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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Beta Test Errors

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Author Topic: Beta Test Errors
Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 10, 2018 (GMT)


The -11 code is a google play internal error code(unfortunately google aren’t forthcoming with what the error code actually means)

Usually it’s either:

* An authentication or connection issue
* You’ve run out of free space on the device (the new apk is 4Mbytes bigger than the last one)
* Google Play itself has a corrupted cache store and needs clearing
* The device just needs a reboot
* The apk hasn’t finished rolling out to all the play servers yet

(hopefully it’s one of the above – it should not be an issue with the app installing – just tried it on an old android 2 HTC Desire and it’s installing ok)

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 10, 2018 (GMT)

Cleared Google Play cache as well
as all installed apps.

Rebooted device.

System memory of about 250M available.

Still failed with same error. I guess I’ll wait
awhile then try again.

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 11, 2018 (GMT)

Tested version 1.8.194 on my Samsung
Tab 3 and found…

* Graph display is missing gridlines for
all but the two largest sizes in Track Recorder.

* histogram displays missing center
reference line in Track Recorder.

* Track Recorder icon is different than
my other device… camera versus the
new graphic.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 12, 2018 (GMT)

Did you manage to get the update on your device in the end? (Just published the next beta, this one is likely to be the next full release if no problems are reported)

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 12, 2018 (GMT)

No. Still getting error -11. Thanks for asking though.


I noticed during my last attempt to install that
it went beyond the 4M to a full install. Sadly it
didn’t resolve my error -11. Thanks for trying.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 12, 2018 (GMT)


I think this is an issue with google play itself:

To fix it, you’ll need to try:

* Go to the app settings on the device (Settings, Applications, Manage Applications, Click the ‘All’ tab, and find:

‘Google Services Framework’
‘Market’ (or Google Play if it’s updated)

In each of these, first hit ‘Force Stop’ and then hit the ‘Clear Data’ button (and ‘clear cache if it’s lit)

This will remove the corrupt whatever is in the app and should then cause the market/play app to fetch fresh data when you visit the app page

This may log you out of google play temporarily so it may ask you to login again, which is normal

Edit: Tested on Android 2.2.2 here on an HTC Desire so should be working for you too, which makes me think it’s the market app breaking the installation

If you have manually installed from a backup file (apk) then you may need to uninstall that as it can cause issues with the play/market app when trying to update/install

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 12, 2018 (GMT)

Just spent a lot of time on the phone
with Google Support.

Cleared data and cache for Google Play
Store and Download.

Rebooted device then tried again but still
got the Torque Pro error -11.

Then asked to update another app which
was ready for update which to my surprise
updated successfully.

Google Support declared Google Play working
and suggested I update my operating system
and/or talk to the app developer.

I guess 1.8.194 was my last update for my Galaxy
Exhibit 4g. (2.3.6 Gingerbread).

Thanks Ian for trying to fix my issue. I greatly
appreciate your helpful suggestions.

No manual install. All apps are from Google Play

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 12, 2018 (GMT)

Jump To Pid Editor observation…

I have edited properties.txt to set
dialStartAngle and dialStopAngle for
a custom vacuum pid to 35 which

I noticed that if I jump to the pid editor
by long pressing the vacuum gauge then
display configuration… after returning to
the realtime dashboard the vacuum gauges
Start/Stop Angles revert back to default of
zero. Have to leave dashboard then return
to get the correct settings of 35 back.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 13, 2018 (GMT)


I’ll look at the interaction on the properties as that shouldn’t happen – probably something small I’ve missed on that so I’ll get it sorted

As far as the Exhibit 4g – still relatively confident that this is a device issue itself,…… out of interest, have you tried completely uninstalling the app from the exhibit and re-installing it from google play?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 13, 2018 (GMT)

I have thought about doing a uninstall but
feared it wouldn’t work. At least my device
still has a working version of the app which
can still be used when needed.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 13, 2018 (GMT)

Have you manually installed an APK? If you’re comfortable with that I can send the older (working) version to you if the latest one doesn’t work after uninstalling/reinstalling

Though it’s your call, I’d like to get this sorted on your device

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 13, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks for the kind offer but I am just
going to let it go (for now).


I have since updated several apps including
RealTime Charts plugin successfully. Torque
Pro is the only app yielding the -11 error in
Play Store.

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 22, 2018 (GMT)

I noticed this feature of the latest version
I create a new profile and create new devices in it, then close the profile and go to another profile and in it on the screen devices from a new profile

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 28, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from admin on January 13, 2018

I’ll look at the interaction on the properties as that shouldn’t happen – probably something small I’ve missed on that so I’ll get it sorted

As far as the Exhibit 4g – still relatively confident that this is a device issue itself,…… out of interest, have you tried completely uninstalling the app from the exhibit and re-installing it from google play?

End Quote.

Ian I finally got to a point where I could try uninstalling
then re-installing Torque Pro. Sad to report that the install
failed with same error -11. Needless to say I’m Torqueless
now :-(

Beta version 1.8.194 was the last working
version for me before the uninstall.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 29, 2018 (GMT)


I’ll try to get that version to you by email so you can get that installed again and up and running (there’s no way to do this without installing manually) – though I’m still in the middle of moving house so it may be a day or so!

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 29, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks Ian.

I have never manually installed an app so
there may be some instructions needed.

Take as long as you need. Congrats on the
new house for that growing family :-)

Posts: 6
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: February 11, 2018 (GMT)


Been following this thread. Have 1.18.199 running a locked to Rogers (Canadian) Android 2.35 on LG P235g where the Free version installs correctly but the 1.18.199 does not the famous -11 error. Even kept the phone to minimum space for apps. Am an iPhone user using this only for OBD with no external SD card. totally erased and reset the phone and updates to google play store were the only things that happened.

Looks to me that I would need an older version of Torque like 1.18.194 to have it installing.

Free space for internal SD card is 3.14 gigs of the 5.57 gigs available.

Internal phone storage (2 places for space? Different in IOS) is 668 mb

Believe that I’ve done the clearing of cache in Playstore app several times

I’m a newbie at Android unlike my IOS experience, but am willing to do what’s necessary


Car Nut

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: March 8, 2018 (GMT)

Bump for Ian.

It appears I’m not the only one
with this issue. Are you sure this
isn’t a Torque Pro problem?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: May 30, 2018 (GMT)

Apparently beta version 1.8.202 has magically
fixed my google play error:-11 issue with
1.8.199 install.

Thanks Ian!!!

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: May 30, 2018 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.202


Doesn’t seem to save my bt device setting
Keeps throwing me into the selection menu
when restarting app.

Map View not working (though Track recorder
map shows).

Track Recorder now showing a blinking message
about Faster communications not set. This setting
not being saved probably because of device
issue mentioned above.

Tips setting is not being saved. Keeps turning
back ON when restarting.

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