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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » License Verification

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Author Topic: License Verification
Posts: 5
Post License Verification
on: October 14, 2014 (GMT)

Hi, good morning ;

I bought the program and now it can not pass the license check. Whats is happing?

I have installed and uninstalled several times the problem was not resolved. I ask you to release my license!

Connected or not on the internet and in the car, the license does not work.

Posts: 518
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 14, 2014 (GMT)

bring it in and sync with wifi and it should verify and be good for a while.

Posts: 5
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

It dont work ! See the vídeo : I need a solution ,I paid for the app, I have the receipt and it does not recognize the license;

Show me a solution !!!

Posts: 518
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

How about a little patience. I’m just another user trying to help….

Did you sync your phone with a wifi network and open Torque?

I can’t read anything in that video, its too low quality. All I see is you in your vehicle, trying torque and it not working.

Did you to ask I proposed?

Posts: 5
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

ops, sorry. I’m really angry. I’ll make another movie with best quality. The intention is that some of the developers pay attention to the problem. Already synchronized, I’m trying everything. The license does not work.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

Did you purchase Torque through Google Play?

Like Frodus… I was under the impression that the
steps Frodus gave should work.

(Full disclosure – another user trying to help).


Verify you are using the same google account
used to purchase Torque.

Posts: 5
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

Yes, and i have the ticket of payment.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

Found this quote by searching forum…

Quote from admin on May 31, 2014

The license verification is only needed once when the app is installed (or the OS upgraded), then it is cached for 365 days (it does not need a connection after being verifiied for this amount of time)

As long as you don’t change the OS or reinstall Torque, then it won’t need to reverify the license

The license checking has worked this way for a couple of years – make sure you have actually managed to let the app verify the license (can take a couple of minutes depending on googles servers). The app will always try to update the license (so your 365 days is automatically extended) if there is a data connection present, otherwise it should simply wait until a year passes before it absolutely must reverify the licence :)

End Quote.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: License Verification
on: October 21, 2014 (GMT)


I’ve spoken to google support (their new support system rocks!) – it’s been confirmed as a problem at their end which they’re investigating and that it only affects a few people (not everyone) unlucky enough to use whatever bit is broken

They’re usually pretty good at fixing things once they’ve been told about it – I’ve supplied them information on people that have an issue to help their people find what’s going on.

Unfortunately there’s little I can do at my end, though I’ll post here when they give me some more information (hopefully the notification that they’ve fixed it)

The license servers and license itself is good for a year if there’s no contact with the google servers for that amount of time (so you can have an offline device once it’s been registered), and the timeouts/retries are very very relaxes for it. Unfortunately in this instance however there’s a rogue response being sent back specifically saying that the app isn’t registered to the user from the google server that’s having issues.

I’d encourage anyone else having the issue to also contact their support with details of the problem (they can then pass your google account id to their engineers which will help them find and fix things)

Posts: 1
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 7, 2014 (GMT)

I’m not sure I understand. Mine is doing the same thing. After the last upgrade it is telling me that it cannot verify the license. When you say to contact support are you speaking of Torque support or Google support?


Posts: 2994
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 7, 2014 (GMT)

Google. Ian has been trying to work with
Google support to resolve these issues. It
is only happening to a select group of users.
(Most likely on a specific license server used
by Google).

Letting Google support know of your problem
will assist the Google engineers to track down
and fix the problem(s) hopefully.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 11, 2014 (GMT)

Bump for users still having issues…

Posts: 14
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 14, 2014 (GMT)

As I said, Torque is installed on the android head unit in my car.

My head unit is not connected to the internet.

Every time I start Torque when and try to run Real Time, Google Play store opens and wants to connect to the web. I believe it wants to authenticate my licence to use torque, however, as I am not connected to web it can’t.

As soon as I close google play, the real time screen closes and I can’t get past the main screen (home page)

I have run torque from my garage using the wireless from my router, google play is happy once it connects to web and I don’t have a problem.

Is torque meant to authenticate every time it’s used? If so, it’s worthless if you are not connected to the web?

Posts: 14
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 19, 2014 (GMT)

Do the developers of Torque have any information on how to fix the authentication problem please.

I phoned Google Play and they were as disinterested as a Muslim being offered Pork.

I really need to use the program, I can’t.

Posts: 14
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 20, 2014 (GMT)


This is a real problem for people who have paid real money, surely it deserves the developers full attention.

Posts: 518
Post Re: License Verification
on: November 20, 2014 (GMT)

This is not a Torque developer issue, its a Google Play issue. The server is not authenticating the software.

If you’ve got an issue, contact google play support and tell them it isn’t authenticating. Ian has contacted them and they’re aware, and there’s nothing else Ian can do.

Posts: 16
Post Re: License Verification
on: December 1, 2014 (GMT)

Yeah I too am getting this issue.

Posts: 16
Post Re: License Verification
on: December 1, 2014 (GMT)

Wow…. Google support is terrible… where the heck to I find a form to fill out to get this sorted. Seriously this is why I hate google/android! Happy to sell your information, not so good with the helping.

Posts: 16
Post Re: License Verification
on: December 1, 2014 (GMT)

Has anyone actually got support to fix this issue?

Posts: 16
Post Re: License Verification
on: December 4, 2014 (GMT)


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