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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...

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Author Topic: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
Posts: 20
Post Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 19, 2017 (GMT)

I’m new to Torque customization, so forgive me if I missed anything obvious. I have been wrestling with retrieving cylinder specific misfire information from my ’03 Ford F-150. I have searched this and other forums and it appears that this is problematic for many users (search “Ford misfire” in this forum and you will see many posts on this topic).

My Setup:
-OBDLink MX,
-TorquePro 1.8.158 running on an Anrdoid tablet

I tried the Ford Preloaded Extended PIDs but they do not work for my ’03 Ford as they use Mode 22 (I think Mode 22 is only applicable for model year ’06 and later). My ’03 uses OBD Mode 06.

I have configured a custom PID:

PID: 065301 (Mode 06, TID 53, CID 01 for cylinder 1)
Name: Misfire, Cylinder 1
Min Val: 0
Max Val: 1000
Scale: x1
Unit: (blank)
Equation: (C*256)+D
Header: (blank)

I received a response, but instead of a single line response for cylinder #1, I received a response for all eight cylinders:



Unfortunately, it turns out the variables C and D are evaluated for the last line in the response only (cylinder 8). To verify that the variables were for the last line, I updated the custom PID with the following equation (just so I could see all the byte assignments):

Updated Equation: A+B+C+D+E+F+G

Using the equation above, I was able to verify the values equated to the last line of the multi-line response (note the “08” in variable B):

G=-1 (beyond the number of bytes in the last line of the response…this was expected)


    After hours of debugging, it appears that my ’03 Ford provides responses for all eight cylinders whenever ANY “0653…” command is given. I could not find any command to limit the response to a single cylinder’s info.
    It seems like Torque is only expecting 6 bytes in the response. Because of this, it only retains the last 6 bytes received.


    Is it possible to specify the number of bytes to capture in the response (in this case 6×8=48)? If this were possible, this would allow me to capture all eight lines and modify the equations accordingly. If not, this seems like a good feature to have for custom PIDs…
    Is there any other way to capture/access all lines of a response in a multi-line response?

I saw some information on changing flow control in the HW, but I am not sure that is the right path to take. Any assistance would be appreciated.


PS: I realize Cylinder #3 (0051 value) is likely where my trouble is. This post is focused at improving my ability to monitor/diagnose with Torque-Pro.

Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 19, 2017 (GMT)

Does Rx variable addressing work for
the other messages?

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)


I think I understand the question—

RX variable addressing works perfectly for single line responses (6 bytes, not including header). For example, I issued the following commands:

Command Response
065000 46500000000439
065400 46540000A3D300
065500 46550000200439
065600 46560021830FA0

All variable addressing was exactly as expected.

However, I found another example of multiple lines being returned:

061011 (Bank 1 switch-ratio and max. limit)

46101100000021 (Bank 1 value, denoted by “11” in byte 2)
46102100000021 (Bank 2 value, denoted by “21” in byte 2)

For this command, RX variable addressing worked, but only for the last line in the response, just like the misfire command.

Where multiple component IDs exist for a Mode 06 TID (e.g. Command 0653xx and 0610xx), Ford appears to return values for ALL Component IDs, even though a single ID xx is specified in the command.

It looks like a new field to support “response length” in user defined PIDs may be needed to overcome this problem.

Any thoughts?


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)

I had asked Ian awhile back about expanding
the Rx addressing to include all returned
responses. It is not uncommon for multiple
modules to respond to certain OBD functional
requests. (That case was a VW Eurovan that
was returning TFT in a second response to
a functional 0105 request. OP in that thread
could “see” the correct value but wasn’t
able to get Torque to extract it).

This capability would have worked for your
mode 6 situation as well if implemented. Each
response would have been assigned unique Rx
variables so that any of the bytes could be
extracted as needed.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)

Thank you for your quick responses. Sounds like I am not alone in this. If Torque could capture all the responses returned, it may go a long way to solving many of the early model Ford Mode 06 issues people are having.

I’m showing my ignorance here about what to do next….

Is this a “new feature request” that I should submit?

Are you involved with the software development? or just an active helpful party in the forum?

One follow-up on the multi-line response issue—

I see some info in this thread that talks about modifying the flow control settings on the OBDLink MX hardware to capture multi-line messages.

Do you see any value in experimenting with the types of changes being suggested? Since I am not familiar with the series of commands being issued, this may take me a while to figure out.


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)

I believe those elm commands are for CAN
protocol only.

Just another Torque Pro user.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)

Thank you for all your help and quick responses. I looked up the commands in the STN1100 programming guide and you are exactly correct—the commands are for CAN.

So, I guess I will submit a feature request.

I will also try posting another message to this (and possibly forum focusing the discussion on multi-line response messages, rather than Ford Mode 06 misfire PIDs.

Thanks again.


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 20, 2017 (GMT)

Just an afterthought… does TorqueScan
show the extra responses as an [FExxxx]?

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 21, 2017 (GMT)

I’m not sure….are you asking if the TorqueScan screen (with the green bars and updating information) is showing any results with “FExxxx” for my custom PIDs? If so, no….but here’s what I did:

I loaded up TorqueScan—ran it and it essentially showed me (incorrect) but real values for Cylinders 1 & 2 (I programmed custom PIDs 065301 and 065302 for these measurements). Because I know the program is really only seeing cylinder 8, the values being displayed are incorrect.

I could not find any way to see the actual response or any detailed information—it just showed me the values for cylinder 8 on the screen.


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 21, 2017 (GMT)

I came across a thread where Ian said
that extra responses would be stored
in an [FExxxx] type pid which could be
referenced in the pid editor.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 22, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks. I think I found the discussion you were referencing.

In the discussion, the following is included:
Torque will now store the extra replies for your ECU.

You will need TorqueScan to see the IDs for the ECU (though once you see it, it should be relatively self explanatory) – then you will need to take the ID given and create a PID for it in the extended PID editor for it in the form:

PID: 0105
Equation: [fe2005] (or whatever the coolant PID was reported as in TorqueScan
Unit: Deg.C
(the rest should be blank/defaults. No headers, nothing else)

That should then be available to you in the app when an 0105 request is made, the multiple responses will be stored and then you simply view them as normal from that PID.

Any sensor that begins with 0xFExxxx is an extra reply from another ECU (that isn’t the default engine ECU) for mode 01 requests only. This will enable you to get the replies you want from the other ECUs when they are responding to a functional request

It works great! After setting up the equations to get the desired units, it works perfectly for the handful of PIDs I’ve been wanting to log for the 2nd bank. There seems to be a 1 cycle lag in the data, but that’s easy to account for when analyzing logs. Thank you so much!

I will try to determine the FExxxxx responses using TorqueScan, but I am having some difficulty capturing logs ….when the scan completes, no file is available for emailing. Other have noted the same behavior.

While I am doing this, I noted an interesting comment in the above mentioned discussion indicating using the diagnostic start and stop commands:

In the diagnostic start command, put:
ATSH7DF\nATCRA7EA (or whichever ECU it is you want)

and the stop command, which is important to also have:
ATSH7DF\nATCRA (note the missing 7Ex)

If I understand this correctly, it is essentially setting up a filter used by the receiver for capturing select data. Unfortunately, it appears that the ATCRA command only applies to CAN.

Questions (I am really stretching the limit of my understanding here):

  • Can the OBD ATSH, or ATSA commands (described in the STN1100 programming manual, page 6) be used in the same manner for my J1850 vehicle?
  • Could changing the ELM327 Programmable Parameter 02 (Allow Long Messages) have any value? or does TorquePro only capture the last 6 bytes, no matter whether they came in one or eight individual messages?


Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 22, 2017 (GMT)

Your situation is that all of
the responses are coming from
the same module. Eight separate
messages, not one long message.

I still believe Ian will have to revise
his app to extract the desired data.

Just curious… if you send request
065301 in a Send OBD Command
push button test screen or a terminal
program, does it still return all eight
CID responses or just the one?
(Not using the pid editor).

Posts: 2996
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 22, 2017 (GMT)

Bump for Ian’s attention.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 23, 2017 (GMT)

OK—I understand. I was hoping the commands would provide ‘receive side filtering’ functionality to allow me to filter/capture the results using the first 6 values (e.g., 465301xxxxxxxx, 465302xxxxxxxx, etc.). I guess I need to become a little more familiar with the commands and functionality…..

I’ll be traveling all day tomorrow and will not have time to give the direct terminal request a try. As long as I don’t encounter any difficulties, I should have an answer for you on Thursday.

Thanks again for all your help.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 23, 2017 (GMT)


Reviewing your posts, I think there ARE a couple of points you are missing.

First, I’m not sure where the opinion came from that Mode 2 is only applicable for model years ’06 and later. While it is true that ‘FORD’ does not seem to make individual misfire counts available through Mode ‘2’ on your vehicle (OR mine for that matter), for sure plenty of Torque’s preloaded extended PIDs should work. The problem is there is VERY LITTLE standardization in extended PIDs between vehicle manufacturers. In fact, I have found that there are OBDII PID assignment ‘differences’ between like Ford year models assembled in different plants. You practically have to ‘SCAN’ the PCM to determine which ones respond on your vehicle – THEN find out what they are. (But that PROBLEM for another thread)

Secondly: And more important (I have no expertise on the communications questions you raise) but I think you’re treating ‘TestID’ and ‘CompletionID’ as a Hex PID is a complete mis-application that will only lead you into farther trouble. Mode ‘6’ instructs the PCM to execute a pre-defined (and I think mandated standard) test. The ‘RESULT’ is ‘coded’ (again I think into mandated standard) ‘completion codes’ and data. From what I see, I think the Mode ‘6’ data you are chasing is NOT what you want anyway. According to (page 11 of 95) of the Motorcraft OBDII Theory of Operation Manual for your vehicle ( ) TID 53 is NOT EVEN for individual cylinder misfire “COUNTS”. According to the referenced manual page description (for J1850), Test ID 53 returns “Cylinder-specific misfire and catalyst damage threshold misfire rate (either cat damage or emission threshold) (Updated when DTC is set or clears) _in percent_ when multiplied by 0.000015.

Thirdly: Why do you not use “TEST RESULTS” from the main Torque Pro page. The App reads Mode 06 data, parses it out and formats it for you. On my vehicle this report gives misfire counts by individual cylinder.

Just a thought.

The Motorcraft OBDII Theory manual for other year models are available for free from



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 25, 2017 (GMT)


Thanks commenting and sharing your knowledge. As I mentioned, I am an absolute beginner in the OBD world, so I undoubtedly have some misunderstandings.

You are correct—I have been using the term “counts” loosely, I should have been using the term “raw values” or “rate”, which then need to be converted to get misfire %. I will try to be more precise in the future.

The Torque Pro “TEST RESULTS” you recommend was where I started with TP. Unfortunately, the results do not show cylinder specific information for my vehicle….if it did, this thread would not exist. For my vehicle, TP only shows a single Pass/Fail status. [I don’t recall if it showed a value and I don’t have access to my vehicle at the moment—if it did, there would have been only one value, not a value for each cylinder.] It is only a guess, but I suspect your vehicle either supports CAN and/or the Ford pre-defined extended PIDs which came with TP.

FWIW—-I don’t appear to be alone in the quest to obtain misfire information using 0653 for J1850 vehicles. Search for “Ford misfire” in this forum and you will see a screen-full of cries for help on this topic.

To your feedback about “chasing the wrong TID”—here is an article from Motor Magazine, which details how to diagnose Ford misfire situations using TIDS 0651, 0653 (my vehicle), and CAN.

Note the statement about the evolution of these TIDs over the years. From my understanding, while some tests in Mode 06 were/are standardized, manufacturers can (and have) implemented their own “non-standardized” YEAR/MAKE/MODEL specific tests. I have been using this document, the FORD OBD document you mention, and other forum postings as my primary information sources.

If my vehicle supported the Mode 06 CAN standard, I would have been looking to watch Monitor IDs A2-AD, CID 80 or 81 which appears to provide updated misfire rate values every 200 revolutions (Page 11 of the Ford OBD manual). Since my vehicle supports J1850, I don’t see a lot of options other than Mode 06, TID 53. If you have any J1850 compliant PIDs that you suggest I try that would provide actual cylinder specific misfire counts or the equivalent of the CAN Mode 06 Monitor IDs A2-AD, CIDs 80 and 81, I would love to hear more. These would likely be Mode 22 (proprietary/non-public) types of commands.

To your comment that you have seen “OBDII PID assignment ‘differences’ between like Ford year models assembled in different plants”—-WOW, that hurts my head. It sounds like detailed PID scanning/analysis is definitely going to be required, or some type of VIN to PID database. FWIW—as mentioned earlier, I have tried using TorqueScan, but am unable to capture/save the complete scan when it finishes, possibly due to a bug—others have reported the same issue in this forum. Based on your insight, I plan to revisit this issue this weekend when I have more time to investigate.

Again, thanks for sharing your knowledge—I appreciate your time in helping me work through this. Feel free to reply with any further corrections and guidance.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 26, 2017 (GMT)

Nice article in motor dot com magazine. And I agree with the value of the Mode 6 reports. Use them regularly myself. Mode 6 Misfire Report on my vehicle mirrors that in the Motorcraft OBDII Theory of Operation Manual for both mine and your vehicle. Mode 6 Test Results works flawlessly on my 2004 F150 5.4L Triton. Given the fact page 11 of 95 are identical in the 2003 and 2004 manual downloads – I’m muffed as to why Torque wouldn’t read and format your Mode six report – given adequate time (Mine takes a little while to complete). And I can think of no logical reason for OBD delaying, holding up, or being unable to produce the report in response to Torque’s request.

You might be able to derive benefit from some of my research posted at: . It is ALL from Mode 2. But EVEN one “Distance Driven with MIL OFF” does NOT work on my vehicle – but does on one of my friends 2005 F150 of exact configuration as mine! I agree the realization that PID assignments are not consistent even among like years & models of the same manufacturer makes one’s head hurt. SO, but I temper my statements of the first paragraph with that fact.



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 26, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks for the feedback. My guess in the previous post about why it works for your vehicle and not mine was correct:

Your 2004 vehicle is using CAN protocol.

In reviewing your research (very informative!), I looked at the way your PIDs were configured in your test results…..For example:

MID:a2 TID:80
– Misfire Cylinder 1 Data
Max: 24.49993% Min: 0%
Test result value: 0%

From this, your vehicle is clearly using CAN. Unfortunately, my vehicle is using J1850, and the cylinder specific A2-AD TIDs are not available.

Some additional info: Attached is a link I just found which shows that in 2003, ONLY 5% of Ford vehicles used CAN (unfortunately not mine), 2004 it was 50%, 2005 it was 85%, 90% in 2006, and 100% in 2007.

This chart helps to explain why some vehicles support CAN, and some do not, even for the same model year. I would guess that the conversion occurred factory by factory which would support your note previously about differences between manufacturing facilities. This also supports why the OBD documents from Ford are the same for our different model years.

In my earlier post, I commented that I read somewhere that Mode 22 was only supported after 2006…I clearly was mistaken. From this chart, it was CAN which was 100% implemented after 2006, not Mode 22. My apologies for any confusion.

So, with that said, I don’t give up easily. I suspect there is an equivalent Mode 22 extended PID for my vehicle which matches the Mode 06 A2-AD PIDs for yours. I just ran Torque Scan but there is definitely a bug—results can’t be captured and sent—even copying to the clipboard does not work. I’ll be opening a separate bug thread on that shortly.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 26, 2017 (GMT)

Very informative stuff. Proves there’s a lot more stuff I don’t know than there is what I do know. FORTUNATELY (for Me, but not you) I did a full Torque Scan back when the Plug-in Torque Scan WORKED and you could access the scan results. For this reason, I concentrated on sorting out WHAT each PID that responded represented and what it meant. (There are about 450 PIDs that respond on my vehicle – numerous ones consisting of flags – totaling about 560 PIDs that are meaningful).

Numerous forum members have tried to get Torque Scan fixed (which quit working after an update) to no avail: See: Perhaps you can help in this regard.

Meanwhile a very kind & smart forum member here came up with a simple Android SCAN App that is simple but does a great job. Even allows you to specify the Mode and start/end range. It has lots of flexibility and creates a log file of responses that can be downloaded to your computer. I should not duplicate it without his express permission, but you can check with member ‘cintakc’ and maybe he will arrange for you to have copy. It works GREAT.



Posts: 20
Post Re: Ford Misfire PIDs--ALMOST solved...
on: August 26, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks for the link to the Torque Scan post….looks like the plugin is abandoned as the issue has been open since early December ’16. Latest bump was only 10 days ago….no response.

I’ll try to contact cintakc. Short of writing my own, it sounds like the exact solution I am looking for.

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