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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Beta Test Errors

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Author Topic: Beta Test Errors
Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 21, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on October 17, 2016
Torque Pro 1.8.130b

Scales x0.001, x0.01 and x0.1 are still
only showing x0 in the dashboard displays.

The yellow process variable displayed for x0.001 is
only showing (2) places (hundredths).

Any way to test alarm sounds before selecting like
pressing the sound name to test and its button
to select?

Day/Night theme switching worked on my
Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4g. Pretty cool :-)

While Torque switched themes when starting
the app it didn’t switch this morning while the
app was left running. Exited app then restarted
and the correct theme was used.


End Quote.

Torque Pro 1.8.140

The yellow process variable for x0.001 is still showing
(2) places hundredths not (3) places for thousandths.

The suggestions included in this thread would allow
user to “fix” as desired as an alternative.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 21, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.140b

On startup of app I am now getting unable
to verify license check internet connection
message even though my connection is fine.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 22, 2016 (GMT)

That’s excellent as I’ve been trying to track this down as to if it is an intermittent google server issue or not (the message won’t affect the ability of the app to operate)

Can you reboot the device and see if it is still happening – if it is then I’ll look into it (as it is possible that it could be a transient google play issue)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 22, 2016 (GMT)

After rebooting my device I started and
stopped app over a half hour period but
did NOT get the message this morning.

Don’t think this is related but I have been
getting a google play services error message
on reboot for the last week or so. (I captured
a screenshot with the details just in case and
will add image to this post.

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

Make sure you have the latest version of google play services and clear cache for google play and its services

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

Other minor bugs

If if i try to change title of of push button title does not change

If i try to set maximum value for a graph, it does not change


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.140b

Thanks for the advice SpideRMaN. I’ll
give it a try.

I created a SEND OBD Command pushbutton
and was successful at changing its title.

I was also successful at changing the maximum
value of a graph of my custom pid.

Can you post which pushbutton and graph pid
you were testing? If possible I will try to

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

The push button is to Reset Calibration (displayed as Calb Accel)

The graph (medium size) is for an o2 sensor, i wanted to set maximum value from 1.2v to 1.0v

Thanks for your reply

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

I wonder if these are “locked down” deliberately
since they are provided by Torque.

My observations:

Some of the pushbutton titles are changeable
while others were not.

The max values for my O2 graphs were not
changeable too.

Again I wonder if this was by design since
these are Torque provided pids?

Thanks for sharing!

Just another user.

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

No, they are not torque provided pids, they are extended pids


Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)


No not intentionally, it’s simply how it was coded (and I’ve never tried to change the title of the pushbutton so haven’t noticed)

I’ll have a look at this during the next betas, though I have to complete a dashboard plugin first (was hoping to do the plugin last week but ran out of time)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 26, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.142

The TFT polynomial pid for the Ford 7.3 OBS
is showing incorrect results using the test function
in the pid editor. The step by step listing seems to
be stopping short of completing the long equation
and is displaying what looks like the first term as
its value.

Finishing the steps by calculator would have given
the expected value.

This used to work.

I will try to post images tomorrow trying to show
what is described above.

Notice how the first terms equal the reported value
for the pid.


Correct answer is 261.98044

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 27, 2016 (GMT)


Ok – there’s no change in 140 to 142 other than to fix the GPS and set some sensible units for new users so I’ll wait for the screenshots

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 27, 2016 (GMT)

Ok, that’s a big one. Will look at it tonight, just got home from helping a user out

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 27, 2016 (GMT)


You need to use brackets around the equation steps to make sure things are calculated in the order you want, basically the last step to the equation parser looks like:


This is because the parser calculates the rightmost part of the equation first, and then does the left bits. And what you probably want it to look like is:


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 27, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks Ian.

This equation once worked as is in the
parser. I need to go back to the thread
which included it to revise accordingly.

I’m thinking one of the updates changed
how the parser interpreted it. At the time
the exponentials weren’t working and I
noticed that they are now. That’s why I
went back to test.

Since these were never added to Torque there
may be a number of 7.3 OBS users affected by
the change. Hopefully they figured it out.

Posts: 173
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 31, 2016 (GMT)

beta version .146

on the opening screen is present the track recorder icon even if track recorder is not installed.
Pressing the icon the app opens the realtime dashboard.

Installing the track recorder plugin causes the presence of two track recorder icons, one opens the track recorder plugin the other opens the realtime dashboard.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
2010 Mazda 2.2d – 185
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 31, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks for pointing that one out! (part of the update for the track recorder got out there, but it’s not quite ready yet)

I’ll get that fixed and another beta out in a bit – currently most of my time is being taken up by battling amazon support (who currently aren’t very supporting despite their well intentioned efforts!)

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: November 9, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on November 4, 2016
Bump for edits.

Ian this applies to 1.8.152.
[Ford] Transmission Fluid Temperature (Method 3).

TFT F OBS from above.

End Quote.

Equation issue for newly added pid.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: November 9, 2016 (GMT)


Noted, thanks! I’m a bit 110% at the moment trying to get the track recorder out before this week and making sure it works on as many devices as possible – this also includes a Torque update that should be out tomorrow to add extra functionality required by the updated plugin. Once it’s done I can get back to sorting out the other bits you’ve noticed!

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