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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 6, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on June 6, 2014
My question concerns 22FD8A in miles. I
understand that 220434 only updates at
key-on and follows your odometer.

I was curious if 22FD8A was returning the
just before regen average that 150 miles is
being subtracted. (~500 you have been

The short name of DIA and DIS are confusing
as Bronco’s original posting labeled 220434 as
DIS on page [1].

Are you saying that both pids are reporting
the same updated values at key on which is
matching your odometer?

I would be tempted to make a custom pid
which adds your trip distance to the value
of 220434 for while you are driving.


Sorry I have been making my own names or mixing some I like and can see now where I’m confusing folks. Bronco was right and somewhere I changed it.

I haven’t been able to get 22FD8A to response yet, but I will try soon because I’m curious now if it is real time data? Now that I have most of the PIDS I want, I will try and see if there is a way that Torque can request a response from 220434 in real time?

I do hope that I can make a new thread of PIDs for the 6.7L that is condensed which might just make things less confusing.

Thanks again for all your help, if it wasn’t for you I’m sure that I’d be still trying to figure out RPM.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 6, 2014 (GMT)

Sorry… I am a slow typest. Your quote
missed my last sentence just in case you
didnt see it on other page.

[220434]+Val{Trip Distance}

“If it works the way I think trip distance will
reset and 220434 will update at your next
startup continuing where it left off.”

Almost Realtime!?

(Short trip toggle setting may need to
be changed to allow reset at brief

The values would be off after a regen until
the vehicle is stopped and restarted. Long
non-stop trips wouldnt work… but it probably
wouldnt be as much a concern since the regens
would take place anyway.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 7, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on June 6, 2014
If it is an averaged distance it wouldnt have
changed by much… thats why I was curious.

In addition,

If you are not getting a FRP from pid 0123
dont forget to try 220023.


Or possibly 22F423.
Or possibly 22F459.
Or possibly 22168C.

End Quote.

Added edit.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 12, 2014 (GMT)

Hey Capp777:

FRP doesn’t seem to be working, but I’m still looking at it.

Also my DIA reads 150 miles and the Soot is 2.1 (68%) with no sign of a Regen, so I’ll have to seen what happens when Soot gets to 2.7 as per Trash Hauler’s Post. I’ll be taking a trip with my 12K trailer next week so with a lot of miles I’d hope to get a better outlook from the data.

Also another Question.

Some of my first custom gauges seem to be slow to keep up with real time data now or keep the minimum and maximum values. Don’t know if it is one of the new PIDs hanging up the program or the phone’s resources are max out? I was hoping to get this figured out before my trip, any suggestions?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 12, 2014 (GMT)

For FRP… did you try 22F423?

For your update speeds. Take a look
at your adapters pids/second rate and
compare it to the number of items
you are trying to read. Are you also
data logging at the same time? At what

Thats about the extent of my knowledge
on the subject.

I thought your distance had to be > ~450 and
gpl > ~1.85 before it would trigger an
active regen before it reached the 2.67 limit
to force a regen?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 12, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on June 12, 2014
For FRP… did you try 22F423?

For your update speeds. Take a look
at your adapters pids/second rate and
compare it to the number of items
you are trying to read. Are you also
data logging at the same time? At what

Thats about the extent of my knowledge
on the subject.

I thought your distance had to be > ~450 and
gpl > ~1.85 before it would trigger an
active regen before it reached the 2.67 limit
to force a regen?

Thanks Capp777

I turned off the logging and will see.

Yes my distance before has been close to 500 miles to see a Regen. I’m thinking that it won’t Regen to 2.7 or a Passive Regen might keep the soot level down below 2.7 and an Active Regen won’t start till the DIA reaches 500 if the Soot is 2.0 to 2.6?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 12, 2014 (GMT)

If your last regen was the one with the wrench
your starting gpl was ~0.45 higher than previous
so Im guessing 1.85+0.45 to trigger if your miles
gets to > ~450 before 2.67 gpl is reached.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 13, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on June 12, 2014

If your last regen was the one with the wrench
your starting gpl was ~0.45 higher than previous
so Im guessing 1.85+0.45 to trigger if your miles
gets to > ~450 before 2.67 gpl is reached.

I agree. I guess we will have to see.

Also turning off logging didn’t solve my other problem I posted above

Thanks for the help

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 23, 2014 (GMT)

FYI and a bump:

I just came back from a 1000 mile trip with my 12K 5th wheel.25% of which was driving empty visiting tourist traps LOL.

What I learned so far, with my 2013 F350 with a 3.31 rear end, I noticed that without the trailer in tow at 65-70 mph the EGTs were not hot enough to passively Regen and the Soot % increased. When towing at the same speed the EGTs were in the 700+ and the Soot % decreases (Passive Regen). It just so happened that when the Soot % reached 100% the truck without towing started an Active Regen and zero the Distance Since Last Complete Regen (DIA) so I couldn’t confirmed that the 500 mile mark would start an Active Regen no matter what the Soot % was at? On my drive home the Soot % started at 75% and when I got home it was 48% with a DIA of 430 miles. We will see if I will reach 500 miles before the Soot % gets to 100%.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: June 30, 2014 (GMT)

Capp777: Thanks

I started another New Thread to hope help the new folks?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: July 11, 2014 (GMT)


Just curious… if your TFT at summertime temps
are still matching your display with engine cold (ambient)
like it did during the winter?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: July 11, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on July 11, 2014


Just curious… if your TFT at summertime temps
are still matching your display with engine cold
like it did during the winter?

MPD56 Reply:

Hey capp777; ECT,EOT and TFT seem to show the same temperatures (+ or – 1 degree) with a cold soak engine that matches the ambient air temperature.

I made a new thread on this forum and a few others with a lists of PIDs to see if I could pickup test pilots LOL.
I’m going to buy an android tablet to let my wife use the cell phone once and a while. I also hope to learn about making themes and plugins because I just need to know. Folks are asking me about them so now I have to know LOL.

Thank You. I couldn’t of started this without all your help (and no way to pay you back). If they only knew that your the brains behind the success of 6.7L, if only you had a 6.7L.
I’m also greatful to the Developer Ian, it is a pretty cool APP. I hope that he finishes his WIKI page.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: July 11, 2014 (GMT)

A 2-point temp check spread over 6 months…
that is good to hear.

Still driving my OBD I Jeep. You guys have all the
fun :-)

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: July 24, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from superdog404 on July 22, 2014
Just wanted to add me to your list of 2014 F350 6.7i diesel pickups. it is also 4 wheel drive.
Thank you for all the great work going on here. I have entered a few equations but haven’t tested them yet.
Keep up the good work.

How do you not set the MAX value since It won’t save without it.

DPF Distance Since Last Complete Regen –
PID – 220434 – Seems to be working
Long Name (used in menus) – Distance Since Last Complete Regeneration 6.7L
Short Name (used in gauge display) – DIA
Min Value – 0.0
Max Value – 100
Scale Factor – x1
Unit Type – Miles
Equation –
Header – 7E0

Reply by MPD56

I believe
100 is a default and the display will show more then 100 miles,If you put in anything else the display will limit that display to that display.

Also check out the Thread below

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 5, 2014 (GMT)

The list was last updated July 09, 2014. Sorry I’m doing this for self interest and been caught up in learning App programming and Quadhelix’s graphics. I have been testing and looking for other PID numbers, I’d be interested in what PIDs that you’re interested in, I might have put it on the bottom of my testing list.
Also my wife has limited my Geek time due to the nice summer weather LOL.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 6, 2014 (GMT)

I’ve been trying to do some work on the EBP and EGR.

The on ebp I have tried multiple equations on 0173 and the gauge doesn’t move. 221445, no data. Any other pids to try?

Ad far as egr goes, I am trying to do something different. My truck doesn’t have emissions, instead I have one of the egt sensors in the egr plug, directly in the exhaust manifold, which could get us real egt’s.
016b and 22f46b both are reading this sensor, as you can unplug it and the guage will fall. Using a couple different equations it seems that it has a max reading,(((B*256)+C)*0.007)-40.0 will show basically ambient on a cold start but max will only go to 417 f. It shows that cruising or wot. When you let off or idle it comes down, generally about 275 after a minute or so. Any ideas?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 6, 2014 (GMT)

Cool and interesting ideas!!

I’ve just started testing the EBP with 0173. I get a response with using “A” and “B” in the equation but haven’t fined tuned the equation. Right now my equation is just “A” and I’m getting 40+- psi at idle (600 rpm). “C” in the equation seems too jumpy and don’t think it should be in there, but then again I need to look into it??

Documents (6.7 Coffee Table Book) shows the sensor’s voltage vs degrees, of course not the PCM output. I’m assuming an equation 10 to 88 psi or .5 volts to 4.6 volts from the sensor?

Haven’t looked at the EGTS for awhile but which PCM wires are you using in the EGR?

My guess is that the EBP sensor is linear and should be a one variable (“A”) response and the EGT sensor isn’t, which uses to variables (ex: B an C.)

Exhaust Back Pressure
PID – 0173 – Still Testing
Long Name (used in menus) – Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor 6.7L
Short Name (used in gauge display) – EBP
Min Value – 0.0
Max Value – 100
Scale Factor – x1
Unit Type – psi
Equation – ((B*256)+C)*0.03625 (I have just “A” for now)
OBD Header – 7E0

Exhaust Pressure (EP)
The EP sensor is a 3-wire variable
capacitance sensor. The PCM
supplies a 5 volt reference (VREF)
signal which the EP uses to produce
a linear analog voltage that indicates
The PCM monitors the EP sensor as
an input into EGR operation for the
delta pressure calculation.
IDS: EP (pressure) and EP_V (volts)

Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)
The EGT sensors are a Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD) type
sensor. The electrical resistance of the
sensor increases as the temperature
increases, and resistance decreases
as the temperature decreases.
There are four EGT sensors used
as part of the regeneration operation
reductant injection.
IDS: EGT11 (temperature)
and EGT11_V (volts), EGT12
(temperature) and EGT12_V (volts),
EGT13 (temperature) and EGT13_V
(volts), EGT14 (temperature) and
EGT14_V (volts)

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