
Equation: [ff1010]
Start command:
Stop command:
Override: Does not override any PID

When I press test, I get 0 (after waiting for a GPS fix of course), and if I add a gauge to the screen with this custom PID and start driving, it still remains 0. To be clear, if I add the normal “GPS Altitude” PID as a gauge, it displays the expected value.

To check I’ve understood equations properly I’ve changed the PID in the equation to other values such as [05] for engine coolant temp and it displays the expected value. Also some calculated GPS internal PIDs work and show the expected value such as [ff1001] for GPS speed and [ff123a] for number of satellites. However the 3 GPS co-ordinate PIDs for altitude [ff1010], latitude [ff1006] and longitude [ff1005] always report a value of 0.

Can anyone else get these to work? Am I misunderstanding something about custom PIDs or doing something wrong? Is this a bug?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
on: August 31, 2017 (GMT)

I tested [ff1010] and Val{GPS Altitude} and
found like you neither work in the pid editor.
Odd that TorqueScan shows meaningful data
but not the pid editor.

Posts: 1
Post Re: GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
on: November 12, 2018 (GMT)

I have a similary problem with GPS Altitude (I try some Android devices).
Is there any solution?

Posts: 3
Post Re: GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
on: December 2, 2018 (GMT)

I have the same issue.
Has anyone found a solution.

Posts: 3
Post Re: GPS Location in Custom PID Equation
on: December 22, 2019 (GMT)

Is there any update on this?

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