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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?

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Author Topic: Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
Posts: 3
Post Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
on: August 16, 2014 (GMT)

I need someone with an 03+ crown vic or grand marquis to pull up torque and set a guage for the intake manifold pressure and tell me what psi readings you are getting in idle. Thanks if anyone can help.

Posts: 72
Post Re: Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
on: August 16, 2014 (GMT)

It is probably unlikely to get someone with that particular car to respond. In light of that, here are some guidelines: The MAP (manifold absolute pressure) sensor provides readings of absolute pressure not relative to atmospheric pressure. When the engine is off, it should be around 100 kpa (15 psi) which is normal atmospheric pressure around sea level. When the engine is idling it should be roughly half (50 kpa or 7.5 psi). This varies quite a bit depending on the engine design, but is generally no lower that about 35-40 kpa.

Electrical test engineer

Posts: 3
Post Re: Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
on: August 16, 2014 (GMT)

Thanks for your response. Long story short I suspect a vaccuum leak at the intake manfold which is why I’m asking. With the car off it’s at 15.1 PSI and when the car is started and in park its at about 5 PSI. Does that sound off at all? Thanks!

Posts: 72
Post Re: Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
on: August 17, 2014 (GMT)

I can’t say for sure of course, but that reading indicates a lot of vacuum ( -10psi relative ) and that would not be consistent with a vacuum leak.

Electrical test engineer

Posts: 1
Post Re: Anyone with a 03+ crown Vic/grand marquis?
on: March 10, 2021 (GMT)

It’s easy unplug your battery for 15 mins then plug it back in then turn the ignition halfway let the dinging completely stops then crank it cut on ac on hi hold gas pedal at about 1/2 grand for 5 min soft idle don’t over due easy dont let off steady hold dont release pedal what this does is factor resets your computer and will adjust everything back to normal after 5 min of the process hope it helps

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