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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 3, 2011 (GMT)

That’s okay, you don’t have to install it if you don’t like the permissions the app needs to run.

Storage is for logging data from your vehicle to the SD card.

GPS is so you can map where your vehicle is and/or upload that data to a website of your own choice

Always run / persisitent (well, this is required for logging, you don’t want the app getting paused whilst android goes away and does something or you are using google nav)

Bluetooth admin – Turns bluetooth on/off as per the settings in the app (some people want to turn bluetooth off when the app quits, and on when the app starts)

Global System settings: Turns airplane mode on to shutdown the radios and consume as little power as possible when external power isn’t there (for permanent-in-dash installations)

Phone identity: Somehow, you have to say who you are when you’re uploading data to a webserver (if it is a shared server or there are multiple devices). This is basically an MD5 hash of the the hardware id of the phone

And there are no ads, and even a privacy policy (in case you choose to upload log info to my webserver)

Posts: 10
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 7, 2011 (GMT)

* Able to pull ABS & Airbag, Body, Network, etc fault codes for some vehicles (beta) as well as a lot more normal fault code types.

Can you tell me what are the vehicles you were able to pull ABS fault codes for?

Posts: 10
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 7, 2011 (GMT)

1. Would it be possible to use any telnet aplication from Android Market like Connectbot or Telnet instead of PC computer to scan with torquescan?It would be much easier.

2. Scanning commands with Torquescan is a very good option,but it takes ages to scan all PIDs, everytime from the beginning .It would be better to save the result at one point and start scanning again later from the higher PIDs.Is it possible?

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 8, 2011 (GMT)

Good morning:

I appear from Malaga (Spain). If my English writing is not good is because I’m using Google translator.

I tell my doubts if you can help me.

– Where I can find a program for me myself to issues that resembles the design maximum speedometer on my car? (Toyota Corolla Verso D-Cat 2006).

– What are the differences between the voltage control module and the OBD adapter voltage? What would be the battery voltage?

– Is there any way to change the refresh signal is received from which sends a signal to the next hop to avoid marking of engine speed (RPM’s), for example?

Thank you very much for your help and excuse me if you have already answered my questions but to read the whole forum would have to translate over.


Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 8, 2011 (GMT)


Your english is better than my Spanish :-)

– You’ll need to look for a theme for your vehicle if you want it to look the same, if there is no theme, then one will need to be made to match what your dial looks like – the themes thread might be a good place to ask

– The voltage measured at the adapter is measured at exactly that, the adapter – if you are using a clone adapter, this may be slightly out (if it has not been calibrated). The control module voltage is that measured (usually) at the ECU. So this will be usually the closest to the battery voltage, less any wire-losses.

(If I have understood this correctly) There is a “fast mode” option in the adapter settings that you might want to make sure is ticked. This will significantly increase the speed that PIDs can be read from the ECU/Adapter (but may not work with some of the cheap clones due to reliability issues)

If you get google chrome, it can translate the pages for you without having to visit a website to do it and cut/paste text :)

Hope this helps


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 8, 2011 (GMT)

Hi, i just recieved my OBD2 adapter, the cheaper chinese kind….I have a 1999 SAAB 9-3, and a Samsung Galaxy S i500 phone (mesmerize). I connected the adapter, set it up so it could read everything, it connects fine, gives me lots of readings (boost, volts, 02, engine load, revs, coolant temp, etc) but in the adapter status, where the number should be ‘0’ it says 62 faults! So does that mean im being jipped on some readings then? Should i return the adapter? Everything else seems to be working fine, idk whats missing or what i should be reading. Or am I ok? HELP!

Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 8, 2011 (GMT)


The faults is usually a sign of a comms issue with the adapter. Basically what happens is that Torque asks the adapter to do something (a valid command) and instead the adapter replies with a ‘huh?’ error as it didn’t understand.

The fault happens to lie with the timings between the bluetooth module and obd2 chip within the adapter being slightly different (due to cheap components being used) and thus causes the comms issues.

This means the adapter is faulty. What that means to you is you will see annoying symptoms such as dials/readouts pausing sporadically and even other issues like some sensors not being available or fault codes not being pulled (due to the fault code commands being not understood, *intermittently*).

The app tries to work around this, however there are some situations that will cause the dials to just pause for a few seconds before everything wakes up and carries on again

I’d recommend returning the adapter. Paticularly with that amount of faults (even 1 is bad) You also don’t want the adapter misinterpreting a command (which in rare cases can also happen)

Hope this helps, sorry it’s probably what you don’t want to hear


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 8, 2011 (GMT)

Your are right on the money with everything you said. Thanks Ian, looks like ill be returning this lil piece of junk and getting something worth my time! Any recommendations on good adapters that arent too overly expensive, i spend 30 on mine….

Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 9, 2011 (GMT)

There’s wiki page at which lists a few, I use the scantool one myself (they have been rather helpful, and I’ve had numerous reports of good after sales support). :)

Basically all of the adapters that aren’t based on the cheap ebay clones are ok. (and to be open about this, I don’t make anything off adapter sales!)

Posts: 8
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 11, 2011 (GMT)

I have a 2001 Dodge Ram and I love Torque! It works great! But there are a few things that won’t pull up like transmission temp and fuel level. Is it because the ecu doesn’t support it or is there an update that can fix it? Thanks

Posts: 8
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 11, 2011 (GMT)

Another question, how can I find out if mine is up to date with the latest update?

Posts: 8
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 12, 2011 (GMT)

I saw that in order to calculate hp and torque, it needs the weight of the vehicle, but in kilograms. Is there a way to make it in pounds as well? I think mine is off

Posts: 8
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 14, 2011 (GMT)

Anyone know the question on trans temp and fuel level as to why it won’t work?

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)

Hello Ian,
yesterday has arrived my interface and i purchased Torque (full version) by Android Market, but i have some problems with my Samsung Galaxy Ace that is crashing after application quit. The screen became black and the telephone was not responding, i had to remove battery and restart. Might you help me?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)


Please read the notes in the Android Market, if you have a samsung or HTC and the phone is going slow/rebooting on exit, then it is an issue with another bluetooth enabled app installed on the phone

Typically Vlingo and Pandora trigger a bug in Samsung handsets, causing them to crash after another app releases a bluetooth connection. It’s not a bug in Torque, but a bug in the bluetooth drivers shipping with the affected handsets.

There is a workaround, and that is to uninstall Vlingo / Disable Bluetooth/car mode in Pandora, and/or uninstall any other bluetooth-enabled app that may be running. Once you have done that, the handset should stop crashing.

Hope this helps! I’ve tried to work around this issue a lot, but unfortunately it’s not Torque that is the problem – it’s the actual bluetooth drivers on the handset. But the workaround (disabling other bluetooth apps) should work. It’s really sad, as some people give me a poor rating for this bug in the handset which is outside of my control


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)

the problem is that the phone is new and i have istalled neither Pandora nor Vlingo apps, i will try to update the firmware of the phone.
I am sorry because the software works very good….

Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)

Thats okay, it’s possible that there is another bluetooth enabled application (that may come preinstalled on the device) that could be the culprit. I know this must be fustrating.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jacbac2 on June 7, 2011

1. Would it be possible to use any telnet aplication from Android Market like Connectbot or Telnet instead of PC computer to scan with torquescan?It would be much easier.

2. Scanning commands with Torquescan is a very good option,but it takes ages to scan all PIDs, everytime from the beginning .It would be better to save the result at one point and start scanning again later from the higher PIDs.Is it possible?

I’m using a G-tablet with vegan 7 and I get force close when
I use torque scan. all other fuctions appear to be working.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)

I am curious about the equations in the add custom PID
I have factory manuals that has all the pid’s for my 98
windstar . I haven’t the slightest idea what is required
to do this. any suggested reading?
vegan 7 G-tab
ebay ELM327 Bluetooth OBD-II OBD2 CAN-BUS
full latest version torque.
And I would be happy to share the pid’s.
Torque scan runs but always force close.
did send log. did not make comments.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 13, 2011 (GMT)


If you have the MODE 22 or 21 PIDs in the manual, then all you have to do is add them in the PID section of a new custom PID that you would create in the app. You can get to this from the settings->Manage Extra sensors/pids option

You could add some predefined PIDs to see what they look like if you want to get an idea of what you need to add – I’m working on documentation at the moment (a big part of the next update) so this will gain some more help in the coming couple of weeks



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