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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: November 24, 2015 (GMT)

Ian, Ive been using Torque for a couple of years now on my Corolla D4D 1.4- not a lot of readings to have but what works, works well. After the last update I was delighted to see ‘Transmission Type 3 Temp’ …and it worked on my car. However its now vanished from the menu. I downloaded the app again, but its still missing – how can I get that back.
Great App, I have a fixed 9” Hudl screen displaying all the time, it looks fantatsic.
Many thanks
Martyn, Scunthorpe Lincs UK

Retired Professional driver, love messing with Torque and my Toyota Corolla D4D.
Lincolnshire UK

xray man
Posts: 7
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 7, 2015 (GMT)

How do I re-download pro app after hard reset of Android phone? Thanks and Merry Christmas.

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 8, 2015 (GMT)

Visit App Store and look for Torque App. If your Google ID is still the same as when you bought it before, you should be able to download it again. I’ve done it several times when buying new tablets etc

Retired Professional driver, love messing with Torque and my Toyota Corolla D4D.
Lincolnshire UK

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 8, 2015 (GMT)

…..sorry, have a Great Christmas!

Retired Professional driver, love messing with Torque and my Toyota Corolla D4D.
Lincolnshire UK

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 14, 2015 (GMT)

i got my dongle and phone to pair up fine but when i go to google it says either installed or will be downloaded shortly but it never does. i have a samsung galaxy core prime phone any idea what could be wrong?

retired U.S.Coast Guard Vet

Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 14, 2015 (GMT)


try rebooting the phone. If google play has cached invalid order data then this will cause it to in some cases not download the app (typically though this is only when there is a problem processing the order request such as a blocked card, etc)

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 29, 2015 (GMT)

hello all, i purchased an inexpensive oxgord obdII diag interface tool for android and it works great on my 04 ford explorer but it won’t link to my phone when i connect it to an 02 ford escort. any suggestions?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 29, 2015 (GMT)

I want to help you in Hindi translation.
Can you drop the price @30 INR for 1 day.
for my countrymen.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: January 22, 2016 (GMT)

Vehicle Info: 2016 Ford F-150 pickup with OBD2.

Phone Info: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 running Android 5.

Device Info: ScanTool 426101 OBDLink MX with Bluetooth

Problem: After pairing my phone with the device I get the message “device not found” on the Torque Lite screen.

The device works fine with the app provided by the manufacturer of the device.

I will try my tablet later today.

For now, Torque Lite is just occupying memory on my phone.

Any suggestions on getting Torque Lite to recognize the device?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: January 23, 2016 (GMT)

what does the flashing blue car on the top right of the screen mean?

Posts: 6
Post Re: General FAQ
on: January 24, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from richieka on January 23, 2016
what does the flashing blue car on the top right of the screen mean?

If the blue car is flashing, it mean that the ECU isn’t connected…

Posts: 19
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 2, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from playnintrafik on December 29, 2015
hello all, i purchased an inexpensive oxgord obdII diag interface tool for android and it works great on my 04 ford explorer but it won’t link to my phone when i connect it to an 02 ford escort. any suggestions?

the 02 Escort could possibly be too old for the obd2 adapter to work

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 8, 2016 (GMT)

After a Torque Scan I get a short file that I can send to myself in an email… what can I do with it or where can I find out what each of the “Commands” represent, e.g.:

Command: 220004 response:6200046D

I know the “response” is in hex and I know how to break up the response into its parts but where can I find out what the command 220004 is?

My list as found in the scan:
Command: 220004 response:6200046D
Command: 220009 response:62000983
Command: 220010 response:6200100684
Command: 220019 response:62001993FF
Command: 221100 response:62110080
Command: 221101 response:62110102
Command: 221104 response:62110460
Command: 221110 response:62111000
Command: 221119 response:62111900
Command: 221140 response:6211400309
Command: 221151 response:62115100
Command: 221190 response:62119013
Command: 221200 response:62120000
Command: 221201 response:6212010000
Command: 221204 response:6212040000
Command: 221300 response:6213000526
Command: 221301 response:621301FF1F
Command: 221310 response:62131002
Command: 221319 response:6213190C
Command: 221900 response:62190001
Command: 221901 response:62190100
Command: 221924 response:62192420

Also, Why is is so impossible to get an oil pressure reading from an OBD/Torque setup?

Needed for a 2005 4.3L GMC pickup… days spent searching to unsuccess :(

Thanks for any insight here

Posts: 5
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 9, 2016 (GMT)

How can be interpreted the serial number assigned to the folders created in torque? Example: 1433364825739, 1433637034838, 1433560211471

I undertand that these numbers are something like a date time serial, but I have not find a way to interprete them.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 16, 2016 (GMT)

hey guys new in here. running a bmw 335 twin turbo. the car stock runs 8psi boost 4psi on each turbo. question, when i look at the torque pro gauge it only shoots up to 4 does this mean i just double that number to know what boost im running as its only giving me the reading of 1 turbo?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 18, 2016 (GMT)

This may have been asked but I couldn’t find anything with the search. Will the APR dongle work with this app? I have a stage 1 mk6 GTI and I’m need of a new dongle. Trying to kill two birds with one stone. For those that don’t know, their dongle is 200 and it’s the only thing that works with their app. I’d rather know before I pull the trigger. Thanks.

Posts: 30
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from jcm_gdl on February 9, 2016
How can be interpreted the serial number assigned to the folders created in torque? Example: 1433364825739, 1433637034838, 1433560211471

I undertand that these numbers are something like a date time serial, but I have not find a way to interprete them.

My guess is it’s a simple seconds count… The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st, 1970 (the Unix epoch date, how computers track time)

Posts: 30
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from jcm_gdl on February 9, 2016
How can be interpreted the serial number assigned to the folders created in torque? Example: 1433364825739, 1433637034838, 1433560211471

I undertand that these numbers are something like a date time serial, but I have not find a way to interprete them.

My guess is it’s a simple seconds count… The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st, 1970 (the Unix epoch date, how computers track time)

Posts: 30
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from jcm_gdl on February 9, 2016
How can be interpreted the serial number assigned to the folders created in torque? Example: 1433364825739, 1433637034838, 1433560211471

I undertand that these numbers are something like a date time serial, but I have not find a way to interprete them.

It’s the time elapsed since Unix date 0 (Unix epoch time)

Posts: 30
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from jcm_gdl on February 9, 2016
How can be interpreted the serial number assigned to the folders created in torque? Example: 1433364825739, 1433637034838, 1433560211471

I undertand that these numbers are something like a date time serial, but I have not find a way to interprete them.

My guess is it’s a simple seconds count… The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st, 1970 (the Unix epoch date, how computers track time)

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