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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure

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Author Topic: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: February 4, 2014 (GMT)

I thought Ian had added the wake up
code to Torque so that users would not
have to add the pid…

but it might be worth looking into adding
to see if it is still needed to work.

Posts: 10
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: February 5, 2014 (GMT)

I do keep a Wakeup PID running.

PID: 1092
Long Name: Wakeup
Short Name: Wakeup
Man Value: 0
Max Value: 100
Sale Factor: 1
Unit Type:
Equation: A
Header: 7E0

Posts: 4
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: March 21, 2017 (GMT)

I know this is an ancient post and you may not even have the Jeep GC anymore, but I was able to get this to work and wanted to share the love…

the PID I used for my 06 hemi/545rfe for the trans temp was 2118, obd header 7E1.

I can take a look around for the oil pressure this week, but the trans temp was my mission for the past 6 months.

Posts: 4
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: March 24, 2017 (GMT)

What I found was that the oil pressure uses PID 22042B, but I cannot get it to respond when I request it. It just says when I use the elm AT commands.

When I listen to it using my diagnostic software, here are the exchanges. The results are about 30psi while idling.

can0 7E0 [8] 03 22 04 2B 00 00 00 00 (request)
can0 7E8 [8] 04 62 04 2B 1E E5 00 00 (response)
can0 7E0 [8] 03 22 04 2B 00 00 00 00
can0 7E8 [8] 04 62 04 2B 1E E5 00 00

Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: March 24, 2017 (GMT)

Did you use the wake call or tester present
with that?

Your CAN message response is showing 4 bytes
while 5 followed?

Posts: 4
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: March 24, 2017 (GMT)

I am not using a wakeup PID.
On Monday I may be able to mess with it some more.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: March 24, 2017 (GMT)

Just curious as it was required to see
Jeep TFT pid data.

Posts: 4
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: July 15, 2017 (GMT)

I’m not sure about that wake up PID, but I’m curious. Please explain.
The oil pressure, which thanks to you guys I’m very interested in getting to display, will show up with one proprietary scan software (output provided in my last post), but Torque does not get a response when queried.
A figured out the rough calculation that gets the psi close. The formula would be (A*.58) for PID 22042b … it just doesn’t work.
I read a post at
that mentions needing a specific OBD2 dongle that will read their Ford specific canbus. That would make sense if Jeep has certain restrictions in place like this. I figure something proprietary must be in place keeping any mode 22 query from getting a response.
When I ran a torque scan it pretty much stopped getting responses after mode 21.
Any help from OBD2 experts/Torque developers would be appreciated.

Posts: 37
Post Re: 2005 Grand Cherokee Trans temp and Oil Pressure
on: January 25, 2019 (GMT)

Can anyone help me with the odometer/ distance travelled PID?

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