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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions

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Author Topic: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
Posts: 10
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: January 14, 2017 (GMT)

Torque is expecting a standard hex response.
Not a floating point number. Maybe Ian can
add a function for the conversion.

Yup, you’re absolutely onto the right thought model now. The “new” function is what would be required, and specifically must accept a QWORD as input. Floating point values cannot be converted from hex via the integer math you were suggesting during the first version of your post.

There’s a great website I just discovered which can show you how to deconstruct the hex-to-float conversion: (I am not connected to this site in any way)

Paste in my example hex data 41ABB732 into the “Hex value” field at the top, ensure the default checkbox for “Show Details” is checked, and then press the adjacent “Convert to Float” button and see the result.

Thank you for your reply and your consideration :)

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 7, 2017 (GMT)

hi i want to make a custom pid for TFT in a ford ranger px1
auto the ford spicif ones trans temp 1/2/3/ in the list dont work with the 3.2 diesel you get no dater or engine coolent dater not trans oil temp can any one show me how to it ?
thanks Bob

Australia FNQ

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 7, 2017 (GMT)

2014 PX ranger try this PID
Transmission Fluid Temperature
degree C

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 23, 2017 (GMT)

thank you
when i put that in
it says variable ‘303.44065_17.78’ does not exist
but when i remove the -from before the 17.78 and ad a +
i get a green tick
but the raw dater is wrong as it reads -0.007c
and should be around the 90 c as it is at full operating temp
as is the engine at 86 c ?

Australia FNQ

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 23, 2017 (GMT)

Could you post the raw hex response
and the expected °C TFT temp?

My notes show a possible signed
equation like…


I would think 80°C unless you’re pulling

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 24, 2017 (GMT)

im not sure what raw hex response IS ? is it the values you get from Torque Scan ? ( im not up to speed with getting data out of Torque and sending it to some one ?
im told by guys that have scan gages 2 that 96C is the normal
operating temp on a 32c day (just saying what i was told )

i have 2 X obd 11 dongles one is a cheap elms327 mini china clone
the other is a PLX kiwi 3 BT 4

the kiwi 3 reads more Pids then the cheap clone way is that ?
i have a pid that works with the kiwi 3
the equation is

PID NAME= 221e1C
short name = Trans Temp
long name = Trans Temp
min V =0.0
max V= 250.
scale =X1
unit =C
equation =((((SIGNED(A)*256)+B)*(9/80)+32)-32)*(5/9)

this works with the kiwi3 , but not with the ELMS 327 clone
i got this pid off the NEW Ranger forum but every now again it reverts back to -16c and stays there for awhile them goes back to normal ?
the ford specif pids are useless on the ranger as it uses a different ecu to the USA F trucks
ford transet van has the same engine in USA

ALL so i have two devices with Torque Pro loaded bouth android
one is VER 4.4.4 the other is 4.2.4 when i but the custom pid (as above ) in to the 4.4.4 ver it says xxxxxx doese exist or not compatible and i dont get the green tic
way is the pid OK on one device and not the other ?
thanks for any help

Australia FNQ

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 24, 2017 (GMT)

While connected to your vehicle…
edit the custom pid and press TEST.
It should show the raw hex response
coming from your vehicle.

The equation I provided should give °C
directly. Your equation takes °F and converts
to °C. (Same °F used by Ford 6.7 I suggested
to you in another thread).

I suspect your clone adapter is faulty. There
were two other Ford threads that had problems
retrieving some PIDs that were resolved by
replacing adapter. (I recommend BAFX and
OBDLink MX).

Are both versions of Torque Pro the latest
from google play?

Also suggest taking this to a different thread since
we are getting off topic of this one.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)

thank you
i will look at the raw text and send it

yes both ver of Torque Pro were loaded on the devices on the same day ( about 2 months ago ) from the play store so it has me confused

i have ordered a new adapter as i want to run Torque Pro on my
road navi S160 android in dash unit and it will only read BT 2
and the kiwi 3 is BT4 (i have been using my note8 with the kiwi 3 )
(sorry if its off topic i dont know were to move it to ?)

Australia FNQ

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)

here is the
results of equation 32.375
7E905621E1CO29C (this value keeps changing the last 3 digets )

variables used in the Equation
A=2(HEX=02.BINARY =00000010)
B=6(HEX=06.BINARY =00000110)

A lot of these # keeping changing while its running
i guess its because its live dater ?
is ther a way to save the dater and send it via email or text
instead of writing it all out ?

this pid seams to work fine with the kiwi 3 giving a TFT of 95c under load with a ECT of 86c
and AAT of 35c and IAT of 48c
the elms clone wont even read it or find it in the Torque scan mode

thanks Bob

Australia FNQ

Posts: 1665
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)


you have a superfluous number 5

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)

yes it seams i did ad an extra 5
by mistake

Australia FNQ

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)

You are getting a valid response from
7E1 so I definitely believe your clone
adapter is suspect.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 26, 2017 (GMT)

ok thanks
ill report back when i receive the new adapter
is there a correct pid for ranger oil temp the one i have says 65c at operating temp witch is wrong .i would imagine 110 to 120 c
and is oil pressure monitored my the ECU or just over 7 psi is ok ? like on or off

i have read that the 3.2 diesel sensor does not put out pressure is that true ?

Australia FNQ

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 26, 2017 (GMT)

You might test 22F45C for a response.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: February 27, 2017 (GMT)

pid 22F45C doesn’t seam to exist in my ford specif list of pids

the ONLY one i have that is green is 221310 ENGINE OIL TEMP
and it reads 65c when the engine is hot witch is way to cold
thanks Bob

Australia FNQ

Posts: 1
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: March 17, 2017 (GMT)

I am new to the forum and new to the torque app. I just purchased the BAFX Bluetooth OBDII plugin. Got the app up and running and want to get the injector balance rate operable. I did go through the steps of listing the PID’s and the “injector balance rate” is listed as an option but does not appear in green as a selectable option to monitor. I did read something about having to enter “ATZ” on a line somewhere in the app. I am using this on a 2006 GMC Duramax. Can anyone help or guide me to where I need to go to find out how to enable this in the app

Posts: 29
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: May 18, 2017 (GMT)

Is there a Torque operator to show strings or state?
e.g. for an automatic trans, show P,R,N,D based on a value range or bit fields.

I wish to show states as strings or perhaps icon/images.
Im posting here as not sure if this is supported (hopefully yes). If not possible, I will post to the feature requests.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: July 13, 2017 (GMT)

I have an issue with my fuel level constantly flickering when I’m driving and the fuel is sloshing around in the tank, I need some kind of


or something to stop it constantly updating and flickering, any ideas?

Posts: 2995
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: July 14, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from bjt on July 13, 2017
I have an issue with my fuel level constantly flickering when I’m driving and the fuel is sloshing around in the tank, I need some kind of


or something to stop it constantly updating and flickering, any ideas?

End Quote.

There are available functions which should

Quote from Capp777 on October 2, 2016

Wiki equation page…

End Quote.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Comprehensive list of PID operators and functions
on: July 15, 2017 (GMT)

Nice one, thank you!

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