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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Beta Test Errors

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Author Topic: Beta Test Errors
Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

Ok sorted those 2 issues out

You can now choose the ‘send’ menu item in Google Drive to send the PID list directly to the import screen in Torque as well (saving a few clicks and messing about with files on the SD card)

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on October 6, 2016
Ok sorted those 2 issues out

You can now choose the ‘send’ menu item in Google Drive to send the PID list directly to the import screen in Torque as well (saving a few clicks and messing about with files on the SD card)

When importing a pid (beta 124) from a csv exported from torque the scale factor reverts to 1x even if its x1000 in the csv file

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.124

No longer able to load multiple .csv
files as needed? Appears to only allow
one .csv file at a time with a replace

I have broken my pid lists into multiple
files (loading the minimum needed for
the task at hand) due to performance
issues with Torque Scan on my Galaxy
Exhibit 4g. The plugin seems to fail 50%
of the time and gets worse with longer
pid lists. Eventually it does load and work.

My system ram is running about 35%

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)


Is TorqueScan failing when you actively set it to scan, or simply viewing the list of PIDs?

I’ll sort out the multiple lists in a bit – it should be loading them fine though the dialog for some reason doesn’t pop up every time which I’ll get sorted out today

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

OBDI Jeep…offline list of
known pids.

Seems to fail during loading
before list is displayed.


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.125

Speeling error in…

Settings>Units>Use Newton-Meters

instaead [sic] 😉

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 8, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.127

Still not able to add multiple pid .csv files
without replacement.

.csv file with SCALING values are not affecting
the pids. All are loading as x1.

Display text for 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 scaling is
showing only x0.

Some issues previous posted still not resolved.

Histogram bars are spiking past display upon first
entry of the dashboard which includes it.


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.8.128

Previous issues above still remain ^.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)


When you say the histogram bars are spiking, can you demonstrate (or tell me if you’re using an equation or not that uses a time delta?)

Does it do it for something like RPM (when it’s unpopulated or at 0) or on a specific ‘standard’ sensor? or is it only on user pids?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

Using Accel(z) for histogram test.

When coming into the histogram for
the first time, sometimes all the bars
actually draw all the way to the top of
the dashboard even extending beyond
the display itself. It only lasts for a very brief
time until the histogram updates.

Tried capturing a screenshot but it happens
to quickly to catch.


I noticed that it happens when you add the
histogram as well.

Tested offline with Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4g.

Adding a histogram for Engine RPM offline will
actually result in all the bars spiking and remaining
since there is no data to update.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

Ah – I think that’s the auto-scale function of the histogram there, everything is level, so it’s basically scaled it up

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

Can you tell me if the CSV replace/keep option is working for you – I’ve tested it here with several generated (exported) CSV files from the app and it appears to do the replace/keep as directed

is it possible, if it is still a problem for importing, that you could mail me 2 of the problem CSV files to so I can test with them here

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

For my testing I cleared then re-added my
.csv file. Scaling defaulted back to x1 even
though my beta test pids (one for each scale)
specified differently. The x0.001, x0.01 and
x0.1 only shows x0 on the gauge.

The message for adding a predefined set implies
conflict with existing pids (which none are duplicates)
and wont allow adding additional pid sets to the
current list. (Edit: a duplicate pid was found to
be the cause of message)!

As mentioned before I have been adding “sets” as
needed versus an extremely long list with everything
included. Helped with my Torquescan failure rate.


I was using my personally created .csv file. Last
time I tried exporting the pid list from within
Torque scalings were all x1.

Exported file from Torque to drop box with the
proper scaling again… then exported from dropbox
back to the extendedpid folder. Cleared pid list
and re-added. Scaling lost again.

By the way how do you export to your phone’s
extendedpid folder?


Found .csv replace message was unique to only
a few of my files and not yours. After a line by
line review I found the duplicate pid(s) which was
causing the message. It is working as intended. Sorry
for another misdirection on merging multiple .csv files.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)


No problem :) The scaling in the next upcoming update should also be fixed too

At the moment you can’t save inside the folder from the app, though I can always add that functionality (I’m guessing a save, load, delete style function for that folder would make sense) so will put that on to the todo list for the next set of betas

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 13, 2016 (GMT)

Most of these should now be fixed ready for the next update which will hopefully also make its way to release

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 14, 2016 (GMT)

The exported .csv file includes a pid value
in fields that were originally blank. After
re-adding the pid set the populated pid
field is causing “not connected to ecu”
error. No longer able to test until the pid
field is returned to a blank state.

What happens if another user has already
consumed these addresses before adding
the exported list?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 14, 2016 (GMT)


That’s actually a bug and I’ll get that sorted today

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 14, 2016 (GMT)


If there’s a PID already in the list, then it will be polled as well and the equation will be populated. The only issue with duplicate PIDs is that you can’t use [xxxx] but instead have to use VAL{name} to get the value.
The long name is the ‘key’ as there should only ever be one of the same name

Posts: 96
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 17, 2016 (GMT)

Beta 130

Unfortunately torque stopped working [report] [ok]

Went back to 128 and all ok

(galaxy note 4 android 5.1.1) rooted

Posts: 173
Post Re: Beta Test Errors
on: October 17, 2016 (GMT)

+1 on stock Galaxy s7 with android 6.0.1

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
2010 Mazda 2.2d – 185
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