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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Track Recorder plug-in different?

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Author Topic: Track Recorder plug-in different?
Posts: 2
Post Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: March 30, 2017 (GMT)

First, great app.
Second, my Track Recorder plug-in does not seem to have the functionality demonstrated in the YouTube video posted by Ian. Link below.

1. “Free” display
My Track Recorder plug-in displays “Free” in the lower right corner while Ian’s video does not. (Frankly it seems no other YouTube Track Recorder videos have “free” in the display) I am not using a free version of Torque Pro but I am using a free Track Recorder plug-in. If there is paid version of the Track Recorder plug-in, I have not found it.
2. G force “dial”
In the lower right corner of Ian’s video, there is (what I would call) a G-force dial. If my Track Recorder plug in has this functionality, I have not been able to find it. Great dial.
3.Map inset
Ian’s video has an inset map in the upper right corner. I can only overlay a map over the entire screen.
4. Multiple cameras
Ian’s video shows the images from 3 different cameras. While I have not yet used an external camera, I have seen no other YouTube Torque Pro videos that use more than one camera.
In fact, I have not seen other YouTube Torque Pro videos that have the functionality above (other than the don’t have the “Free” text in the lower right corner). Is perhaps Ian posting a video of beta software?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: March 30, 2017 (GMT)

I found that the Map inset and the “Acceleration widget” are both available in the “Realtime Information” section of the Torque Pro app but not in the “Track Recorder” section of the app.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: June 27, 2019 (GMT)


Posts: 6629
Post Re: Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: June 27, 2019 (GMT)


The version of track recorder at:
is what you should have installed

No version I have made has ‘Free’ on the screen.

What version of android are you using? If you’re on a pre android 5 device then it doesn’t support quite a few features, meaning you have an older vesion of track recorder installed (that can only handle the things pre android 5 handles). If you are using a version of android that is > 5 then you should have all the features available!

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: June 27, 2019 (GMT)

Mine shows “FREE” space available for
recording, but I noticed that your first
google play store picture did show
displays which are not available in
my current version: accel and map.

Older 2.3.6 device.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Track Recorder plug-in different?
on: June 27, 2019 (GMT)

Aaah!, yes!, disk space free, not free as in ‘free app version’!

Yes – that’s the older version for older handsets, unfortunately the earlier versions of android didn’t support some of the more recent features, so there are currently 2 versions of the app out – one to allow older handsets to keep using it, and the newer version that takes advantage of newer features in android

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