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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...

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Author Topic: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 27, 2017 (GMT)


I sent the commands you requested using a terminal emulator and the following was received:


46 53 01 01 47 3D 00
46 53 02 00 00 3D 00
46 53 03 00 00 3D 00
46 53 04 00 00 3D 00
46 53 05 00 00 3D 00
46 53 06 00 00 3D 00
46 53 07 00 00 3D 00
46 53 08 00 00 3D 00


46 53 01 01 47 3D 00
46 53 02 00 00 3D 00
46 53 03 00 00 3D 00
46 53 04 00 00 3D 00
46 53 05 00 00 3D 00
46 53 06 00 00 3D 00
46 53 07 00 00 3D 00
46 53 08 00 00 3D 00

Note that in both cases (one specifying cylinder 1, the other without), data for all eight cylinders was returned.

Any ideas?

Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 27, 2017 (GMT)

I suspected that the component id
byte you added was not being recognized
by standard.

Until Ian allows a way to extract the desired
byte from multiple responses you are
stuck just like the TFT situation I mentioned

I remember Ian added mode 6 to the pid
editor to let users extract DPF data for the
dashboard display so I’m hoping he will
add the Rx capability for multiple responses.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 27, 2017 (GMT)

Any ideas?

That is consistent with my understand of Mode 06 Tests. A valid Mode 6 request made for TestID 53 causes the PCM to initiate a specific, asyncronous test of the predefined test with ID 53. That being Cylinder-specific misfire and catalyst damage threshold misfire rate – IN PERCENT
(either cat damage or emission threshold) (updated when DTC set or clears). And the PCM proceeds to comply for all cylinders.

If my understanding is correct (Per the previously referenced OBDII Theory manual), the response for cyl 1 decodes to x0147, or 327 decimal * 0.000015 = 0.004905%, The factory Maximum = x3D or 61 decimal * 0.000015 = 0.000915%, or test FAILED.

The remaining cylinders have the same maximum, but zero percent.

This report does not give individual cylinder misfire counts, but only percent as calculated by the PCM from some accumulator it maintains somewhere which the OP cannot get to.

Am I in the ball park or in left field? ???????



Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 27, 2017 (GMT)

Sounds correct to me… the MSB of the
Component ID would indicate a min or max
test value comparison. (PWM).

To correctly interpret the test values (beyond
PASS/FAIL) you would need OEM documentation
to determine the multipliers like you described.

Except that test limit equals…

3D00 = 15616 (0.23424%) not 61.

Since the test value is less than test limit (max)
it would PASS.

(As I am left handed … might be off
in Right field).

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 29, 2017 (GMT)

Sounds exactly correct. Hopefully Ian will allow some RX side enhancements. FWIW—I submitted a feature request to both his email and the ‘feature request’ thread.

@F-150Torqued—I checked for contact information for cintakc, but none was listed. If not too much trouble, could I ask you to reach out to him for permission to send the tool to me (or have him send it to me directly at

Meanwhile, two things I am going to investigate:

1) seeing if there are any OBDLink adapter settings that will provide RX side filtering for messages of interest (I suspect not, but it gives me an excuse to dig into the AT and OBD command set a little bit more than I have to date).

2) reviewing the Torque Scan plugin to see if I can identify the bug preventing log sending/capture (and fix it if I can). Worst case, I will try writing my own utility and provide it back to the community (I am still convinced that Ford provides detailed monitoring IDs for J1850 vehicles since I saw live results for all eight cylinders on a Snap-On scanner while a mechanic was repairing a failed coil on my vehicle).

As a reminder, I have only been learning about OBD for about two weeks and I am not a mechanic, so I have a lot to learn. Hopefully I can get something running in short order.


Posts: 1665
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 29, 2017 (GMT)

I have written to you in the mail.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 29, 2017 (GMT)

cintakc , thanks for helping out my friend. I thought you were probably following this thread.

Best wishes



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 31, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks for sending. I’m currently working on both the short term manual scan as well as the Torque Scan plugin fix…..will update when I have some good news to report.


Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 31, 2017 (GMT)


A forum member on another forum (credits to: fatedstranger – from Glen Haven, Nova Scotia Canada) posted the following, with the notation that the sum total of misfire counts from these TID-(Pids) always equals his results from PID 221616 (MFtot):

“Name”, “ShortName”, “ModeAndPID”, “Equation”, “Min Value”, “Max Value”, “Units”, “Header”, “startDiagnostic”, “stopDiagnostic”, “Scale”
“!Misfire Cylinder 1 Counter”,”MFC1″,”0x06a20c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 2 Counter”,”MFC2″,”0x06a30c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 3 Counter”,”MFC3″,”0x06a40c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 4 Counter”,”MFC4″,”0x06a50c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 5 Counter”,”MFC5″,”0x06a60c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 6 Counter”,”MFC6″,”0x06a70c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 7 Counter”,”MFC7″,”0x06a80c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1
“!Misfire Cylinder 8 Counter”,”MFC8″,”0x06a90c”,”H”,0,65535,””,””,””,”” ,1

I imported these as a ‘csv’ file – but seem to note difficulties with PCM connection icon flashing for about 20-30 seconds, then going steady again, then flashing again – etc.

I have no misfires, so never observed counts. I need to do more testing.



Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 31, 2017 (GMT)

Doesn’t the 0x need to be removed from the
pid field first?

Aren’t these listed in the Ford OBD Summary
manual for last/current drive cycle? (Mode 06 –
CAN specific).

OP mentioned his vehicle uses J1850.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 1, 2017 (GMT)

Doesn’t the 0x need to be removed from the pid field first?

Actually – I noticed this and tried it. Import worked fine and stripped the leading ‘0x’.

And yes, they are listed exactly that way in the Ford OBDII Theory manual.

You are also correct. I forgot about the OP’s vehicle using J1850. Maybe this can be helpful for me and others if I can figure out how/why it seems to effect PCM communications.

I am not so ‘hung up’ on seeing dynamic misfires. The Mode 06 report serves my needs fine. Basically I do not have ANY misfires. My truck will run 40-50 or even 70 drive cycles without a single misfire (as reported by MMF_0_CNT – PID # 16DC). But I can see some value in such a misfire dashboard if a “Button” could be included to run the dashboard screen ONCE per press. That would be roughly equivalent to reformatting the Mode 06 report.



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

I have spent the last few days teaching myself Java and learning everything I could about IDE’s, Java JDK, JRE, Android SDKs, etc……..painful.

The short of that adventure was that I was able to successfully update and build the [OLD] sample Torque Scan plugin and replace the current faulty Torque Scan plugin. With this in hand, I was able to complete a scan and obtain the results. The scan took a few hours to complete.

I did a quick analysis of the Mode 22 Torque Scan results:

Number of successful Mode 22 responses: 166
Responses with a byte count of 10 (including header): 87

I assume that the Mode 22 J1850 cylinder specific commands (if they exist) will be in sequential order in a group of 8, or at a minimum, in two groups of four and produce a result with a length of 10 bytes—10 bytes including the header is consistent with all other Ford misfire results. I have copied the results into a spreadsheet to aid in the analysis ( ).

I tried a few PIDs on the vehicle late last night but am not convinced I am on the trail yet. Maybe today will be the day…..


Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

I have spent a few hours experimenting with custom PIDS using the results gathered from Torque Scan. I have found a series of Mode 22 commands (221601-221608) which return values however, the total hex byte count in the response is only eight. This would be different than previous misfire responses which reported 10 hex bytes of data, including 221616, which is believed to capture Total Misfire Counts.

I also found a number of Mode 22 PIDs which definitely return real time values, but I don’t think they are for cylinder misfires…I’m still investigating these.

I have created a dashboard ( ) to monitor the eight suspected Mode 22 misfire PIDs (221601-221608) to see if there is a correlation between these values and the suspected Total Misfire counts (221616). If these J1850 Mode 22 PIDs are equivalent to the CAN 06[A2-AD]0C PIDs describe above, the sum of all the “Highest Value” values SHOULD equal the Total Misfire count (221616).

Now, off to run some errands with the vehicle and Torque Pro running…..fingers crossed….

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

Not trying to be a smart ass, but rather hoping to cut off rabbit trail paths (of which I have traveled MANY times). In your spreadsheet – isn’t your Byte Count actually nibbles?

BTW, I went through it comparing to all the data I have collected trying to identify / sort out all the PIDs that ‘responded’ to Torque Scan on my 2004 5.4L. I thank you for it. Your spreadsheet assisted my filling a couple of the blanks by knowing what kind of vehicle it came from.

I did notice several things of INTEREST in your data… you might want to check out. ASSUMING my documentation is correct – and it is all collected from various research sources that I considered credible and much tested against my vehicle where possible. In your spreadsheet:

1.) PID 162E (bit 4)(a bit mapped byte) has the bit set that indicates (according to my documentation) “Service engine Soon Light (MIL) output fault detected” ie: open / short in the Service Engine or MIL indicator light or PCM is otherwise unable to operate the MIL. I could easily suspect my documentation, but PID 21 indicates “Miles driven with MIL ON” = Zero. And PID 1103 bit 5 “MIL indicator Light Control” is NOT on. (you do not have an MIL) confirming my suspicion.

2.) PID 1688 (bit 1) (a bit mapped byte) has the bit set that indicates (according to my documentation) “Cylinder Head Temperature indicator Lamp Fault”). Again – my docs could be wrong. I do note CHT-normalized (PID 1624) is reading 203.89 which is likely about right.

JUST some thoughts.



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

You are correct—i was using the term “hex byte” and should have been using “hex digit”, which as we know, each hex digit represents a nibble of an eight bit byte. Sorry (again) for the confusion.

So, I am not sure I am following your additional notes….

Is your thought for observations #1 and #2 that I have a defective Service Engine Soon indicator? As a reminder, my vehicle supports the J1850 protocol, so I would expect some differences in the responses if your documentation is focused at CAN.

My operating state is that no “check engine/service engine soon” indicators are illuminated. FWIW—The “Service Engine Soon” indicator worked wonderfully when I lost a coil on vacation back in early August! Obviously, not the ideal time to confirm the functionality…, but it worked. :-)

Misfire Update: I just ran a few errands without triggering a misfire. I need to run out again….maybe the truck will misbehave on this set of errands. More to follow….

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

I understand the different ISO standard, but in spite of the frustration of differences between like years & models, thank god, so far I have not encountered differences where SAME/LIKE PIDs seem to be assigned different meanings. (THAT would be disastrous). It has always been merely that different vehicles just DO NOT respond to the other vehicles PID #. I notice their are many PIDs in your list that correspond to mine, applying formulas and comparing the data to mine seems reasonable. Even most of the Misfire PIDS I am using in my misfire dashboard are populated in your data.

I only mentioned 162E because it responded on your scan with Hex ’10’ – and all bits in that byte are assigned to some type ‘Fault’. The whole byte should be zero. Here are the assignments from my documentation (which acknowledged could be flawed) – but here’s the whole batch in case ANY are applicable to your truck.

162E b0 IAC_FO IAC output fault (open circuit or short to ground)
162E b1 IAC_FS IAC output fault (Shorted to load or VPWR)
162E b2 EGR_FO EVR output driver fault – open circuit fault
162E b3 EGR_FS EVR output driver fault – short circuit to ground
162E b4 MIL_F Service Engine Soon light (MIL)output fault indicated
162E b5 WACF WOT A/C Primary Circuit Fault
162E b6 FPF Fuel Pump Output Fault
162E b7 X?unk X?unk

It also appears that my misfire PIDs are being populated with reasonable data on yours.

2216d3 MFF RPM Engine RPM at time of Misfire RPM
2216d4 MFF LOAD Engine Load at time of Misfire %
2216d5 MFF VS Vehicle Speed at time of Misfire kph-mph
2216d6 MFF IAT Intake Air Temp at time of Misfire Deg. C
2216d7 MFF SOAK Engine-Off Soak Time at time of Misfire Minutes
2216d8 MFF RNTM Engine Running Time at time of Misfire Secs.
2216d9 MFF EGR EGR DFPE Sensor at time of Misfire Volts
2216da MFF TP Throttle Position at time of Misfire Volts
2216db …….X?unk X?unk
2216dc MFF 0 CNT Number Drive Cycles SINCE DTC CLR or Misfire (after at least 1000 Revs) Cnt
2216dd b0 MPLRN Misfire Wheel Profile Learned in KAM Yes/No
2216dd b1 MFF PNP In Drive at time of MisFire Yes/No
2216dd b? FF_LRN Strategy has finished learning the inferred alcohol content of the fuel YES/NO


EDIT: 9/3/201 11:45 Originally typed (1688) incorrect PID for the 8 fault flag bits which should have been and are corrected to #162E.

Sorry for any confusion.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 3, 2017 (GMT)

This is great info.

FYI—I just went for another drive, but the vehicle did not generate any meaningful misfires to provide correlation between the suspected individual cylinder PIDs (221601-08) and the total misfire PID (221616). I did receive a single misfire count for 221616 but that was captured within the first few seconds of the vehicle starting. Unfortunately, none of the individual cylinder monitors reported anything from startup or the entire 60 mile drive.

I am going to keep these PID monitors active and also try to get some others configured that may be related to misfires and keep an eye on them. Any recommendations on any additional PIDs you would recommend trying would always be appreciated.

Back to your comment above about 1688–

In an earlier post, in bullet #2 you indicated you thought 1688 b1 was for “Cylinder Head Temperature indicator Lamp Fault”, but your last post indicated 1688 b1 was for “IAC_FS IAC output fault (Shorted to load or VPWR)”—-not sure I am following the trail on this one. Did you mean 162E (vs 1688) in the last post?


Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 4, 2017 (GMT)

Yes the prior flags are PID # 162E . I incorrectly typed 1688 for their PID#. I have ‘EDITED’ the prior post to reflect the correct PID # for those flag assignments. In your PID SCAN bit 4 is set in the response to 162E.

1688 b1 is another ‘fault’ flag bit and it was mentioned because the response to 1688 in your scan is hex 02. It is also a ‘fault’ indication, but I am less confident in assignments of this PID. Some, I have never been able to check or verify against my truck, any members data, or research. You might shed some light on it (you got a bit set in that byte). I did note that your normalized CHT (PID #1624) reading seemed sensible. I calculated it wrong in the previous post – it’s 191.9, but that’s still reasonable & the CHT sensor is working – we just do not know if the ‘LIGHT’ is. Curious thing is that the two ‘faults’ we have spoken about / suspected are related to the instrument cluster……. ?????

1688 b0 CHTIL Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp
1688 b1 CHTILF Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator Lamp Fault
1688 b? DPI Dual Plug Ignition System (secondary spark plugs enabled)
1688 b? FPHI High speed desired for 2 speed fuel pump
1688 b4 SAIRB Secondary Air Bypass commanded on
1688 b? SAIRD Secondary Air Diverter commanded on
1688 b? X?unk X?unk
1688 b? X?unk X?unk

**YOU do realize, that (at least on my 2004), Ford treats misfires in TWO DISTINCT different ways. (Misfires within the 1st 1000 engine revs are NOT CONSIDERED/COUNTED in the EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) toward the percentage misfire rate for setting DTC or catalyst damage DTC Flashing. They _ARE_ however included in the MFtot PID 1616. But they DO NOT reset MFF_0_CNT, the Number of Misfire Free drive cycles – PID # 16DC. PID 1616 will reflect misfires occurring during the first 1000 revolutions, but those will NOT reset the drive count in 16DC. Ones occurring AFTER 1000 revolutions are ALSO accumulated in 1616, and DO reset MFF_0_CNT, and DO count toward DTC, flashing CEL (> factory set Catalyst damaging %) ect. I SUSPECT – but IDK – that they would NOT SHOW UP in 1601-1608 unless they are ‘post’ 1000 revolutions.

ALSO, you CANNOT cause a Misfire to increment those counters by ‘unplugging’ a COP while running. ((Do not ask how I know this)). The PCM sees an electrical fault (open COP primary ckt) and the smart little ‘sum-bitch’ knows it can’t fire the plug if it wanted to. So it just conveniently refuses to fire that fuel injector either, increases fuel trim on the other three cylinders on that bank, tweaks idle settings slightly – and keeps on running – surprisingly well.

I _might_ tell you how I know this via a private message sometime – but I’m not exposing ALL my ignorance right here publicly !!! LOL



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 4, 2017 (GMT)

Hah! If anyone is showing their ignorance in these posts it is me—I try to figure this stuff out on my own as best as I can, and when I am stumped I then post a message—-then brace for impact…. :-)

As for the suspected 1688 fault—-not sure how I would even go about ‘testing’ it.

Your information is very helpful. Yes, I read that there was some initial startup conditions that misfire values were not accumulated/counted in the same way, which is why I discounted the single misfire I was able to obtain during yesterday’s tests since it appeared immediately after starting. I need to read through your post a bit more to understand the misfire details better……great info for sure.

I just tested my PIDs and Dashboard again—-I was able to capture 4 Total misfires (221616) after the first 1000 revolutions (see ). Note that none of the suspected individual cylinder monitors captured any of the events (“Highest Value” on each is still set to “0”). If these PIDs were correct, I was expecting that the sum of these individual monitors would be “4”, consistent with your post from Aug 31. I’m starting to think that I am not monitoring the right PIDs……or not understanding the “highest value” dashboard feature in the Torque dashboard display….

Question on your vehicle’s misfire PIDS: If you were to create a custom PID 06A20B or 06A20C (Cylinder 1 Misfire Events for CAN) and press the “TEST” button on the custom PID screen inside of Torque, does your vehicle respond with a single response (current count), or a real-time stream of the current count? (I’m just trying to see if I am on the right trail with my suspected 22160[1-8] PIDs….) or if I need to go look at some other PIDs.


Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: September 4, 2017 (GMT)


Sorry, one more question—-if you were to issue commands for PIDs 06A20B and 06A20C (cylinder 1 misfire events), how many hex digits of data (or bytes if you prefer that measurement) are returned for your vehicle? 2 hex digits (one byte), 4 hex digits (two bytes), other?

An example of your results would be very helpful, even if all zeroes. I am still looking at identifying other possible Mode 22 PIDs given my latest observation of not being able to correlate 2216[01-08] to 221616 (MF Total).


I have some questions on how Torque and OBD works—-when I create a Dashboard object linked to a custom PID (e.g., 221601), is Torque requesting an update at some predefined interval? Or, does the OBD bus already have this information on it, and Torque is essentially monitoring the bus for the proper PID, and extracting/updating the info every time it sees it published on the bus? Is this different for Mode 22 vs Mode 06?

I am just trying to figure out if my Dashboard objects could have “missed” the individual misfires (I expect these to be reported every 200 revolutions).


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