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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Webview graph shows kph instead of mph

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Author Topic: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
Posts: 1
Post Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: April 3, 2016 (GMT)

Logging into the webpage on torque, then displaying the graph says GPS speed (mph) and OBD speed.

I noticed on a recent trip that the values are on the high side – Today I checked them and it seems that although it says they’re in MPH they appear to be KPH.

Also, where do I get the torque server side software, am sure I’ve seen a link (long time user of full/pro version) before but can’t find it!

Excellent app btw, wish there was a better way of making vids for upload too.

Can we confirm bug in torque/web or have I mangled my settings? :p

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: April 3, 2016 (GMT)


I’ll have a look, but if you recently changed your units settings (whilst logging was enabled) then you’ll need to restart the logging session for it to send the new units preferences to the server (they are sent when logging starts). So if you were connected when you changed the units, you’ll need to disconnect then reconnect for the logging session to start using the new units – this is because changing units half-way through logging would be confusing!

Posts: 3
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: June 10, 2016 (GMT)

Ditto here. I’m a long time user of Torque, first time I’ve used the webview however. My units have been set to imperial (MPH, Farenheit, etc.), not metric, within the Android app for ages. Like OP however I’m also seeing KPH as well as celsius on my first logging experiment.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: June 10, 2016 (GMT)

Actually, as I look back at the webview again a little clarification. The units *indicated* are correct but the values for each data point, based on spot conversions and compared to what I know the values should be, are in Celcius and KPH. My cruising speed was on average between 60 and 65 when the speed limits permitted, engine coolant was running 190-200F, and trans temp once it came up was hovering in the 190F range. Trans temp Method 1 by the way is showing on the graph as ‘kfe1805…’.

Quote from divjnky on June 10, 2016
Ditto here. I’m a long time user of Torque, first time I’ve used the webview however. My units have been set to imperial (MPH, Farenheit, etc.), not metric, within the Android app for ages. Like OP however I’m also seeing KPH as well as celsius on my first logging experiment.

Link to graphic of what I’m seeing in the Webview –

Posts: 3
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: January 4, 2017 (GMT)

Sure I’ll post a “me too”. The graph is showing 63.9 where its a 45 zone, and since 63.9 kph is 39.7 mph (and I wasn’t blowing through the neighborhood), I’m betting its storing kph and thinking its mph (since my setup is in mph). I’ve been running mph since I’ve started it, and its the first time I’ve tried logging and I selected ‘clear logs’ before the run, so I would think everything was in mph before I started out.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: January 13, 2017 (GMT)

Going to add to this as well, since I am having the same issue. I have been using all US/imperial units since I’ve started running torque. Now that I am uploading to the web viewer, my speeds and temperatures are in metric. Looks like there is some sort of bug. Hope it can be fixed.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: January 26, 2017 (GMT)

Hi all – new users of Torque (Pro version) here! Both my partner and I are experiencing the same problem – the speed shown on the web view is listed as kilometres per hour instead of miles per hour. Like everyone else who’s posted, both apps are set to record as MPH for British viewing.

I’ve checked the resultant CSV files directly and these are showing figures recorded as KMPH too, so I’m assuming it’s an issue with how the app is recording the data as opposed to anything else. I did wonder if it was somehow the web server interpreting the data wrong but it doesn’t look like it?

I’ve done a forum search and can see this has been an issue since 2014 (I just did a basic site search for “SPEED MPH” without the quotation marks) and this is a real shame because the app is absolutely superb. We’re both really impressed, but hoping there’s a fix on the horizon?!

EDIT: Quick thought from the missus – default settings on the units page are set as MPH, Celsius, metres and kilograms. Obviously this is a mix of imperial and metric units. Is it likely that it can’t hope with mixing these? Can’t see why it would be an issue, but thought it was worth mentioning :-)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Webview graph shows kph instead of mph
on: April 22, 2019 (GMT)

Hi, It seems that the fix is in and users of kilometers now find that the CSV file shows the correct kph values, while the web file shows the same data in mph. There seems to be a transform from the csv log from kph to mph. This can be fixed by checking what the Torque units are and using these units in the transform. Otherwise Torque is a very useful application. Thank you.

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