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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Beta Test Errors

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Author Topic: Beta Test Errors
Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 9, 2017 (GMT)

Will single quotes and double quotes be
interchangeable in the future for csv files?

Noticed that single quotes are required to
get proper results.

Important edits in previous post ^^^ :-)
about alarming.

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

you can add ?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on December 10, 2017
you can add ?

End Quote.

In the meantime, would this work?


Just curious.

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

thanks, I checked, this formula works

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

there is a need to add text to the formula by the value zero

for example: Gear, where the zero value gives ’Parking’

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

I very nearly added int24 but thought I was being silly and nobody would want it – proved me wrong :)

I’ll add that in the next beta (currently rewriting TorqueScan at the moment, which may or may not include a nicer screen/layout for tablets)…

Single quotes are used for strings in equations because double-quotes aren’t going to play nicely with CSV exports/imports and would need to be escaped… I feel that’s a bit messy for anyone using a text editor to do this so I’ve avoided it by using single quotes instead (leaving double quotes happily in the CSV file)

0=’P’ should be working – if it’s not I’ll try to check tonight/tomorrow and will fix, same for the other bits and ideas on the previous page (a little bit snowed in at the minute)

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

piemmm, Thank you.
Int24(A:B:C) – often required, eg:
“CVT oil degradation”,”CVT oil deg”,”2110″,”AB*65536+AC*256+AD”,”0″,”220000″,”-“,”7E1”
“AWC Odometr”,”AWC Odo”,”210D”,”(F*65536+G*256+H)/10″,”0″,”1677721″,”km”,”7B6″

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 11, 2017 (GMT)

Substituted 0C and 0D with 1600 and 75.244
respectively which should have resulted in
0.830 matching ‘6th’ gear. It did not. Test
showed correct equation data but wrong
result. (It almost looks to me like the difference
from the closest match but text was not used).


Also tested Cintakc Lookup example and

Lookup(0::0=’who’:1=’moo’:2=’boo’) showed who
Lookup(1:: … showed error
Lookup(2:: … showed error
Lookup(7-5:: … showed error
Lookup(3:: … accepted

Posts: 173
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

what is the tollerance of the values “CLOSEST” funtion uses to decide/show the closest match?

I’ve done some records to see the ratio between engine RPM and vehicle speed depending on the gear in use, and for variuos reasons i’ve found that the ratios are not a costant exact to the tenth,

Trying to exclude the moments where the clutch is pressed and when is sliping during gear shifts i’ve found these values of engine rpm/vehicle speed

6th gear: 19.00 – 19.30
5th gear: 22.80 – 23.20
4th gear: 28.80 – 29.50
3th gear: 40.20 – 41.40
2nd gear: 59,80 – 61.90
1st gear: 100 – 110

(maybe for 1st and 2nd gear I have collected too few data to have consistent values).

someone can help me to to create a working equation with the aboce data?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
2010 Mazda 2.2d – 185
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Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

capp777: can you check you’re on the latest beta – the lookup(1::0=’who'(etc)) is working here from the examples you’ve given, so not entirely sure what’s up

The closest function simply does a subtraction from the search value to the current value, and chooses the smallest one to return from the list of supplied values – there’s no ‘tolerance’ as such as it’s all double-precision arithmetic at that point

I’ll look at the functions again tonight to check that I’ve not missed anything (at the moment I’m stuck doing a long overdue upgrade of the mapping tile, upload, and theme servers)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

I would think Ian is looking at the difference
between the value (my example 0.830) and the
ratio choices in the key list…



After a quick bubble sort…

The smallest difference should be the match.

Not sure how Ian has programmed this.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)


 double closestFound = Double.MAX;
 loop through search values {
    double diff = Math.abs(currentValue-searchValue);
    if (diff < closestFoundl) {
       closestFound = diff;
       // some more bits

(though Ive just noticed a small issue when not returning a string value which I'll get sorted)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

My testing was with 1.8.190

I’ll go back and try again. It almost
seemed like “value” couldn’t be the
number in the key list?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

OK will look at that tonight – if you have a screenshot ( I know it sounds daft) of the ‘error’ that’ll help loads (email is ok to if that’s easier to do)

Bit rushed for the next 2 days so I’ll try my best to get things sorted out!

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

on the latest beta – the lookup(a::0=’who'(etc)) is working

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)

Ian found my testing with lookup was
failing due to the single quotes used by
the phone being different than the single
quote used by Word in my UTF-8 csv file.

Still curious why some equation values worked
but others didn’t under the same problem.


Went back to gear pid and edited equation
on my phone to retype all the single quotes…
and now am getting 6th text displayed.

For some reason the single quotes from my Word
UTF-8 csv file don’t play well (even though they
look the same in the pid editor).

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)


Assuming you are not having the same
single quote issue I had…

You will need to edit the equation to match
the details of your vehicle:

1.830 is tire circumference – yours is 2.000
2.813 is differential ratio – yours is ?

then edit gear ratios in the key list to match
what is actually used in your vehicle.

Remember that your speed may actually be
a little more than actual and will need to be
adjusted out.

Posts: 173
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: December 12, 2017 (GMT)


My tire circumference is 2000 millimeters

No idea about gears/differential ratios but i can find out…

I’m so lazy that I’ve think to show the gear in use simply doing RPM/VEHICLE SPEED so 0C/0D and then put the values on “closest” function and use something like this:


Not sure if it works, I will try this one this evening.


Ok, the above equation seem to work except to the fact the pid editor doesn’t allow to save the it because [0C]/[0D] is equal to NaN when speed is equal to 0, to fix that I have put [0C]/([0D]+1) .
Tomorrow I’ll test better: need to findcthe exact ratio for 1st gear.
I have to manage also the cases when the car is stationary with engine ON or the car is moving in neutral

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
2010 Mazda 2.2d – 185
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 2, 2018 (GMT)

Not sure if this problem is related to the
beta but the “Unable to verify license…”
message is back intermittantly. Note my
internet connection works without issues
for this forum, maps, etc.

Recently had a chance to view O2 data from
Test Results. Observed that the label for the
bottom graph changed to the chosen sensor
while the label for the top graph stayed on
sensor 1 while the actual data was coming
from sensor 2.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: January 10, 2018 (GMT)

Beta Torque Pro version 1.8.196 is failing
to install on my Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4g.
Error -11 reported after each failed attempt.

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