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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?

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Author Topic: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
Posts: 2
Post Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: August 31, 2015 (GMT)

My 2007 Prius is showing as having a P1121 fault when I press “Show logged faults”. Does this mean that this is currently and issue with my car? How are logged faults different from the others? Also, my check engine light is off which is why I’m not sure if logged faults mean that the problem is current. Thanks!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: September 1, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from quinnsimmons on August 31, 2015
My 2007 Prius is showing as having a P1121 fault when I press “Show logged faults”. Does this mean that this is currently and issue with my car? How are logged faults different from the others? Also, my check engine light is off which is why I’m not sure if logged faults mean that the problem is current. Thanks!

I guessing it’s just the terminology of Torque.
Pending means a fault was recognized but it hasn’t met the criteria to be a full current, or “logged”, code. Usually it takes two instances to be a current code.

Historical you don’t see much. I believe it’s when the code clears itself. Historical clears when the codes are cleared.

Hope that makes sense.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: September 1, 2015 (GMT)

So this is a current problem that I need to address?

Posts: 4
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: September 2, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from quinnsimmons on September 1, 2015
So this is a current problem that I need to address?If your check engine light isn’t on then, maybe not.
Clear the code and monitor if it comes back.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: October 16, 2018 (GMT)

I have fixed all my faults but cant seem to clear my historical faults.
1. Low temperature
2. Cam shaft & crank shaft coralation

Live in the philippines and have used this program with much success in Olongapo City.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: April 24, 2021 (GMT)

Okay cuz I have a historical code popping up for low cooling. I pulled the coolant level sensor plug out and it shoots me another code for pending I plug it back in and historical code still remains p007 bravo and then it reduces my engine power. If a historical cord is something that corrected itself why is it my engine still reducing power without any other code?

Posts: 645
Post Re: Difference between logged, pending, and historic faults?
on: April 25, 2021 (GMT)

could be anything, weird programming or anything else

i would say do a reset or a hard reset to clear everything and see what happen’s

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