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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Pro Amazon App Store

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Author Topic: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
Posts: 10
Post Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: May 25, 2014 (GMT)

Could you add Torque Pro to the Amazon app store?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: May 26, 2014 (GMT)

Seconded! I have Amazon Coins I’m ready to spend for Torque Pro.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: May 27, 2014 (GMT)


Unfortunately there’s problems with the amazon app store licensing terms (for using their store) which I do not like (one of which is a clause that lets them override anything the developer sets, basically removing control of the app from the developer)

They’re aware of the terms I disagree with (I have been talking to them regarding this to try to work around the issue), and the ball is in their court as to what to do next. If those terms are permanently removed or excluded, then it’s likely Torque will make it to the amazon app store

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: September 30, 2019 (GMT)

I’m dredging up an ancient thread because I don’t know what else
to do and accomplish what I need. There’s no obvious means of reaching
Ian, having to sign up on a forum to even try is a pain in the ass, and
if all I want to do is ask about alternate purchase methods because
not everyone HAS or WANTS a google account, WTF is one supposed
to do WRT obtaining Torque and paying its originator what is clearly
deserved?? Ian: dig up my email addr and get directly in touch,
please. This is more of a problem than you realize.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: September 30, 2019 (GMT)

if you have an android phone or device then you have an account end of story

if you don’t have one of these then the app is of not much use

Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: October 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from moreause on September 30, 2019
if you have an android phone or device then you have an account end of story

Be careful about making assumptions. What you say is patently untrue. I have a Samsung tablet running Android version 8 with no Google account whatsoever. Been happily using it that way for over 2 years now. I would also like to see a way to buy Torque Pro without using Google Play Store.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: October 1, 2019 (GMT)

yeah probably possible

but can i ask why you don’t want a google account ??

and let just say that in this day and age..not having one is a limiting factor if using a tablet or phone ….as you are providing proof

just try download torque pro into google a got a bunch of hit

just not sure if they are all safe since your not paying

google play is more secure

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: October 1, 2019 (GMT)

I also run my ‘droid devices generally google-free, and there
is high merit in doing that. If it’s not your thing,fine,
don’t be a hater over it. But the app-store requires far
more supplication to the dark overlords than I’m comfortable
with — at a minimum, doing a bunch of reconfig and then
having to back it all out once I’m done. It’s a pain in the
ass, and accomodations *should* be made for alternate paths
to obtain apps, even if they carry caveats about “security”
and unknown sources. There are easy enough ways to verify
what you have.

It’s sad and a little astounding that I have to explain
that in a community like this. Less blind complacency in
one’s life is what makes us thrive and grow.

Anyway, recent reviews of both Torque variants at the store
[which can be read without logging in] seem pretty mixed, in
terms of support. What’s going on with Ian/piemmm ?? Is
development still active at all? This is an important thing
to consider, with all the different fundamental *types* of
vehicles coming out now [full electrics, etc].

I’d just like to see a little more versatility with regard
to distribution. Doesn’t have to be Amazon and in fact some
people might have their own issues against Amazon too, but
just *some* bit of informed choice here.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Torque Pro Amazon App Store
on: October 1, 2019 (GMT)

the thing a was wondering yesterday
is if it was possible to download the app on a let say sacrificial device or friend and then transfer it to your device

I was more into privacy and other stuff in the past

i have to say … i’m still carefull but not so much

they can probably get you anyway by just having the device lol

ps..don’t forget that it’s a 5$ app

and some people think that a 5$ app will do the same as a 1000$ software

some other should be asked what kind of service would you give for 5$

standard OBDII is easy to create …. when you get into advance PID it way more time consuming and car specific

is there a way to create and then erase the account to prevent the darkoverlord take over…i suspect it’s like a vampire once you let him in once…he can continu to come in lol without your consent

i found this ..probably not working since it’s a $$$ app

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