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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!

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Author Topic: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
Posts: 6
Post Re: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
on: December 6, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on December 5, 2019
Please note the alternate equations
suggested in my earlier posts… still waiting
for someone to try the 2A Dpid also
mentioned previously.

Glad you got it working with the better adapter.
I am curious what header is being used with

Well, 1000/15625 = 0.064 and 1/16 = 0.0625 so I doubt I’ll see much difference from 0.063. It looks like either one of your alternate equations is more accurate than using 0.024 in my case.
How would I tell which header is being used with auto?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
on: December 6, 2019 (GMT)

Go into the pid editor while connected
with vehicle running and “Test” for hex
response from vehicle.

ATH1 elm command turns display of header
ON while ATH0 turns it OFF.

Adding command to the diagnostics start
command field should work temporarily.
There is also a send OBD command
pushbutton that could be used as well.

Posts: 6
Post Re: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
on: December 6, 2019 (GMT)

Not sure I did what you wanted. I get a response of 7F22130112
when I test.
I did try 6C10F1 in the header instead of Auto and it works if that helps.

What is the 2A Dpid?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
on: December 6, 2019 (GMT)

The interesting reading links
above point to threads
which discuss the full 2A… dpid
address used. It may actually work
for you and vehicles that use a
different pid than 221301 as well.

Based upon previous posts with Cintakc
I believe Torque variable addressing
may be off by a byte for A… and Nx type
addressing for 6A responses to 2A

I was wondering if the 6C10F1 worked. Thank
you for the update.

Posts: 2
Post Re: GM Cam Retard Offset PID Found!
on: May 2, 2023 (GMT)

So can anybody tell me what the solution to this problem is? I just purchased the torque app myself for my 97 k2500 gmt400 blew a head gasket had to remove the distributor put it all back together now I can’t get away from the 1345.. runs great most the time just tuned it by ear but the dash light bothers me and I’m not using electrical tape to fix that problem.. LOL

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