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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
Posts: 32
Post Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: February 6, 2014 (GMT)

I hope this will save someone some time if they are in need of these PID’s that did not come with the Torque App originally. I have about 30 hours tied up in learning the system and making the equations. I just want to pay it forward now.

Posts: 32
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: February 11, 2014 (GMT)

ford 6.4 powerstroke pids

Posts: 4
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: November 13, 2014 (GMT)

I have 20 PIDs for the 6.4 Powerstroke to post, but the forum wouldn’t let me post them. Maybe there is a limit on the length that each post can be. Can someone enlighten me?

Here is one example in the format I was trying to post them in:

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 220966
Long Name: 6.4 DPF Regen Status
Short Name: Regen
Min.: 0
Max.: 128
Scale: x1
Equation: A/128
Header: Auto
Notes: Result will be a 0 or a 1

Maybe I can get the rest posted soon.

Engineer – retired

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: November 14, 2014 (GMT)


Thanks for paying it forward.

I wish I found out about Torque Pro when I had my 6.4L. By chance have you come across PIDS for the 6.7L?


I didn’t have a problem posting my list for the 6.7L
Another member also made a 6.7L extended PID Plugin.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: November 15, 2014 (GMT)

How would I attach a spreadsheet, jpg, or pdf type image?
It won’t take my long list on this forum like it did on TheDieselStop forum.

Engineer – retired

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: November 15, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from oliver972 on November 15, 2014
How would I attach a spreadsheet, jpg, or pdf type image?
It won’t take my long list on this forum like it did on TheDieselStop forum.

MPD56 Reply:

You have to use a service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

I don’t have an account and haven’t tried them.

See Post #11

Posts: 4
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: November 20, 2014 (GMT)

Here are a few more for the 6.4L Powerstroke:

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 22c974
Long Name: 6.4 DPF Soot Load
Short Name: DPF Soot
Min.: 0
Max.: 100
Scale: x1
Units: #
Equation: (((A*256)+B)+8192)/1000
Header: Auto
Notes: Use this raw number to determine your range then
create another PID for percentage (see next PID).

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 22c974
Long Name: 6.4 DPF Soot Load Percentage
Short Name: DPF Soot %
Min.: 0
Max.: 100
Scale: x1
Units: #
Equation: (((((A*256)+B)+8192)/1000)-45)/(57-45)*100
Header: Auto
Notes: My Soot Load range is about 45 to 57.
So, % Soot = ((Soot Load)-45)/(57-45)*100

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 220991
Long Name: 6.4 EGT11 Post Turbo (pre DOC) Temp.
Short Name: Post Turbo
Min.: 0
Max.: 1800
Scale: x1
Units: °F
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40
Header: Auto

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 220992
Long Name: 6.4 EGT12 Post DOC (pre DPF) Temp.
Short Name: Post DOC
Min.: 0
Max.: 1800
Scale: x1
Units: °F
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40

Testing Complete: Yes
PID: 221171
Long Name: 6.4 EGT13 Post DPF Temp.
Short Name: Post DPF
Min.: 0
Max.: 1800
Scale: x1
Units: °F
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40
Header: Auto

Take Care.

Engineer – retired

Posts: 4
Post Adapter Warning
on: December 28, 2014 (GMT)

To all concerened,
If you are buying a bluetooth adapter for Torque Pro, don’t get the vgate icar2! It causes random faults on the can bus. Today it caused a turbo over pressure fault (note: there was nothing really wrong with the turbo). A friend of mine also had the same fault on his 6.4 today. So, I guess you get what you pay for. I will probably end up getting the adapter I was originally looking at, which is the OBDLink MX.

Update 2-28-15:
I got the OBDLink MX bluetooth and it seems to work pretty good. In the Torque app you just need to be sure you put a check in the setting for OBDLink ( Power Savings, otherwise the adapter will not go to sleep. Also you need to be sure to exit out of the Torque app before leaving the truck.

Engineer – retired

Posts: 32
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: March 26, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from oliver972 on December 28, 2014
To all concerened,
If you are buying a bluetooth adapter for Torque Pro, don’t get the vgate icar2! It causes random faults on the can bus. Today it caused a turbo over pressure fault (note: there was nothing really wrong with the turbo). A friend of mine also had the same fault on his 6.4 today. So, I guess you get what you pay for. I will probably end up getting the adapter I was originally looking at, which is the OBDLink MX.

Update 2-28-15:
I got the OBDLink MX bluetooth and it seems to work pretty good. In the Torque app you just need to be sure you put a check in the setting for OBDLink ( Power Savings, otherwise the adapter will not go to sleep. Also you need to be sure to exit out of the Torque app before leaving the truck.

I have had good luck with this.

A basic ELM327. The one I have was a wifi model. I think that the blue tooth model would be better.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: February 15, 2017 (GMT)

i have a px ranger 3.2c diesel auto 2015 model can some one help with the custom pids for this the ford spicif one are useless with this model it only shows ECT speed rpm and BOOST
i after the TFT EOP EOT

Australia FNQ

Posts: 437
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: February 17, 2017 (GMT)


May I respectfully make a suggestion?

First – as @MPD56 said, thanks for paying forward. I hope you won’t mind my integrating the info into the list I have been working on. While I have focused primarily on those for my F150 5.4L, I have picked up, and documented, others that seem trustworthy. One thing I quickly noticed from my list – there are SEVERAL PIDs in the series from 095D through 0968 that are ‘BIT’ flags or ‘switches’, and based on your formula I suspect 0966 is also. I had PID 0966 listed as a flag byte, but all bit meanings ‘unknown’. 0967 is a full word (16 bits) of flags and I have the meanings for several of them (listed below)- but can’t find the ‘bit locations. Flag positions are the hardest things to figure out. Even with testing, you don’t want to go MESS UP your truck to find them.

But my suggestion is for your formula: In a flag status byte, dividing by 128 leaves potential formula failure if other -unknown- bits happen to be set. Although in the case of bit 7, it would only result in a decimal fraction error. EVEN that would be eliminated by using one of two Torque ‘bit’ functions. “A>7” would shift out (trash) all lower bits leaving either One or Zero result. OR “{A:7} would result in Zero or One depending on whether bit 7 is set or not. But then, if other bit come true, you won’t wind up with something like 1.5078125.

Just a suggestion.

PID 0967 (NOTE: _may not be applicable_ to PowerStroke)

b? EVAP020C . 0.02″ dia. idle evap. leak check complete
b? EVAP020D . 0.02″ dia. idle evap. leak check denied until P0455 check complete (P0456 Monitor)
b? EVAP020R . 0.02” dia. idle evap. leak check ready
b? EVAPSOAK . Evap. Monitor Soak conditions have been met
b? FANVHI … Very High speed fan requested on
b? FANVHI_F . Very High speed fan fault
b? FC1_F …. Fan Control 1 output fault
b? FC2_F …. Fan Control 2 output fault
b? CCL_ON … Check Cap Light commanded ON
b? CCL_FAULT. Check Cap Light Fault detected
b10 MFC ….. Medium Speed Fan Control
b11 MFCF….. Medium Speed Fan Control Fault

(Bits > 7 should be accessed as {B:X} where ‘X’ is 0 – 7



Posts: 1
Post Re: Ford 6.4 Powerstroke Extended PIDs
on: May 30, 2019 (GMT)

Here is a consolidated list of Ford PIDs. It is a concatenation of the extended PIDs that come with Torque Pro and the various PIDs that I have found on this and other forums specific to the 6.4 and 6.7 Powerstroke engines.

This is in CSV format as Torque expects it. To use this, you have to put it into a file in the .torque/extendedPids folder on your android device after which you will be able to find them in “manage extended pids->load predefined” in Torque settings. (You will have to enable to “show hidden files” feature to see the .torque directory in file manager on Android.)

I have not tested all of these, so if any of you find errors, please post corrections.


"Name", "ShortName", "ModeAndPID", "Equation", "Min Value", "Max Value", "Units", "Header", "startDiagnostic", "stopDiagnostic", "Scale"
"[FORD]ABS - Lateral acceleration","ABSLAT","0x223a51","((A*256)+B)*0.02",0,2,"g","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]ABS Wheel Speed 1","ABS W1","0x223987","A",0,100,"km/h","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]ABS Wheel Speed 2","ABS W2","0x223987","B",0,100,"km/h","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]ABS Wheel Speed 3","ABS W3","0x223987","C",0,100,"km/h","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]ABS Wheel Speed 4","ABS W4","0x223987","D",0,100,"km/h","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]Accelerator Pedal Position","AccPedal","0x2209d4","A/2",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Battery Voltage","VBatt","0x221172","A/16",0,100,"V","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Boost (Ford specific)","MAP","0x221440","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)-BARO()",0,30,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Coolant temperature(From TCM)","Coolant","0x0105","A-40",0,120,"°C","TCM","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 1 Misfire count","MF 1","0x22160e","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 2 Misfire count","MF 2","0x22160f","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 3 Misfire count","MF 3","0x221610","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 4 Misfire count","MF 4","0x221611","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 5 Misfire count","MF 5","0x221612","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 6 Misfire count","MF 6","0x221613","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 7 Misfire count","MF 7","0x221614","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder 8 Misfire count","MF 8","0x221615","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder head temperature","CHTMP","0x221624","(((A*256)+B)*1.999)+32",0,100,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Cylinder head temperature(alt)","CHTMP","0x221685","((A*256)+B)*0.281",0,100,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Engine Oil Temp","EOT","0x221310","(((A*256)+B)/100)-40",0,300,"°C","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Exhaust Back Pressure","EBP","0x221445","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)",0,100,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Fan Speed Sensor","FAN","0x22099f","((A*256)+B)*(1/4)",0,1000,"rpm","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]FICM Logic Power","FLP","0x2209cf","((A*256)+B)*(100/256)/100",0,50,"Volts","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]FICM Main Power","FMP","0x2209d0","((A*256)+B)*(100/256)/100",0,50,"Volts","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]FICM Vehicle Power","FVP","0x2209ce","((A*256)+B)*(100/256)/100",0,50,"Volts","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Fuel Injector Pulse Width","InjPW","0x221410","((A*256)+B)*8",0,100,"µs","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Fuel Level","Fuel","0x2216c1","((A*256)+B)*(1/328)",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Fuel pump duty cycle","FPDC","0x221672","A*100/128",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Fuel tank pressure","FTPRES","0x221639","((A*256)+B)*0.1449",0,10,"PSI","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]IAT2 (Method 1)","IAT2","0x2216a8","(((A*256)+B) - 32) * (5 / 9)",0,60,"°C","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]IAT2 (Method 2)","IAT2","0x2203ca","A-40",0,60,"°C","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Injection Control Pressure","HPOP","0x221446","((A*256)+B)*(57/100)",0,5000,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Injector Pressure Regulator Duty Cycle","IPR","0x221434","(A*13.53)/35",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Injector timing before top dead center","InjTop","0x2209cc","(((A*256)+B)*(10/64))/10",-50,50,"Deg.","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Knock Sensor","Knock","0x220404","A",0,60,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Left front tyre pressure","LF TP","0x222813","(((256*A)+B)/3+22/3)*0.145",0,70,"psi","726","null","null",1
"[FORD]Left rear tyre pressure","LR TP","0x222815","(((256*A)+B)/3+22/3)*0.145",0,70,"psi","726","null","null",1
"[FORD]MAP (Ford specific)","MAP","0x221440","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)",0,30,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Mass Fuel Desired","MFuel","0x221412","((A*256)+B)*0.0625",0,100,"mg/stroke","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Right front tyre pressure","RF TP","0x222814","(((256*A)+B)/3+22/3)*0.145",0,70,"psi","726","null","null",1
"[FORD]Right rear tyre pressure","RR TP","0x222816","(((256*A)+B)/3+22/3)*0.145",0,70,"psi","726","null","null",1
"[FORD]Steering wheel angle","STWheel","0x223201","(A*6.25) - 800",-800,800,"°","ABS","null","null",1
"[FORD]Throttle Position (Actual)","TP A","0x22093c","((A*256)+B)*(100/8192)",0,100,"°","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Throttle Position (Desired)","TP D","0x22091a","((A*256)+B)*(100/8192)",0,100,"°","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Torque converter slip","TCSlip","0x2211b8","((A*256)+B)*0.6103",0,500,"rpm","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Torque into Torque Converter","TQC","0x2209cb","((A*256)+B)",0,200,"Ft-Lb","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Total number of misfires","MFTot","0x221616","((A*256)+B)",0,100,"Count","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Fluid Temp (Method 1)","TransFl","0x221674","((A*256)+B)/8",0,200,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Fluid Temp (Method 2)","TransFl","0x221674","((A*256)+B)/8",0,200,"°F","TCM","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Fluid Temp (Method 3)","TransFl","0x2211bd","(((A*256)+B)*-0.0036)+212.98",0,200,"°F","C410F1","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Gear","Gear","0x2211b3","A/2",0,6,"Gear","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Gear (Method 2)","Gear","0x2211b3","A/2",0,6,"Gear","TCM","null","null",1
"[FORD]Transmission Temp","TransTmp","0x221e1c","(((signed(A)*256)+B)*(9/8)+320)/10",0,200,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]VGT Duty Cycle","VGT","0x22096d","((A*256)+B)*(100/32767)",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"[FORD]Volume Fuel Desired","VFD","0x221411","((A*256)+B)*0.00047551",0,50,"GPH","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Accelerator Pedal Position","Pedal","0x2209d4","A/2",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Ambient Air Temp.","Amb. Air","0x2216a8","(A*256)+B",0,120,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Battery Voltage","Battery","0x221172","A/16",0,100,"Volts","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Cylinder Head Temp.","Cyl. Head","0x221624","(((A*256)+B)*1.999)+32",0,100,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Dist. Since Last Compl. Regen","DSLCR","0x22fd8a","((A*256)+(B*16)+C)*0.24",0,10000,"Miles","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 DPF Back Pressure","DPF BP","0x22116c","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)*0.145",0,100,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 DPF Regen Status","Regen","0x220966","A/128",0,128,"on/off","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 DPF Soot Load","DPF Soot","0x22c974","((A*256)+B)/655.35",0,100,"#","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Turbo Inlet Temp. (EGRT1 or A)","Turbo In","0x22115f","((((A*256)+B)/10)-40)*(9/5)+32",0,1800,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 EGR Inlet Temp. (EGRT2 or B)","EGR In","0x221161","((((A*256)+B)/10)-40)*(9/5)+32",0,600,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 EGR Valve Position (% open)","EGR %","0x2209fe","((A*256)+B)*0.003052",0,100,"%","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 EGT11 Post Turbo (pre DOC) Temp.","Post Turbo","0x220991","(((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40",0,1800,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 EGT12 Post DOC (pre DPF) Temp.","Post DOC","0x220992","(((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40",0,1800,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 EGT13 Post DPF Temp.","Post DPF","0x221171","(((A*256)+B)*(9/5))-40",0,1800,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Engine Coolant Temp.","Coolant","0x0105","((A-40)*(9/5))+32",0,300,"°F","TCM","null","null",1
"6.4 Engine Oil Temp.","Eng. Oil","0x221310","((((A*256)+B)/100)-40)*(9/5)+32",0,300,"°F","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Exhaust (manifold) Back Pressure","Exh. BP","0x221445","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)-BARO()",0,100,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"6.4 Transmission Fluid Temp.","Trans. Fl.","0x221674","((A*256)+B)/8",0,300,"°F","TCM","null","null",1
"6.4 Turbo Boost Pressure","Boost","0x221440","(((A*256)+B)*0.03625)-BARO()",0,40,"psi","Auto","null","null",1
"6.7L Ambient Air Temperature C","Air Temp","0x22F446","A-40",0.0,100,"","Auto","null","null",1
"6.7L Ambient Air Temperature","Air Temp","0x22F446","A*(9/5)-40",0.0,100,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L DPF Regen Status","Regen","0x22F48B","{B:0}",0.0,100.0,"ON/OFF","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Distance Since Last Complete Regeneration","DSLR (DIA)","0x220434","((A*65536)+(B*256)+C)*0.24",0.0,100,"Miles","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Diesel Particulate Filter","DPFP","0x22116C","A",0.0,100,"psi","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L DPF Soot Mass %","Soot %","0x22042C","((((A*256)+B)*(100/65535))-1)/1.75*100",0.0,100,"%","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L DPF Soot Mass","Soot","0x22042C","((A*256)+B)*(100/65535)-1",1.0,3.0,"Grams/Liter","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Post Turbo EGT 11","EGT 11","0x22F478","(((B*256)+C)*0.18)-40.0",0.0,100,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Post SCR/Pre DPF – EGT 12","EGT 12","0x22F478","(((D*256)+E)*0.18)-40.0",0.0,100,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Pre DPF – EGT 13","EGT 13","0x22F478","(((F*256)+G)*0.18)-40.0",0.0,100,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Post DPF – EGT 14","EGT 14","0x22F478","(((H*256)+I)*0.18)-40.0",0.0,100,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Engine Oil Temperature Sensor","EOT","0x22f45c","A*(9/5)-40",0.0,400,"°F","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Fuel Tank Level","Fuel Level","0x22f42f","A*0.39216",0.0,100,"%","7E0","null","null",1
"6.7L Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor","TFT","0x221e1c","((SIGNED(A)*256)+B)*(9/80)+32",0.0,100.0,"°F","Auto","null","null",1

2010 F250 SD 6.4L Powerstroke

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