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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid

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Author Topic: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
Posts: 3
Post Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: February 1, 2016 (GMT)

Hi . Is anyone out there using Torque Pro with a Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid? Particularly I am interested if anyone has been able to get catalyst temperature sensor readings or anything that might help to see a dpf regen occurring?


Posts: 1
Post Re: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: November 14, 2016 (GMT)

i have a 9-3x ttid and can’t get anything to give me an indication that a DPF is happening. it would be incredibly useful

Posts: 40
Post Re: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: November 16, 2016 (GMT)

try the app DPF Info (
If it works then it can be done with torque as well.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: August 10, 2018 (GMT)

an old thread i know, the dpf info app does work is there anyway to get this info in the torque app??

Posts: 40
Post Re: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: November 5, 2018 (GMT)

This is my configuration (with some italian):

DPF Status
indica la % di intasamento. da 80% in poi è possibile che parta la rigenerazione del filtro. Terminata la rigenerazione non torna a 0% ma riparte da circa 12%.
Pid: aa0118
Long name/short name: quello che preferite
Min: 0
Max: 510
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: r3*2
OBD Header: lasciare vuoto
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

indica la % di rigenerazione in corso. E’ a 0% normalmente; inizia ad aumentare poco dopo l’inizio della “Pulizia”, che termina al 100%.
Pid: aa0118
Long name/short name: quello che preferite
Min: 0
Max: 255
Scale: 1
Unit: %
Equation: r8
OBD Header: lasciare vuoto
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

DPF km
indica i km percorsi dall’ultima rigenerazione
Pid: aa0118
Long name/short name: quello che preferite
Min: 0
Max: 500000
Scale: 1
Unit: km
Equation: 5*(256*r6+r7)
OBD Header: lasciare vuoto
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

Hope it works for you
You can read how I arrived there in topic (first 4 pages);

Posts: 49
Post Re: Saab 9-3 1.9 ttid
on: January 30, 2021 (GMT)


Just to share an info find on this Forum thanks to Cintakc.

I use to use the -Vincent’s PIDs (found thanks to cintakc again ^^) to spot the DPF regenerations…
You can predict the regen and go on highway as soon as you see the soot calculation at 65-70% and try to make the regen entirely. It was much better for pollution issue (my exhaust ends stay clean longer).

But since I found the PIDs for Exhaust Temperatures, I notice something about regen : The percentage regeneration start when the exhaust is already very hot. It means that the regen start (or is prepared by an increasing of fuel injection) lightly earlier than the regen counter.

So you can make a “better regen” by spotting the temperature (about 400°C, It means that the ECU want to regen).

There is the PIDs :

Pid: aa0117
Long name/short name: Catalytic temperature sensor
Min: 0
Max: 1000
Scale: 1
Unit: °C
Equation: r7*4-40
OBD Header: leave blank
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

Pid: aa0117
Long name/short name: DPF temperature sensor
Min: 0
Max: 1000
Scale: 1
Unit: °C
Equation: R9*4-40
OBD Header: leave blank
Diagnostic Start Command: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Diagnostic stop command: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

I set 1000 even if the temperature shoulnd’t rise so high. ^^

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