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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 15, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on November 15, 2014
Did you ever figure out 0173?

((B*256)+C)*(1.45038*(10^-3)) ?

Thanks Capp777:

I’ll try it out.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 19, 2014 (GMT)


I get 17 psi at idle 598 rpm

Information tells me that the sensor in the truck can read 0 to 90 psi.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 19, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on November 15, 2014
Did you ever figure out 0173?

((B*256)+C)*(1.45038*(10^-3)) ? PsiA

((B*256)+C)*(1.45038*(10^-3))-Baro() ? PsiG


End Quote.

I would be curious about
your KOEO readings… do they
match atmospheric pressure?

Do your readings seem reasonable (change
up/down as expected with boost) ?

The 7.3L EBP ran about 1.5 PsiG EBP
above boost at idle. (when corrected
to match atmospheric pressure at KOEO).

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 22, 2014 (GMT)

On the 7.3L, as boost/rpm increased the
EBP increased as well.

Based upon your KOEO info the EBP makes
sense… your idle data seemed to be in the
ball park of 1.5 PsiG EBP above boost… I
am guessing your boost was around 1 or less at
idle based upon previous data in this thread.

Now the only question remaining is the high
end EBP. Does your truck send a constant
value when it detects a faulty sensor like
the 7.3L’s? (300 kPaA = 43.51 PsiA = 28.81 PsiG?)
or maybe something like below…

From the 7.3L thread…

Quote from Capp777 on January 6, 2014
I would think its used by the pcm along
with other sensors to calculate accurate air
flow, air density and fuel delivery.


It looks like your EBP value is off by 6.3.

Not sure but I think it should be equal
to MAP psia and Baro psia at KOEO., ~19
at 1700 rpm and ~28 at 3000 rpm based
upon what I’ve read so far.

Did you pressurize the EBP to get 21 psia
at KOEO? It was reading 7 at idle in previous

P0470 Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor Malfunction
according to my manuals.

End Quote.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 26, 2014 (GMT)


Thanks for the update… are your EBP units
still in PsiA (or PsiG) ?

Side Note:

If you remove the “-Baro()” term from the
Boost equation… what’s left equals MAP PsiA.
(MAP pid in list is likely not accurate as it is
based upon older Fords and inH2O). Your
Boost equation is correct as is for Boost.


17.5 PsiA = 3.0 PsiG EBP ?

Boost units are in PsiG. (20.2 PsiG).

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 28, 2014 (GMT)

Someone posted on another forum that EBP for a 6.7L

The EBP sensor input units is volts and range is 0V to 5V
The ECM EBP output is 0kpa to 551.0kpa

I’m waiting for a PM from him for more information but it looks like the output is in KpaA?

Hope this makes sense. I’m going to try and check this out later. I’m assuming with KOEO it should show Baro?

Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

Hello, on my 2011 6.7 Powerstroke I’m attempting to get values from an EGT sensor plugged into the EGRT11 sensor location. I noticed previous posters have made attempts and also not succeeded. 22F46B byte B appears to be trying to report temperature however it’s scaling is off when used with the EGT sensor and maxes out long before it would be of any use trying to measure EGT. I’ve found in various diagnostics manuals that there is also a PID for EGRT11_V (as in volts) which if I could find the actual PID for this, the next step would be to run the voltage returned through the appropriate equation to convert the Volts from the EGT with a 5v reference signal into temperature.

So a couple questions:
Does anyone know the PID for EGRT11_V?
Does anyone have the appropriate datasheet for the Ford 6.7 Powerstroke EGT sensor I could use for creating the equation?

and Finally.. has anyone already figured this out and just not posted the solution yet?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

I don’t know of the PID for the EGT in volts. I have monitored the EGT voltage with the dealer’s scanner but it only shows EGRT11_V and not the number?

Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re trying to do? How did you install the Ford Specific PIDs for the 6.7? The EGT PID here should read well over the range of the exhaust temperatures, it is unlikely that EGT11 would be over 1000 degrees.

You might want to check if there is a “SET Maximum Value” set for that display?

FYI: Check page 109 on the link below.

Also for light reading.

Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

I think what I might not have described very well is that I am using the physical sensor from EGT11 and I’ve installed it in place of the sensor located at EGRT11. The 2 sensors are different types and I’m trying to account for the difference in the 2 sensors. The reason I’m doing this is to get a pre-turbo EGT reading directly off the manifold.

I continued working on this today and I think I found that EGRT11_V is actually 22055E now I need to figure out how to convert the values coming back to volts and then come up with an equation to convert the volts to the volts/temperature curve of the RTD.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

Is your sensor linear to temperature changes
or is it a polynomial response? (Since you are
looking on the input side).

Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

I don’t believe it’s completely linear. looking at the graphs in something called “the 6.7l coffee table book” they appear to have a slight curve. I’d like to find the actual datasheet for the Factory EGT sensor though in order to create a proper voltage/temp equation.

In the manual that MPD linked to there is a table of some Voltage/Ohm/Temps from -40c – 850c Maybe I could use these values to create something close enough?

Vout = (Vref * R sensor) / (1K + R sensor)
Response Time: 1 time constant = 15 sec for 300 deg C step @ 10m/sec gas flow
Volts A/D Counts in PCM Ohms Temperature, deg C
0.10 short circuit n/a
0.73 171 -40
0.84 202 0
1.09 277 100
1.30 350 200
1.48 421 300
1.64 490 400
1.79 556 500
1.91 619 600
2.02 691 700
2.13 740 800
2.17 768 850
4.90 open circuit n/a

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

Can you post a sample of your
pid’s raw hex response…

For the 7.3L we used

((A*256)+B)/13168 for TFT Volts

Im guessing you may need

((B*256)+C)*(1/13168) for Volts?

Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

032f 220ohms .802v on fluke
13ff unhooked
037a just started
03de just started
042e running
0451 running..
041f after running for maybe a minute

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

Not sure… according to your table
0.802V sensor would be below freezing.

032f 815/1016=0.802 ?

((A*256)+B)*(1/1016) ?

Sorry the hex response from Torque
pid editor since Im guessing at the


Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

The variables are A, B. Another interesting thing is that the ohms are 220 @.80V not

Posts: 51
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: May 15, 2015 (GMT)

Less than symbols mess with your post apparently. as I was saying..

The variables are A, B. Another interesting thing is that the ohms are 220 @.80V not less than 202ohms as indicated by the table. I’m really not trusting that table right now.

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