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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Data Logging Help for New Users

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Author Topic: Data Logging Help for New Users
Posts: 2994
Post Data Logging Help for New Users
on: March 7, 2014 (GMT)

Datalogging help from Frodus…

Quote from frodus on September 3, 2013
Torque already does this. You can either log these values to a file, or log them to the webserver and then login with your laptop. you need to choose which one you want to do, then go into settings and go to “data logging and upload”.

Select what to log, set your options that you want, check “upload to webserver” and then “show your torque ID” and enter in a user email address. Go log something by going to the display screen and hit Menu. Select “start logging”

Then log into:

Else you can email the logs, or access the torque log on your phone by connecting and navigating to the torque directory and viewing the log files.

End Quote.

Quote from frodus on September 6, 2013
Follow these instructions exactly. Forget the “graphing” from the main screen, or sending yourself logs.

Lets start from the beginning.

Go to set up your vehicle profile first (on the main screen hit your menu button, then go to vehicle profile and set one up if you haven’t already done so).

Next, exit back to the main menu and go to settings (on the main screen hit your menu button, then go to settings).

Go to UNITS and set all of your units to what you want. I assume you’re in the US, so check: Miles, Feet, PSI, Gallons, etc. This will get rid of your issue with PSI.

Then go to “data logging and upload”.

Then go to “select what to log”. You only choose what you want logged here. There is no place to choose where to log. All the logs are put into a default torque directory. When you connect to the computer and the android device shows up, you look on the internal SD card of the device and there should be a directory called “torqueLogs” and all logs are stored in there. The logs are .CSV files. They’re comma separated values and open office will read them, but you’ll need to tell it how to process the data. You’ll have to read up on how to open CSV in Open Office. Once it’s in there you can use openoffice to graph the results as you see fit.

Next, go under “file logging” and select logging interval. This is as good as it gets without buying expensive equipment that can log faster values. OBDII dongles are only so fast, so there’s a limit.

Select “log when torque is started”… that way you don’t have to stop and start it. You just start torque, do your run, then exit torque and one CSV file will be created.

Select “only when OBD is connected”, that way torque waits for a connection to begin logging.

Select “automatically log GPS”, that way you get a nice timestamp and other data that you might find useful, like acceleration and coordinates.

Select “rotate logfiles” so a new CSV is made each time.

Exit back to the main menu, restart torque, and off ya go.

To get data, start torque, wait for a connection, do your run, then exit torque.

To get the data off the phone, connect the phone to a computer, navigate to the internal SD card, and find the torquelogs directory. Go in there, get the logfile you want, and open within openoffice.

End Quote.

Quote from frodus on September 6, 2013

You don’t have to start logging on startup, I just figured it’d be easier. You can start/stop on the gauge screen by hitting menu and then selecting start logging. Was trying to keep it simple. Use what works for you.

If you need to graph versus RPM, then you’ll have to do some table manipulation within excel/openoffice. You’ll need to choose what you want on your x-axis and y-axis. It doesn’t have to be time based. I suggest reading up on creating graphs within excel/openoffice.

This is outside of what torque does, but What I think you’d do, is select the RPM column, and select the fuel rail pressure column and create a table with that data only. X axis is RPM and fuel rail pressure is the y-axis.

End Quote.


Posts: 6
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: March 10, 2014 (GMT)

Maybe this is the best thread for my issue.

I have used data logging uploads and the web viewer extensively, but there is one very annoying issue:

The upload s only as good as the mobile data connection and the online log will invariably stop whenever this gets disconnected, whereas the local recording continues.

I have no issue with a manual upload of the file, but I have noticed that it differs in format from the file downloaded from the online viewer (particularly date/time) are different.

Is there a simple conversion routine or tool to get the data into Excel?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: March 12, 2014 (GMT)

From Excel…

File>Open as text file (*.prn; *.txt; *.csv)

The log file will have to be moved/copied to
where Excel can find it.

Posts: 518
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: March 14, 2014 (GMT)

The button to stop and start is in the gauge view, hit menu, start logging.

On mine, right now as I type this:
Under data logging and Upload, “Select what to log”
I have added 3 PID’s that I want to log.

Skip the “file logging” section and go to the “realtime web upload”

The following are unchecked:
Only when OBD connected

The following are checked:
Upload to webserver

Webserver URL is:
Make sure you have an email address that matches what you want to register with.

Hit show your torque ID, copy it down, then go to the webserver. Type the ID, your email from above and a password and hit register if you haven’t done so. You have to register with an actual Torque ID in order to view data for that device.

Hit “test settings”

Now, after you actually log for the first time, you can login and view data.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: June 19, 2014 (GMT)

I’m unable to upload realtime data using the latest Torque (free) version. I don’t have a “realtime upload” section. When I click on “Show your Torque ID” I get a code, but no option to enter an email address. I’ve successfully registered an account on the server.

Also, I don’t have a “rotate logs” option. Paid only feature?

I guess I don’t understand how it really works – I’ve tried following the instructions in the thread but no data is uploaded. Is it available only on the paid app?


Posts: 6632
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: October 24, 2014 (GMT)


The lite version doesn’t use an email address (it’s not in there yet) just the device Id that you’ve seen in the options to let you login and get the data

You should be able to login using that ID (leave the email blank) and see any uploaded data. You’ll need to have sent some data first (so the server knows about you) then it will let you login

Posts: 20
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: November 2, 2014 (GMT)

I’d like to thank piemmm for his recent post and to capp777 for his very helpful suggestions pointing out my lack of logical understanding.


Posts: 9
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 2, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from tbd_evora on March 10, 2014
I have used data logging uploads and the web viewer extensively, but there is one very annoying issue:

The upload s only as good as the mobile data connection and the online log will invariably stop whenever this gets disconnected, whereas the local recording continues.

>>> I have also notice this issue, logging terminates at random intervals, suspect when mobile data connection is lost. The local logging is complete. Does Torque Pro attempt to reconnect and resume webserver logging where it left off?

>>> If it does not, maybe a future feature?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 5, 2015 (GMT)

The upload s only as good as the mobile data connection and the online log will invariably stop whenever this gets disconnected, whereas the local recording continues.
I have no issue with a manual upload of the file, but I have noticed that it differs in format from the file downloaded from the online viewer (particularly date/time) are different.???


Posts: 1
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 15, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on February 15, 2015
Bump for new users…

I have Torque uploading fine and displaying in the browser map. My problem is if I open the log in Excel I can’t find a format that shows the session and time correctly in columns 1 and 2. Both are large numbers in scientific notation.

Also, is there a way to delete older files on the website?


Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 15, 2015 (GMT)

if i remember correctly those a gps time and device time

mine show up in normal fashion

did you try to format them into a date ??

Posts: 14
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 16, 2015 (GMT)

Can torque pro log all of the data that my vehicle makes available on OBD? It is a diesel Ram Promaster (aka Fiat Ducato). There are a bunch of data items for the exhaust system (temperatures and pressures), that are not showing up in torque lite.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 17, 2015 (GMT)

torque will record and/or show … what is active in the standard PID

i just don’t remember what is the difference between lite and pro

i think there a plugin for fiat so you would probably have access to more stuff

Posts: 14
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 18, 2015 (GMT)

OK, now I have Pro, is there a way to add the PID’s that are missing? I know they’re there, another app showed them.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 18, 2015 (GMT)

what pid and what app

the add a pid you need the adress and the math to interpret the value

it’s an option but it’s not like checking a box here and there

Posts: 14
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 19, 2015 (GMT)

Mode 1, PID 78. I found this:
and this:

This should be enuf to get me going.

I’d like to be able to just edit the data logging setup file on a desktop. Is the current data logging setup in a file someplace that I could edit?

Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 19, 2015 (GMT)

since it’s a standard pid if it’s active torque should should show up the value…

for the desktop i don’t know

anyway you are not going to put 100 point to log in there
otherwise it will be kinda slow

if you have 10 points it’s normally good

Posts: 14
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 19, 2015 (GMT)

I have several which I can read with OBD auto doctor, but can’t with torque. exhaust gas temperature, sensors 1, 3, 4, and DPF diesel particulate filter differential pressure.

In torque, exhaust gas temperature 1 and 2 show up in the menu, but I don’t get any data.

Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 19, 2015 (GMT)

good luck those adress are not that hard to find
they probably show up in your software

i’m just not sure torque goes that high in the pid i think it stop around 60

when you start torque request the pid supported but i think it stop at 60 (hex)

and sometime some software you can test the adress even if it said it is not supported

Posts: 645
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 19, 2015 (GMT)

i just check with one of my recording and
it confirmed what i just said
torque only check for supported PID 1 to 60

here is the pics

i bough a canalist II on ebay to sniff the can bus
help me understand how it work

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