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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » [Chrysler]Transmission Temp

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Author Topic: [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
Posts: 3
Post [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
on: August 12, 2017 (GMT)

I just added the predefined set of PIDs entitled Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Mercedes into my Torque Pro. The only PIDs are Transmission temp (Chrysler/Dodge), Transmission Temp (Jeep 2012 and later), and Transmission Temp (Jeep Pre 2012). I can select these to add as gauges on my dashboard.

On my 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan, I’m getting a reading of -40°F for the Trans.Fl.Tmp (Chrysler/Dodge) and a value of 149.5°F (at the moment) for the Trans.Fl.Tmp (Jeep pre 2012). I haven’t tried the Transmission Temp (Jeep 2012 and later).

Can someone explain why I’m not getting a reasonable value on the Chrysler/Dodge gauge? How can I determine if the Jeep pre 2012 value is accurate for may Grand Caravan?

Formula for the Chrysler/Dodge Transmission Temp is:

Formula for the Jeep pre 2012 Transmission Temp is:

Posts: 2
Post Re: [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
on: August 29, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from FLJohnson on August 12, 2017
Formula for the Jeep pre 2012 Transmission Temp is:

This is the formula you need to use.

Posts: 1
Post Re: [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
on: May 6, 2019 (GMT)


Could you please post the rest of the setup on how to read the Temp sensor.

Thank you!

Posts: 3
Post Re: [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
on: May 17, 2019 (GMT)

Update: I couldn’t get the Jeep Pre-2012 Trans.Fl.Temp. PID to work today on my 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan. I kept getting a value of something like 1021°F, but then I discovered I had to actually turn the engine on (running) to get the display to be accurate.

Posts: 1
Post Re: [Chrysler]Transmission Temp
on: March 20, 2021 (GMT)

I have a UK Grand Voyager 2010 CRD (in US Town and Country)
I have tried all 3 Extended PIDs. Two don’t return any thing and one returns -35 to -37 no matter what the temprature is for transmission. It says it is returnig data but I get nothing that makes sense.
I have tried various formula and PIDs but none work.
Can anyone help please?

The Normal Collant and other dials work fine.

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