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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Please start charging regularly for Torque

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Author Topic: Please start charging regularly for Torque
Posts: 25
Post Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

The Torque Pro app is absolutely amazing. It is an absolute steal at the price it is regularly offered at. Honestly, you are not charging enough for this app when you are only charging a “one time fee” of 5 – 10 dollars for it.

I poked my head in here from time to time over the past couple of years and the number of feature requests and compatibility requests (often for random and fairly rare vehicles, adapters and Operating Sytems) on this forum is absolutely mind blowing.

Requests like:

1. Requesting Torque to work with almost 20 year old vehicles (and a van at that) like this one – requesting the Transmission Fluid Temperature 2000 VW Eurovan

2. A request to get Torque to work with different adapters – such as – PLX Kiwi 3 adapter

3. Requesting features like getting torque to work with Google Chromecast.

These are only three of the types of requests the developer has to contend with. There are literally hundreds of these types of requests.

This amount of requests is enough to make anyone’s head spin. The requests go on and on and on and on.
I have a few questions for the community:

1. Does the app developer (Ean I think his name is) work alone developing the app?

2. Does the Torque developer have someone to help moderate this forum or does he just do it himself?

For the developer:

If you are working alone in developing the app and you do work alone moderating this forum, then I ask that you please get help. I would hate to see Torque die/become stagnant because of an understandably burnt out developer dealing with so much. It would be understandable if you got burnt out and called it quits.

Either volunteers could help you moderate this forum and develop the app for free to take some of the load off or you could hire some people. This is reasonable.

If you have to hire some people, please start charging a yearly fee for use of the app. Say, like 10 to 20 dollars per year.

You are also currently undercharging for this app. A one time charge of 5 dollars is no where near enough to help you with all the people throwing all this stuff at you, trying to keep up with it all and trying to please everyone. My head is spinning just reading all these requests and I don’t even moderate the forum, let alone work on the coding of the app.

Please charge more upfront for the Pro app – say like 30 to 40 dollars and/or start a yearly subscription fee so that you can hire the help you need to keep this forum answered and moderated as well as the Torque Pro app updated and compatible as newer things come out (adapters and Operating Systems etc.).

You have done such a wonderful job on this app so for but please get some help and start charging us regularly (or a lot more upfront) so that we can assist you.

Thank you

Posts: 18
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

I am the one who poked around with questions on the 2000 Eurovan. I don’t know where you get the idea that I was “requesting” anything. Maybe reading comprehension wasn’t emphasized enough in high school these days, but you should re-read the thread.

Also, why was a “van” so bad that you must sneer at the mention of a van?

How old are you, really?

Posts: 25
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

My post wasnt meant as a personal attack on anyone but you sure are awfully defensive.

Your personal attacks (implying “reading comprehension isn’t emphasized in high school these days”) is ironic because I question whether you actually read and understood my post.

My intention wasnt to make examples personal, just specific and not random. Perhaps, now in hindsight, I should have just made up random examples to not step on any toes. However, your example (and now response) is exactly what I am talking about in the OP. Your van is almost 20 years old no? You came on the forum trying to get something specific no? You are requesting to get help getting information that torque isnt providing you directly by asking for assistance in deciphering a transmission temp code for an almost 20 year old vehicle no? So you are requesting something.

The mention of a van, again, wasn’t a personal attack or a “sneer” as you so put it. Vans, when compared to sales volume of cars, trucks and other vehicles is fairly small. Getting help with an almost 20 year old vehicle that is not even that common is a great example of why I think the developer should charge a yearly fee or more upfront for the app.

There is nothing wrong with you requesting this type of info but reading all the requests and offering you, me and everyone else help, especially with specifics with app coding can be very resource intensive if the sheer number of requests is considered. Most likely very exhaustive if the developer has to work and answer alone. Something that could cause him to get burnt out which none of us want. I have requested things. You have requested things. Lots of people have requested things. Answering all this and making more options and compatibilities available can take a lot of work. Maybe too much work in trying to do everything by himself (if this is whats happening) and only charging five dollars initially upfront with free lifetime updates and improvements for all of us.

Its a shame you chose not to add anything constructive to the conversation. Perhaps your next reply will contain less insults and add a much more constructive reply. Perhaps you could answer the questions I asked. They are still open for you and everyone else to reply too. I look forward to constructive replies.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

To my knowledge Ian is a one man show
developing this app and others, admin to
the forum and the web server where log
data is stored.

Ian is also a father and husband trying to
balance family and work.

Since Ian is the only software developer I’ve
known that has willingly accepted suggestions
from others and acted on them, I choose to
cut him some slack when there are periods
of silence.

Its been my experience over the years that when
Ian has gone silent for long periods of time that
he is doing something great (the birth of his
children or new features for his apps).

The VW example you mentioned exposes a need
for Torque to parse multiple messages from
different modules to functional requests which
will benefit all users…not just the one. I’m sure
Ian will consider this request and others when
he can.

Posts: 25
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks cap777 for the reply.

Thats crazy that he is doing the app and this forum all alone. He has added so many features and improved so much compatibility over the years. A lot of people use and make requests for Torque features and compatibility improvements.

We all get lifetime updates. Making and continuously updating and improving this app takes a lot of work. Its a shame that once the market gets saturated and we all pay the measly small amount of five dollars up front, Ian will basically be working for free.

I agree that he is one of the few app developers that actually listens to every single request and actually implements many of them. Hats off to him so far for all he has single handidly done but I would like to see him get paid much better and regularly on an app that he has done such a nice job on and has improved so much over the years.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

Ian was working on adding J1939 support
which will open his market to commercial
vehicles and a large number of persons
are waiting for that to happen.

Ians willingness to improve his apps is why
so many use his products.

As for me I will continue to offer my support by
beta testing when I can and making suggestions
to make Torque Pro the best on the market.

Posts: 25
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

I am glad Ian is opening this app commercially.

I was actually gonna make a seperate post on this topic. I would like to see Torque on every new, say Chevrolet or Ford. I would like to see Torque automatically come up on the center display when a person starts their new Chevy, Ford (insert manufacturer here), or just be one screen swipe over.

I would also personally like to see Torque display on a “heads up display” or secondary screen if Chevy, Ford or whoever doesnt want to put Torque on the center display console.

Right now, im using a seperate dedicated phone, hooked up on my dash and automatically started and stopped by the “Tasker” app just for Torque. I would like to have it on an innate display, not a secondary aftermarket display like I have now. Its so great he is going commercial.

All this takes time. I would like to pay Ian more then a measly five dollars. I think we all should pay a lot more given the quality of this app, how much it has improved and how much time Ian has put into all of this. Im glad he will probably get paid big time if he goes commercial.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

I have to join @txbearsfan81. Just note the sticky with highest page count. Reading through them _IS_ mind blowing how ridiculously far out and specialty oriented some are. Having programming experience helps to recognize how time consuming some of the seemingly simple request could be to implement. Nevertheless, the Change Log is the second most page popular sticky.

AND the developer doesn’t even use Google Ads on the Forum or have a facility through the App, Forum, or Wiki where you are needled for guilt driven ‘donations’!

I am retired and not wealthy by any measure but I agree with the OP, that Lan – like anyone who provides value through their time/efforts deserves to be compensated fairly according to the benefit derived from those endeavors. (ie: doctor – nurse – educator -mechanic – or programmer) And Five dollars is way below the fair level for the intuitive, powerful, customizable app Lan has put together. It is truly stunning when anyone realizes it can read – display ANYTHING your vehicle is capable of reporting. I’ve dug up over 500 individual Parameters on my ’04 F150 5.4 Triton. Not a single one of them that can’t be displayed on any one of a number of useful gauges. The app is every bit as powerful as Fords “Integrated Diagnostics System” – which costs LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Then to realize, this same thing can be done with ANY vehicle out there regardless of the manufacturer!!!

I, for one, do not want to see the App sold off to some money hungry conglomerate where us users would TOTALLY lose the personal touch with the developer. Hope Lan takes a page from Bill Gates – and never turns loose of the rights to his proprietary methods.

I would cheerfully pay more. (I’ve made feature requests myself, and need the latest version of Torque Scan repaired).



Posts: 2994
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: April 24, 2017 (GMT)

Now if we could get the other part of the
population from rating Torque poorly because
they can’t find a custom non legislated pid for
their vehicle – for the cost of a hamburger. SMH.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: February 9, 2019 (GMT)

Quoting from @txbearsfan81 ‘s thread of April 24, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from txbearsfan81 on April 24, 2017
The Torque Pro app is absolutely amazing. It is an absolute steal at the price it is regularly offered at. Honestly, you are not charging enough for this app when you are only charging a “one time fee” of 5 – 10 dollars for it.

I poked my head in here from time to time over the past couple of years and the number of feature requests and compatibility requests (often for random and fairly rare vehicles, adapters and Operating Sytems) on this forum is absolutely mind blowing.

Requests like:

1. Requesting Torque to work with almost 20 year old vehicles (and a van at that) like this one – requesting the Transmission Fluid Temperature 2000 VW Eurovan

2. A request to get Torque to work with different adapters – such as – PLX Kiwi 3 adapter

3. Requesting features like getting torque to work with Google Chromecast.

These are only three of the types of requests the developer has to contend with. There are literally hundreds of these types of requests.

This amount of requests is enough to make anyone’s head spin. The requests go on and on and on and on.
I have a few questions for the community:

1. Does the app developer (Ean I think his name is) work alone developing the app?

2. Does the Torque developer have someone to help moderate this forum or does he just do it himself?

For the developer:

If you are working alone in developing the app and you do work alone moderating this forum, then I ask that you please get help. I would hate to see Torque die/become stagnant because of an understandably burnt out developer dealing with so much. It would be understandable if you got burnt out and called it quits.

Either volunteers could help you moderate this forum and develop the app for free to take some of the load off or you could hire some people. This is reasonable.

If you have to hire some people, please start charging a yearly fee for use of the app. Say, like 10 to 20 dollars per year.

You are also currently undercharging for this app. A one time charge of 5 dollars is no where near enough to help you with all the people throwing all this stuff at you, trying to keep up with it all and trying to please everyone. My head is spinning just reading all these requests and I don’t even moderate the forum, let alone work on the coding of the app.

Please charge more upfront for the Pro app – say like 30 to 40 dollars and/or start a yearly subscription fee so that you can hire the help you need to keep this forum answered and moderated as well as the Torque Pro app updated and compatible as newer things come out (adapters and Operating Systems etc.).

You have done such a wonderful job on this app so for but please get some help and start charging us regularly (or a lot more upfront) so that we can assist you.

Thank you



Posts: 64
Post Re: Please start charging regularly for Torque
on: February 12, 2019 (GMT)

He even put support in for those dreaded over length PIDs so I could get data out of my BMW… took some months but it arrived :)

There are yet some things so improve and fix but for this small price you can’t expect one dev to solve them all within days. Raising the price also raises the expectation.
I’d go with a donation model with some small perks attached – but nothing too fancy but apparently Ian has no interest in getting ridiculously rich or he already is :)

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