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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Bluetooth Repeater Beta

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Author Topic: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
Posts: 7
Post Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 20, 2014 (GMT)

I’ve searched the forum and couldn’t find any info on this so pardon if this is a repeat post.

Nexus 7 (2012) WI-FI version
Nexus 5
both are running 4.4.4
ELM327 ODBII adapter
06 Scion xB

I can run both devices fine without using the repeater app individually to the ELM

I set the nexus 5 to connect to the Nexus 7 under ODBII adapter settings

Under vehicle profile I have set it for the Nexus 7

Start the app on the nexus 7 wait for it to connect start the app on the nexus 5 it doesn’t read

Check the adapter status Information it says that it has a connection to the adapter Nexus 7 but nothing connected to the ECU

I get the same results if I try to reverse and have the N7 hooked to the N5

Now I’ve tried to Uncheck faster communication and I’ve tried Disable ELM327 auto timing adjust and have it enabled but again it leads back to the same problem where they aren’t communicating I realize that the plug in is in Beta form right now but I know that there are people using this with tablets and phones.

I’ve even tried it with my old Galaxy SII and still have the same issue.

Am I doing something wrong?

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)

need to try to register the initialization string in your profile machine

Posts: 7
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)

So this string goes into my nexus 7 or nexus 5 and where do I input this string?
Sorry for the n00bness

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)

Torque-settings-profile-edit-last paragraph

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)

I believe that the init string is
not needed if the vehicle ecu
connected successfully without
using the BT Repeater plugin.

I would try following the instructions
given for the BT Repeater plugin again
in case a step is out of order or missing.

Did you…

Install BT Repeater plugin on Android
device that has the OBDII adapter
connected (local).

Blue Tooth pair Android device with the
other Android device (local and remote). *

Start Torque on both devices (local and remote).

(On remote device) Tell Torque to connect
to your Android device using Blue Tooth.

Your connection should now be shared.

* missing step – connection not established ?

Please let us know if this works.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on August 21, 2014
I believe that the init string is
not needed if the vehicle ecu
connected successfully without
using the BT Repeater plugin.

I would try following the instructions
given for the BT Repeater plugin again
in case a step is out of order or missing.

Did you…

Install BT Repeater plugin on Android
device that has the OBDII adapter
connected (local).


Blue Tooth pair Android device with the
other Android device (local and remote). *


Start Torque on both devices (local and remote).

Yes even waited for the N7 to detect the ECU first before booting Torque on the N5

(On remote device) Tell Torque to connect
to your Android device using Blue Tooth.


Your connection should now be shared.

Please let us know if this works.

Here’s a few screen shots

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 21, 2014 (GMT)


That’s an interesting one! – The N5 is connecting to the N7 correctly (and Torque can see the BT repeater plugin ok as per your screenshots, so we know that bit is working and that we’re connecting to the correct app)

However, the BT plugin is either not seeing Torque locally on the N5, or you’ve managed to find a small bug (hence the beta status :-))

Can you tell me more about the N5 setup (specifically, what protocol you’re using to connect to the ECU (in the adapter status screen), and anything you’ve put into the vehicle profile

I’ll try to reproduce it here then and will hopefully be able to see what’s up!

Posts: 7
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: August 22, 2014 (GMT)

Here are the Nexus 7 settings which I use as the primary device I hope I took screen shots of what you are looking for.

And here are the screen shots for the settings on the nexus 5
if this isn’t what you are looking for just let me know

I understand it is in beta so no worries.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: September 6, 2014 (GMT)

For a moment tonight I thought it was going to connect the car icon stopped blinking but come to find out another app was updating in the background.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: October 14, 2014 (GMT)

Can I connect Torque Pro running on Blackberry Playbook to the Bluetooth Repeater/Torque Pro running on Nexus 7?

That will be a great use of my Playbook!

I would like to know if it is possible before I buy the Playbook version, since I have only a Bluetooth O.D.B. that works very well with the Nexus but not with the Playbook as it is documented.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: December 30, 2014 (GMT)

Just wondering if there is any news on this

Posts: 2
Post Re: Bluetooth Repeater Beta
on: June 13, 2019 (GMT)

The app is now from 2014, any new developments on it? Currently it would not functionally on my devices.

Should it be as a Plugin in the first Torque? I cant see it on it and the second device can’t connect to the “dongle” at first

I hope for it, it could be fine for me

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