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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)

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Author Topic: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 6, 2021 (GMT)

Min and max fields can’t have .0 or .037 backspace back past . 0 .Try that

Retired bloke that likes playing with anything mechanical

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 6, 2021 (GMT)

Min and max fields can’t have .0 or .037 backspace back past . 0 .Try that

Retired bloke that likes playing with anything mechanical

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 6, 2021 (GMT)

Min and max fields can’t have .0 or .037 backspace back past . 0 .Try that

Retired bloke that likes playing with anything mechanical

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: March 21, 2022 (GMT)

Ford Powerstroke FIPW (Fuel injection pulse width) PID

Other folks are reporting the same issue, the readout is inconsistent, reading accurately for a moment, then displaying a high value number, then an accurate reading, then a high value number, then an accurate value…. this continues indefinitely, and seems to be the only PID in the Powerstroke PID set that is effected. This seemed to have been effected during an update issued since fall of 2021

This is one of my most used and most important readings, I hope there is a fix for this

Sorry for the delay reporting this, haven’t been driving my truck this winter

Diesel truck modifier

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 29, 2022 (GMT)

I am trying to read trans temp on a 2017 Nissan Rogue the Nissan ex add on says it will provide this information so I downloaded the add on and paid for it shows up, but I don’t have any idea how to access it can you help me please getting very frustrated. I uninstalled the Torque app as it was not working and when I reinstalled it, I had to pay for it again how do I avoid this process thanks.

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 1, 2022 (GMT)

I use your 2016 plugins to monitor our Earthroamer camper, which is on a 2019 Ford F550 6.7 truck. We had always used an old Samsung phone (S7 I think) but sadly, it went missing out of the truck when it was in for repairs, and we are learning that we can’t seem to get Torque to work on an S10 or S11, which are running Android 11. Did you ever figure out a way to get your plugins working on a newer device? How about getting Torque to include your plugins in their list?
Yours in gratitude,
Wendy (AKA Hurryharri)

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 1, 2022 (GMT)

Sorry, my post above was in relation to the last post on page 15:
“I manage an apk to install pids for Ford super duty.
it has not been updated since 2016

on Android 11 it no longer works.

TP shows the plugin installed

if I copy the csv file to the extended pids folder, the filename is shown, but selecting it doesn’t add the pids to the list to use.

your post is from 2018. and I don’t see any updates after that.

anyone have any info?”

Posts: 1667
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 1, 2022 (GMT)

add PID sets only via file import

Ing. Vega
Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: December 30, 2022 (GMT)


ote from admin on March 22, 2011


an” the example plugin should now be downloadable from the android market

Ingeniero de Profesión amante de los sistemas de inyeccion

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 12, 2023 (GMT)

Is there a plug in for the ethanol content pid for 2017 gm cars?

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 12, 2023 (GMT)

Is there a plug in for the ethanol content pid for 2017 gm cars?

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 21, 2023 (GMT)

Quote from BoultVolt on November 6, 2011
Hi.. New forum member here. I’m still waiting on the device and just trying to decide if I want to go android or Iphone for the initial development. Personally I’m an iphone users now but that can change.

I’ve been digging around here, the wiki and other places and could not find if the PlugIn Support includes
ELM327 “Monitor all” mode. In particular I want to monitor the CAN bus of my Volt (11 bit 500kbps) for all traffic. The Volt has many non-standard PIDs and I want to capture/log them all and then eventually develop a plugin for the Volt showing the most interesting of these data. I know the ODB2 device with ELM327 can passively monitor all data, but not sure if torque plug in can enable that mode. (

If I can build on Torque Plugin, the decision is a no-brainer for me.. but if I have to already know the PIDs and/or start from scratch to get my Volt specific PIDs , then its less clear. (I’ve not don droid development before but my students have so i’m sure I’ll pick it up quick enough). Seems the recent additions allow any PID if I know it, but can I monitor/log them all?

Also was is the practical limits to bluetooth-based logging, both in Kbps and in total storage?

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: April 4, 2023 (GMT)

Does anyone know where the saved profiles files are stored on Racing Meter? I need to transfer the file to another device so I don’t have to rebuild it from scratch.

Posts: 10
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 20, 2023 (GMT)

How is anyone supposed to create new plugins with almost no existing documentation, the sample app apparently outdated, and no support from the developers???

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 15, 2023 (GMT)

Guess there is no more support for this app. Trying to use the Mazdaspeed plugin and the pids keep disappearing from the list. I’ve restored them from a backup but it keeps deleting them. Reinstall the app and plugin same thing.

I’ve gotten the pids list to display from the predefined list twice. Outside of that it doesn’t even show on this list. I have good internet connection and I’ve done it while connected to the car and while not.

I need the app to log data and when it literally deletes the pids I just restored from a backup mid drive cycle is a pain

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 23, 2023 (GMT)

Have the same issue too, where the Hyundai pids disappear after a short time, go to put them back on and the predefined set is not there anymore. The plugin is still there but doesn’t work.
This is on a head unit running Android 6.
It works perfectly on my tablet and phone running Android 10.
Cheers Steve

Posts: 17
Post Re: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: March 26, 2024 (GMT)

Custom pids for VAG?

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