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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected

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Author Topic: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
Posts: 11
Post Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs supported
on: November 22, 2014 (GMT)

My car is Nissan Sunny 2013, engine 1.5 HR15DE. I purchased ELM327 bluetooth from BAFX and install Torque Pro 1.8 in my Nexus 4. The Bluetooth connecting are ok and I have successfull check for ODB2 information with other software such as DashCommand, ODBII-Elm327…

When I try to connect with torque pro, software is alway using protocol 15765-4CAN11/500 to connect and send the error “ECU reports no PIDs supported”

Could you please help to sovle this problem?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 23, 2014 (GMT)

Is there anyone from Torque support for this case? Today I had one time successful connect to my car ECU and read some information such as engine RPM, ODB speed… However, after I exit and restart torque, it couldn’t connect anymore (the car icon is still on solid blue, not blink, but application tell me that no PIDs supported.

is there anyone can advice?

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 23, 2014 (GMT)


What country did you purchase the vehicle in?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 24, 2014 (GMT)

Vietnam Sunny 2013 version, similar to China Nissan Sunny and Thailand Almera N17.
I don’t think the car dealer has blocked ODB2 communication because I can read information very well with other ODB2 tools such as DashCommand, Car Doctor Pro.
I want to use torque because of its friendly interface.
Please help to fix.

PS: I have sent debug log to torque, don’t know if you can receive or not

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 25, 2014 (GMT)

Below are some screenshots I took from another software that have success connected and read ODB2 information from my car.

ODBII Scan Master detected that there are two types of ECU: E8 and E9

ODBii-ELM 327 Car Diagnostics (free and simple software) can connect and read some basic information such as engine RPM, speed…

ODB Car Doctor Free can read also

And Dash Command Pro can have very good dashboard

All above softs use ISO 15765-4 CAN (11/500) to connect to ECU.

How ever, as said, I am still want to use torque because of friendly GUI and plugins. Please help me to fix this issue

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 25, 2014 (GMT)

Try a terminal (Elm Basic and other) program file manually team and see the answers from the unit ECU

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on November 25, 2014
Try a terminal (Elm Basic and other) program file manually team and see the answers from the unit ECU

Which software did you use for those image cintakc? I try to search ELM327 Chat application but didn’t search out yet.
Below are result which your suggestion commands, using elmbasic. Don’t know why my ECU only return 7F 21 80. What doest it mean?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)

By the way, I tried to user Piston to connect to ecu and below are detail log of connection. I have read the engine RPM successfully

Android 5.0

Linux version 3.4.0-perf-g60eefcd ( (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 10 18:28:38 UTC 2014

Bluetooth dongle MAC address: 00:19:5D:E9:8B:97

AT Z\r
AT Z\r\r\rELM327 v1.5\r\r>

AT E1\r
AT E1\rOK\r\r>

AT H1\r
AT H1\rOK\r\r>

AT SP 0\r
AT SP 0\rOK\r\r>

01 00\r
01 00\rSEARCHING...\r7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13 \r\r>

AT DP\rAUTO, ISO 15765-4 (CAN 11/500)\r\r>

09 02\r
09 02\rNO DATA\r\r>

01 00\r
01 00\r7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13 \r\r>

01 20\r
01 20\r7E9 06 41 20 80 00 00 01 \r\r>

01 40\r
01 40\r7E9 06 41 40 CA 00 00 00 \r\r>

02 00 00\r
02 00 00\r7E8 07 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 07 42 00 00 58 18 80 03 \r\r>

02 20 00\r
02 20 00\r7E9 07 42 20 00 00 00 00 01 \r\r>

02 40 00\r
02 40 00\r7E9 07 42 40 00 4A 00 00 00 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 14 82 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 14 82 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 14 82 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 14 82 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 14 82 \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 15 AE \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 15 AE \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 15 AE \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 15 AE \r\r>

01 0C\r
01 0C\r7E9 04 41 0C 15 AE \r\r>

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)

I forgot to write, after the team ATAL, give the command 10C0 is the initialization command communications, then 2181, 2183, 21FE

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)
01 00\r
01 00\r7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13 \r\r>

01 20\r
01 20\r7E9 06 41 20 80 00 00 01 \r\r>

01 40\r
01 40\r7E9 06 41 40 CA 00 00 00 \r\r>

According above results, the PIDs that my ECU is being supported should be 01 04 05 0C 0D 11 1C 1F 20 21 40 41 42 45 47
How come torque couldn’t detect those responses from ECU?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)
01 00\r
01 00\r7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13 \r\r>

Hi Torque developers

As showed above, my ECU returns two values for 0100 request, the first one doesn’t contain any pid. Should this be a root cause of problem that Torque can not detect any PID supported?

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)

7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \ 7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13
7E0-request 7E8-address response EFI
7E1-request 7E9-address response Transmission

Torque gives requests to address 7E0, and waits for a response from the address 7E8,
and your power ecu answers from the address 7E9, so he should be given a request to 7E1
that is, you need to create additional PIDs or write a file csv
requests at 7E1 address

Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 27, 2014 (GMT)

Hi Cintakc
I try to add the custom init string into torque but no luck. Could you please advice of what should I add to tell torque reading 7E9 ECU?

Below are several init string I have tested:
ATSP6\nATAL\nATSH7E0\nATCRA7E9 : this case torque can connect to my ECU but the status is “checking model…” for too long time (5 minutes, can’t wait more)

ATSP\nATAL\nATSH7E1\nATCRA7E9 : this case torque even cannot connect to ECU and the blue car icon keep blinking

I don’t know how exactly step that torque did to read the supported PDIs but when I tried with elm basic, it is quite simple with few at commands as below:

AT Z\r
AT Z\r\r\rELM327 v1.5\r\r

AT E1\r
AT E1\rOK\r\r

AT H1\r
AT H1\rOK\r\r

AT SP 6\r
AT SP 6\rOK\r\r

01 00\r
01 00\r7E8 06 41 00 00 00 00 00 \r7E9 06 41 00 98 18 80 13 \r\r

Please help for the correct INIT string

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 27, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from dunno on November 27, 2014
Hi Cintakc

ATSP\nATAL\nATSH7E1\nATCRA7E9 : this case torque even cannot connect to ECU and the blue car icon keep blinking

Please help for the correct INIT string

string is not correct, check the box “Use alternate OBD header”
create an external PID,example: the engine speed 010C,
create a new device on this PIDs


Posts: 11
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 28, 2014 (GMT)

It ‘s typo mistake, I actually set the init string to ATSP6\nATAL\nATSH7E1\nATCRA7E9 and the blue car icon kept blinking forever.

But… great hint from you, I have found a work around to solve my probelm. I created a custom extra PID with Diagnostic stop command: ATCRA7E9. So after added a display of new PID in Realtime Information plugin, torque read ECU again and success connect to corrected address I want.

This is work-around solution only because if I don’t open the realtime information plugin, torque will not read the address 7E9. So I still need torque team give out the longterm solution

Again, thanks a lot for your hint cintakc

Posts: 3
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: February 27, 2015 (GMT)


Would you describe to me how did you make it work?

I have Nissan sunny 2013 & I can read the sensors using Torque free edition, but I can’t read it using the pro edition which is very strange!


Posts: 4
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: June 22, 2016 (GMT)

I have some solution for HR15DE engine for year 2013 and above, with my nissan livina (in Indonesia) please reply into this post if u need responses from me, to make sure this thread still active

Nissan hr15de owner

Posts: 5
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 25, 2017 (GMT)

Can you help me with Livina.


Posts: 6633
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 27, 2017 (GMT)


I’m going to look at this in the next couple of beta to see if I can get it sorted – the main issue is that the engine ecu address is replying with 0 pids enabled (though another ECU is replying with some enabled). It should be possible to sort out with ATCRA 7E9 in the custom init and the atsh 7e1, as pointed out above, but it seems something may be stopping it from working properly

Edit: I’ve made some changes which will be in the next beta which should now fix this (beta .182) which will be out in a day or so – you’ll need to join the beta to get this update if you haven’t already done so

Posts: 5
Post Re: Nissan HR15DE 1.5 engine (Micra/March/Almera N7/Sunny2013) - ECU reports no PIDs detected
on: November 27, 2017 (GMT)

Thx for the update. How can I access the beta ?

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