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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

I thought that EGT11 – EGT14 were in the DPF under the truck.

I assumed that since the EGR was the closest to the exhaust manifold it would be the truest actual EGT.

I also wanted to comment on the distance from last Regen. I do believe that does reset after key on. The pid we were testing didn’t during testing last night.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

Based upon the Ford docs I reviewed they
are as described earlier by MPD56.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from 79_bronco on November 18, 2013
I thought that EGT11 – EGT14 were in the DPF under the truck.

I assumed that since the EGR was the closest to the exhaust manifold it would be the truest actual EGT.

I also wanted to comment on the distance from last Regen. I do believe that does reset after key on. The pid we were testing didn’t during testing last night.

It is my understanding that the EGRT11 sensor is on the outlet of the EGR Cooler and the cooler exhaust gas is keep between 60 and 90 deg C. The closest temperature sensor is just after the turbo and waste gate, which should be EGT11. I assume that it is cooled down some by either device.

As far as the distance since last regen, I’m still not at that point on the learning curve.

Thanks to the report.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

((A < 16)+(B < 8)+C)*0.24 FF0000+FF00+FF = FFFFFF

Posts: 18
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

I was finally able to find this picture. It shows where all of the EGT11 – EGT14 sensors are located.

Capp, which pid are those equations for?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

79_Bronco: This should help you out with the locations.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 18, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from 79_bronco on November 18, 2013
I was finally able to find this picture. It shows where all of the EGT11 – EGT14 sensors are located.

Capp, which pid are those equations for?


Regen distances… for MPD’s learning curve?
22FD8A and 220434.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 19, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on November 18, 2013
Quote from 79_bronco on November 18, 2013
I was finally able to find this picture. It shows where all of the EGT11 – EGT14 sensors are located.

Capp, which pid are those equations for?


Regen distances… for MPD’s learning curve?
22FD8A and 220434.


PID 220434
Dial stayed at 764.8 Miles

((A < 16)+(B < 8)+C)*0.24 Dial stayed at 424.8 Miles

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 19, 2013 (GMT)


I think you have the equations crossed.
220434 uses the three byte equation. (3018).

Another question about dpf psi…

Did you ever try header 7E0?

In the past there have been pids where
Auto did not work and it only responded
when using the specific address of the

There is also a functional address of 7DF
in CAN that might be worth looking into?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 19, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on November 19, 2013

I think you have the equations crossed.
220434 uses the three byte equation. (3018).

Another question about dpf psi…

Did you ever try header 7E0?

In the past there have been pids where
Auto did not work and it only responded
when using the specific address of the

There is also a functional address of 7DF
in CAN that might be worth looking into?


Capp: Sorry, I un-crossed them.

Dial stayed at 764.8 Miles

PID 220434
((A < 16)+(B < 8)+C)*0.24 Dial stayed at 430.8 Miles It’s hard to stay on this curve at my age LOL.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 21, 2013 (GMT)

Interesting, it seems that the DIA mileage is matching the odometer, meaning that when I start the engine and drive it stays the same, but when I restart the engine it adds the miles I put on the last trip. I really can’t confirm that my last Regen completed 400 plus miles ago, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if the dial resets to zero. About a week ago a message came on that said that my truck was starting a Regen but I don’t know if it completed it?
E.g. I started my truck and the gauge showed 424.8 and drove 6 miles and shut off my truck, then I started my truck the gauge showed 430.8 and drove 5 miles and shut off my truck, when I started my truck the gauge showed 435.8.

PID 220434
((A < 16)+(B < 8)+C)*0.24 Dial stayed at 430.8 Miles

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 21, 2013 (GMT)

Thanks for the update!

Hopefully Bronco is seeing the same.

This matches the behavior I mentioned
in my earlier posts.

Have we addressed all of the pids
yet? Any outstanding like ambient air
or fuel level?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 21, 2013 (GMT)

As usual I start with the hard stuff first, wouldn’t be fun if I started with the Standard PIDs. I’ll have to update my PID list that seems to be working and post it.

As you suggested I added the header to the DPF psi and now I get a reading (65828.1 psi). I guess that I’m going to have to change the equation.

As for the DIA, wouldn’t you know it, the last trip the reading didn’t work out? It went from 442.3 to 393.1. I seem to have subtracted the miles this time.
Interesting thing is that EGT11 went to a high valve of 578.3, EGT12=955.8, EGT13=665.8 and EGT14=448.9. If I had the right EGT readings in the right place I would think that my truck was going through a Regen. Maybe the exhaust gas temperature after the CAT should be higher then the exhaust gas temperature pre CAT during a Regen. EGT13 reached 665.8 and EGT14 448.9. If I was in a Regen this last trip, I’m sure I didn’t complete it so I will have to monitor and see what readings I get.

Capp777: Thanks again for all your help.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 21, 2013 (GMT)

What equation were you using for
a dpf psi that high… the variables
only go to 65535 lol.

I am curious about the version
previously provided:


[ffxxxx]*12.42742 where ffxxxx is dpf psi
pid. (Using 0.000135 equation. See above).

For clarity which header worked
for you 7E0 or 7DF?

With all the mistakes we found I
wouldn’t rule out the EGTs are out
of order.

Can they be checked with your IR?
or that unsuspecting Ford tech you
mentioned before lol.

I thought I read the DPF temps reached
over 1000°F during the regen process.

Maybe the distance value will drop
further during subsequent startups
since the regen didn’t complete?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

What equation were you using for
a dpf psi that high… the variables
only go to 65535 lol.
I am curious about the version
previously provided:
[ffxxxx]*12.42742 where ffxxxx is dpf psi
pid. (Using 0.000135 equation. See above).
For clarity which header worked
for you 7E0 or 7DF?

MPD56 –
Note: Funny last trip I didn’t get a response?
DPF Pressure
PID 22017B
The equation: ((((A*256)+B)*(7/200)+65534)/10)
Header: 7E0

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

With all the mistakes we found I
wouldn’t rule out the EGTs are out
of order.

Can they be checked with your IR?
or that unsuspecting Ford tech you
mentioned before lol.

I thought I read the DPF temps reached
over 1000°F during the regen process.
Maybe the distance value will drop
further during subsequent startups
since the regen didn’t complete?

I’m going to wait till I have a few more things confirmed to play my tech hand, I’m sure it is going to cost a few beers to get a IDS print out. I wish I wouldn’t kept the one from my 6.4L.

I wasn’t in the right place or time to check with the IR and I was a little off guard, next time!!.

I’m sure that the EGT do go over 1000 degrees, this morning my EGT12 reading was close (995.8), I didn’t notice till I looked at the screen shot after that I might have been in Regen (One reason I want a PID to tell me), I would’ve let the Regen complete and logged more data.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

Mode/Pid 017B returns 7 bytes of data
according to wiki. You will have to
look at the response to determine

I was hoping that you had 22116c
responding since it was the original

I just realized you are using 22017B
not 017B. No clue as to what that

During my reading I found a reference
to an EGT rationality check which looks
at the EGTs 120 seconds after a cold start…

EGT11 120°F
EGT12 100°F
EGT13 95°F
EGT14 90°F

Maybe watching these two minutes after
cold start will verify correct order of EGTs.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

During my reading I found a reference
to an EGT rationality check which looks
at the EGTs 120 seconds after a cold start…
EGT11 120°F – my truck 142.7 °F
EGT12 100°F – my truck 128.1 °F
EGT13 95°F – my truck 102.9 °F
EGT14 90°F – my truck 57.2 °F
Outside air temperature was 37 °F

As for the DPF Pressure
Sorry I don’t know where I got the 22017B or when I changed it?
I changed it to 22116c and the equation as you posted above.
Test Response: 7E8037F2231

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

How many bytes were returned on 22017B?
It could be Ford is mimicing the mode 01 pids
using mode 22 pids.

If it is mimicing then maybe 22016B will yield
egr temp?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

Capp777: More easy reading LOL.
I know that you don’t have a 6.7L but this is why I like to know when my truck is close to going into Regen. I must of not completed the past Regens, at this time of year I normally drive stop and go driving (travel trailer is in storage for the winter). Today I was going on a 6 mile trip in a snow storm and the Regen message displayed so to complete a Regen it takes about 10 miles at highway speed. To complete this Regen I had to go on a highway in a snow storm and add 16 more miles to my trip. I believe that driving around with a high DPF soot level is hard on the DPF, reduces MPG, etc. If I knew that I was close to a Regen, I could decide better to choose how to deal with completing a Regen on my own terms.

Below are some readings that I captured from that Regen Trip.

EGT readings when Regen Message displayed for 5 seconds.
EGT11 = 444.4
EGT12 = 638.2
EGT13 = 402.6
EGT14 = 444.2

EGT readings 9 minutes later (still in Regen)
EGT11 = 715.5
EGT12 = 1226.8
EGT13 = 1067.2
EGT14 = 1141.7

EGT readings 4 minutes later (parked at end of trip)
EGT11 = 367.0
EGT12 = 425.5
EGT13 = 439.3
EGT14 = 477.7

EGT highest readings from the Regen message to end of trip (appox 16 miles).
EGT11 = 816.4
EGT12 = 1243.2
EGT13 = 1081.9
EGT14= 1218.6
It will take some time for me to digest all this information. EGT11 and EGT12 seem to be most responsive, EGT12 seem to shoot right up to the highest valve as soon as the message came up.

At the start of the trip and the past few trips the DIA has never changed from 393.1 miles. At the end of this last trip it read 393.1 miles. When I shut off the truck and restarted the engine, the DIA reading changed to 6.2 Miles. To me it seems that the Regen stopped and I drove 6.2 miles till I parked.

Sorry about the length

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