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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 9, 2013 (GMT)

Thanks Capp777 & Bronco

I have made the Custom PIDs you posted and will try them out.

Sorry Capp: I’m going to have to learn how to post the responses like Bronco to help help more.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

Capp777: Here is the Test Results.Hope there is no Typos.

PID – 016B – EGRT1
Equation – (((B*256)+C)*0.0064)-4.0
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -3.932
Command: 016B
Response: 7E807416B20000C0000

PID – 016B – EGRT2
Equation – (((B*256)+C)*0.007)-40.0
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -39.916
Command: 016B
Response: 7E807416B20000C0000

PID – 016B –EGRT3
Equation – (B*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -40.0
Command: 016B
Response: 7E807416B20000D0000

PID – 016B – EGRT4
Equation – (C*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -16.6
Command: 016B
Response: 7E807416B20000D0000

PID – 016B – EGRVP1
Equation – B*0.39216
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 0.0
Response: 7E807416B20000D0000

PID – 016B – EGRVP2
Equation – C*0.39216
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 5.09024
Response: 7E807416B20000E0000

PID – 0177 – CACT1
Equation – (B*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 48.2
Command: 0177
Response: 7E80741770131000000

PID – 0177 – CACT2
Equation – (C*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -40.0
Command: 0177
Response: 7E80741770134000000

PID – 0177 – CACT3
Equation – (((B*256)+C)*0.007)-40.0
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation:
Command: 51.392
Response: 7E80741770133000000

PID – 0177 – CACT%1
Equation – B*0.39216
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 19.608
Command: 0177
Response: 7E80741770133000000

PID – 0177 – CACT%2
Equation – C*0.39216
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 0.0
Command: 0177
Response: 7E80741770133000000

PID – 0187 – MAP
Equation – ((B*256)+C)*0.03625
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 120.74875
Command: 0187
Response: 7E07418701060000

PID – 0187 – Boost from MAP
Equation – (((B*256)+C)*0.00525625)-[33]
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: -80.52823
Command: 0187
Response: 7E8074187010CFF0000

PID – 0167 – ECT01
Equation – (B*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 118.4
Command: 0167
Response: 7E805416703538A

PID – 0167 – ECT02
Equation – (C*1.8)-40
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 64.4
Command: 0167
Response: 7E805416703593A

PID – 0167 – ECT03
Equation – (((B*256)+C)*0.007)-40.0
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 119.901
Command: 0167
Response: 7E8054167035393A

PID – 0173 – EBP
Equation – ((B*256)+C)*0.03625
Max Value on Gauge –
Min Value on Gauge –
Results for equation: 424.063
Command: 0173
Response: 7E8074173012DAA00

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

Wow. Youve been very busy!

Some questions:

EGR Related. Were you in closed loop
at the time these readings were taken?
Your responses seem different than Broncos.
Byte A of 20 vs. Broncos 03? As well as the
other bytes…lots of 00s.

MAP&EBP. Do those values look like typical
kPa values for your trucks? What are typical
values in psi?

ECT01. Does this temp match your 0105 pid?
ECT02. Does this low temp seem reasonable?

This is where comparing to a calibrated source
would help.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

The tests and EGR I think it was in open loop, sorry I should’ve thought of that. I did take screen shots in close loop earlier but the wife was with me and for some reason she doesn’t like me playing as she call it with Torque in a White Out (Snow Storm).

The MAP range of my truck should between 50 kpa to 390 kpa, my gauge read between 114 kpa at idle to 345 kpa. So I’m in range I’ll have to watch it.

The boost from MAP were negative numbers, -60 psi highest value and 87.5 lowest value, I assume that it should be 0 at idle and not a negative number?

From the screen shot my coolant was 147.2 degrees F which matched ECT01 (147.2). Yes ECT02 is reading low for degrees F.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

More questions:

Does the MAP&EBP gauges read near
100 kPa with KOEO?

The boost equation is dependant on
getting the correct MAP value so I think
there will be more work to be done with
that equation.

For boost to be so negative the [33] value
must have been larger than 14.4? You
might try hard coding the 14.4 value. (I
forgot that 0133 reports in kPa).

Boost should read near 0 with KOEO. At
idle it may read positive?

MAP&EBP should read below 101 kPa (14.7 psi)
with KOEO if your baro is still 14.4.

Can you create another boost display
that uses the same multiplier as MAP
which will remove the psi conversion
from the equation? … *0.03625)-[33]

If ECT01 matches your 0105 then I
believe theres a good chance ECT02
will work for your ECT2 which is described
as low temp in the documents? Difference
in thermostats?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

Here are the readings on the gauges at “Key On Engine Off” (KOEO). As for the units, I assumed standard over metric? I’m also assuming that EBP means Engine Back Pressure and not Engine Boost Pressure?

MAP – PID 0187 = 16.2 psi

Boost from MAP – PID 0187 = -82.8 psi

EBP – PID 0173 = 53.7 psi

Bar – PID ? =14.4 psi

Just thing out loud!
Although Ford’s documentation mixes terminology between having a MAP or MAF, I believe it is a MAF that creates a boost value along with other sensor values. Am I right that the PCM’s has a PID for boost and should be calculated in the PCM?

I agree that the BAR gauge should read absolute pressure 100 kPa (14.5 psi), where I live and with the weather system going through I believe that 14.4 is correct.

The MAP/MAF sensor is reading 16.2 units and from the documentation it should read Absolute pressure. So I assume that it should read 14.4 psi (although kPa would make it easier to monitor).

As for the Boost from Map PID 0187, being minus 82.8, I agree that work is needed on that.

I’m hoping (believe) that our ECT1 is a temperature sensor is for the primary cooling system which monitors the engine block, cylinder heads, engine oil cooler, turbocharger and EGR cooler inlet.
ECT2 is for the Secondary Cooling System which is located on the outlet of the EGR cooler. This monitors the CAC, fuel cooler, EGR cooler and the transmission oil cooler.

Both systems have their own radiator, belt driven coolant pumps, thermostats and degas bottles. (Actually the primary system has two thermostats that open staggered by design, one opens at 194 F and the other opens at 201 F. So different reasons to monitor both systems.

Well I’m going to stop before I get more confused and try and work on the MAP and Boost. I’ll try changing the Map conversion and see if it matches the truck’s Boost Gauge.

Thanks Again, Hope that made sense.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 11, 2013 (GMT)

According to the wiki site for OBD2
the pids for MAP, EBP and Baro report
in kPa. Torque converts them based upon
your unit preferences in settings from the
units specified in the pid editor.

The equation you tested first included an
attempt to convert MAP to psi before subtracting
[33] (0133 pid for baro).

The large amount of pressure on EBP with the
engine off doesn’t look good. The numbers may
have looked reasonable at idle but not with KOEO.

As far as a separate ecu address for boost
there is a boost pressure control 0170 pid
listed but I’ve not seen it used before.
Torque has options for which sensors to
try to use for boost if the vehicle doesn’t
have a particular sensor.

From what I’ve seen so far most of the Ford
guys have been using MAP to calculate boost.

Is the bar display of 14.4 from the phone or 0133?


If your truck displays a correct boost that can be
used to calibrate to…

Post the MAP test response at KOEO and record
the real boost.

Post the MAP test response at high boost and record
the real boost.

Should be able to work the data back to MAP
with the raw data and known baro. (14.4?)

Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 13, 2013 (GMT)


I was able to re-do all of the pids that were give awhile back. Here are screenshots of each and all of the responses. The last picture is also a screenshot i took before before I started taking screenshots of all of the pids.

Here is a new capture of my soot level. I have only had a minimal change over the past 200~ miles and I haven’t regened yet either.

I was also curious if this is the latest and best equation for the EGR Temp (PID: 22f46b)

Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 016B
(((B*256)+C)*0.0064)-4.0 or standard




B*0.39216 (% for EGR Valve Position?)

C*0.39216 (% for EGR Valve Position?)

Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 0177



B*0.39216 (% for ?)

C*0.39216 (% for ?)

Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 0187

Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 0187

Note: I was reading 0 boost on my dash when I did this.

Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 0167
(B*1.8)-40 (ECT?)

(C*1.8)-40 (ECT2 Low Temp?)


Header: 7E0
Mode/Pid: 0173

Nox Reading (Non Regen)

Finally a reading of all of them together. ECT1, ECT3, and EOT are all accurate from the readings on the dash (I took this after driving home the other night and it was about 9 degrees outside. The temps from all of the individual pids were taken AFTER these were.)

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 13, 2013 (GMT)

Do you by any chance know what
the barometer reading was when you
had zero boost? (MPD56’s is at 14.4 but
yours may be different). If you also get a
high boost test response it would give two
points for possibly fitting an equation.

The EGR, CACT and ECTs will need to be compared
against known readings to sort out the correct
equations and variables to use.

I believe MPD56 is trying to sort out the MAP
pid which seems to be reading higher than
what we would expect.

Since Boost equals MAP-Baro, getting a correct
MAP reading will fix the boost.

For 6.0Ls the EBP used the same equation as MAP
so I am hoping this will be true for 6.7s as well after
the correct equation is determined.

If the Soot value hasn’t changed then it probably
isnt the correct pid or variables.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 13, 2013 (GMT)

I am confident in the Engine Oil Temperatures (some reason I have them in there twice), and ECT1 / ECT3. Those both match what the dash is reading.

The EGTs seem accurate and fluctuate appropriately. EGR_COT 4 looks accurate based on the other ECT’s.

The CACT (Charge Air Cooler Temperature at Outlet – Intercooler Outlet) ones I do not have a way to verify, but I would think that the lower 28 degree readings would be more accurate based on the outside air temperature.

On the boost, I will try and get one at 10lbs to see if we can tell any difference, but it is hard to tell according to the dash gauge for an accurate reading for that.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 14, 2013 (GMT)

This is with between 8 – 10 lbs of boost according to the dash gauge and how fast the wife got it.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 14, 2013 (GMT)

Bronco’s boost readings…

If you set the units to kPa and let
Torque convert to psi do the numbers
more closely match?

If my math is correct…


This is based upon your dash boost
of 8-10 expressed in psi.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 15, 2013 (GMT)

I tried this one and it was roughly double according to the analog gauge (10lbs on the gauge was 20 in the app)


I tried ((((B*256)+C)*0.03687)-32.23)-[33] and I typed kpa in the type and that was quite a bit off.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 15, 2013 (GMT)


Sorry it didnt work for you. Hopefully
MPD56 is having better luck.

The math from the previous screenshots…

(3526*0.03687)-32.23=97.77 kPa
(5622*0.03687)-32.23=175.05 kPa

Your baro reading changed from
97.78 in first screenshot to 106.12
in second screenshot…

97.77-97.78= -0.01 kPa = -0.00 psi
175.05-106.12=68.93 kPa = 9.99 psi

I am not sure whats going on at this point
if the numbers are not yielding similar

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 23, 2013 (GMT)


Another attempt at MAP, EBP and Boost this time
in psi…

Try equations:

(((B*256)+C)*0.00408)-14.4 for Boost

((B*256)+C)*0.00408 for MAP
((B*256)+C)*0.00408 for EBP

Posts: 7
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 23, 2013 (GMT)

Your original Boost equation was off by a factor of 10. So I changed the equation. It now replicates what my dash guage shows.


Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 24, 2013 (GMT)

Hey Folks: Nice work.

I’ll try some out.

Season’s Greetings


Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 25, 2013 (GMT)

Can someone post the test response
for pid 0170?

I believe your boost values maybe embedded
in the data returned as reported by your

Merry Christmas to all!


Header: 7DF
Mode/Pid: 0170
Equation: (((B*256)+C)*0.0048346)-Baro()
Units: psi

Without the test response I am guessing
at the variables.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 29, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on December 25, 2013
Can someone post the test response
for pid 0170?

I believe your boost values maybe embedded
in the data returned as reported by your

Merry Christmas to all!


Header: 7DF
Mode/Pid: 0170
Equation: (((B*256)+C)*0.0048346)-Baro()
Units: psi

Without the test response I am guessing
at the variables.

Capp777: No response or data from 0170

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: December 29, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from bridge on December 23, 2013
Your original Boost equation was off by a factor of 10. So I changed the equation. It now replicates what my dash guage shows.


Not sure what your using for a custom PID for boost but I’m not getting anything close to what my dash gauge replicates.

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