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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 6632
Post Frequently Asked Questions
on: April 21, 2010 (GMT)

This is a placeholder for a short FAQ to answer various questions about torque, the faq is a work in progress and will continue to evolve as torque gains new features and more people use it – check back often! Please note I do not frequently look at sticky posts. If you have a question, create a topic in the forum and I’ll do my best to answer!

Error 403 from the Android Market when trying to download the app
This usually an issue with the google account the market app is using – it can randomly change accounts if you have multiple google accounts – To fix this go into the market/google play, press menu, and choose the ‘accounts’ button. Double check you are using the google account that purchased Torque. Once you have selected the correct account then google will let you download the app from their servers

Specific note about cheap clone OBD adapters and some older Fords
If you unable to connect and are using a Ford and a cheap clone adapter, then this is *highly* likely to be due to the adapter being faulty. Please see the warnings on about the cheap clone adapters commonly found on ebay/amazon. Generally the clone adapters are fine, but there are a significant number of them that exhibit problems.

How do I make the displays update faster?

This is mainly down to the speed at which the ECU operates and provides data to Torque, but there are a couple of things you can do that will improve the speed of the readings:

  • Try to use the ‘Faster communication’ setting – Some adapters can use the ‘faster communication’ setting to reduce timeouts and retrieve data slightly faster from the ECU. Not all adapters support this option but it will improve things if yours does.
  • Have fewer displays on screen – Torque will only ask the ECU for the information that it needs, so if you want the fastest update possible for a particular display then only have that display on the screen
  • Only use logging when required – Web uploads and file based logging ask the ECU for PIDs, only use logging when required.

Will torque work with my vehicle?

Torque will work with all OBD2 compliant vehicles, but that doesn’t mean much to most people. Basically, if your vehicle (most cars) was built after the year 2000, then there is a very good chance that Torque will work for you. The vehicle identification plate / sticker may also show if the vehicle is OBD2 compliant.

Will Torque work on my diesel car/van/truck

Again, this is down to whether or not you have an OBD2 compliant ECU, most diesels after about the year 2006 should be compliant, but if in doubt check with an auto professional.

Why are there so many updates?

The reason there are lots of updates is due to slightly different implementations of the OBD standard, and special ‘nuances’ between vehicle manufacturers. Because of this there are some ‘special cases’ for the protocols that I may not have been aware of when coding part of Torque that handles communications.

Now, it would be brilliant if I had access to every car every manufacturer ever made with all the OBD documentation for their models, but unfortunately cars cost money (so I only have 1!) and their documentation also costs a fair amount.

So there are people out there that have vehicles that torque does not work with. They let me know about this and are kind enough to send me a debug file, I look at the debug file, try to fix something, and the only way I can test is to update the app on the market for them to test and report back.

This is a very long winded and unfortunate way to improve the program, but it does result in support for a wider range of vehicles.

You don’t have to update every time an update is posted on the android market :)

It doesn’t work for me, what do I do!

This is a difficult one as there are a lot of things that might cause an issue, I will try to jot down some of the more common ones:

  • Make sure your ignition is turned ‘ON’ – Most ECUs for security purposes disable the diagnostic connector when the ignition is off. Sometimes they are also disabled if the engine is not running
  • Make sure you have an OBD2 compliant vehicle – Some vehicles have what looks like an OBD connector, but aren’t OBD2 compliant – a user with a Fiat van was unfortunate to find this out.
  • Check you have paired your Bluetooth adapter – Go into your Bluetooth settings and check that you have paired with your Bluetooth OBD adapter. It may say ‘paired but not connected’ which is perfectly normal and correct. Most devices have a pin code of ‘1234’ that is asked for when pairing for the first time.

Further notes

There appear to be some problems with the android 2.1 roms on some verizon devices resulting in a ‘lagged’ bluetooth interface. There is some workaround code in Torque to try to counter this problem, however as it is a firmware bug with the phone ROM it makes it extremely difficult to work around. You really need to complain to your vendor and get them to fix the bluetooth stack in their ROMs.

This appears to be mostly on builds with an id containing ERD79 and is present on the following build ids:


Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 16, 2010 (GMT)

Where can i find the adaptor i need to connect to my car?

Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 16, 2010 (GMT)

You should be able to find it on ebay – there is a link on the main page for it.

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 18, 2010 (GMT)

Thank you. I found them. But now which 1 do I buy? There r more then 1 Bluetooth connector to choose from.what 1 is compatible with my fone? I have a Droid Eris. Can Torque clear check engine codes? I have torque on my fone now but I didn’t see anywhere 2 clear codes.

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 18, 2010 (GMT)

How do I find updates or is there not updates 4 the free version?

Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 18, 2010 (GMT)

Hello, Check the android market, it will tell you if there is an update available.

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 19, 2010 (GMT)

Hi, on EBay there’s more then 1 bt connector. There’s 1 for .99 and 1 for more. Then there is what it supports. I’m dont wants 2 by the wrong one. Can you help me? Please?

Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 19, 2010 (GMT)

It might be 0.99 or 1.99, but look closer and the shipping is 28.00! – that adapter should be compatible. Generally check the pictures of the adapters match with those on this website and you should be okay. Just make sure your vehicle supports OBD2 :)

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 28, 2010 (GMT)


I have purchased the app and have the OBDII Bluetooth ELM327. I am ahving trouble detecting the device.

I plugged the OBD on the car, lights are blinking red, yellow and green. My bluetooth on my moto droid is on.

Now, Torque says “No paired bluetooth devise set!”

I scanned for the device on my phone but no sign of the OBD2.

Here is the scanner i bought.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 10, 2010 (GMT)

This is a sufficiently stupid question to be deserving of FAQ…

* I have a MyTouch3G with Android 1.6. (No updates seem to be coming for this phone due to memory limits. Sigh…)
* I’ve been anxiously waiting to find an OBD-reading app, and recently saw that Torque appeared in the Market.
* So, I downloaded the free version to try it out. Finally, today I had a chance to pair my phone with my ELM327 and everything looked good and seemed to be working fine.
* I went to the Market to buy the paid app, but now I can’t find it. I scanned the QR on the website here and it comes up “not found”. Generally, that means that the app is not supported for my version of Android.

So, what gives? Is 1.6 supported or not? How can I buy the full app?

Thanks for any pointers,


Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 10, 2010 (GMT)


It should be visible in the android market for 1.6 – I am running a mytouch rom on one of my test devices and it has also stopped appearing in the market after googles upgrade a couple of days ago. I am looking into it

EDIT: Have now looked at it and it looks like Google changed the way the BLUETOOTH permission filters android 1.6 apps in the Android Market upgrade whereby previously before the upgrade it did not.

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this until Google provide a fix, or an alternative method.

Either way this will take time as Googles android team have effectively removed the ability for Torque to run on Android 1.5/1.6 :(


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 16, 2010 (GMT)

I haven’t had a chance to try this out yet, as I’ve been avoiding rooting my G1 for warranty reasons, but I must say that I’m really impressed.

I do have a couple of questions, however:

What kind of data rates are possible? In a tuning situation, is it possible to log RPM, AFR, MAP or MAF, and TPS at sufficient frequency to be meaningful? Will the OBD2 architecture itself support this? I’d be much happier with coolant temp, knock, load, individual Bank 1 and Bank 2 AFRs, ign timing, fuel pressure, etc as well, but I can’t imagine that OBD2 has the bandwidth for that many channels…

What are the chances of further support, i.e. the ability to log data to an Excel file on the SD card for later review. A simple desktop GUI to review data would be immensely useful, as well.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 16, 2010 (GMT)

Also, will torque support OBD2 to USB adapters?

Rattlehead 907
Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 16, 2010 (GMT)

I seem to be in the same boat as pavel,with a HERO@1.6.
Any chance you could email the APK. after a paypal donation?
I have the obdkey bluetooth and i am dying to use it!
Actually i am making a donation anyway,keep up the good work!

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 17, 2010 (GMT)

I’m also raising my hand for some sort of work-around for Android 1.6. I just got my ELM and got the ad-supported version working. I then uninstalled it to install the paid version and now I have neither (dumb move on my part, but the point is that I’m willing to pay now that I see how nice of an app this is). Regardless, keep up the good work.

What if you put it up on a secure FTP or something and only gave out the password to those who donated? (you could change the password often as well)

Posts: 6632
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 18, 2010 (GMT)

Hi. I’ll see about getting an APK uploaded onto the website for android 1.6 people, though as I only have a 2.2 device testing android 1.6 is a little difficult so let me know if things are broken.


Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 18, 2010 (GMT)

Thanks! Just let us know when and how to pay. I did try out the free version once before looking for the paid version and it seemed to work perfectly.

Posts: 6
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 22, 2010 (GMT)

This market could be an option for those that cant use the google market?

the apk for the market is available on the main

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 23, 2010 (GMT)

I don’t see the Torque OBD app up there after multiple searches… do you have a more direct link?


Posts: 6
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 23, 2010 (GMT)

Quote from simpskillet on June 23, 2010, 15:16
I don’t see the Torque OBD app up there after multiple searches… do you have a more direct link?


It was really directed at the developer as a possible further market to upload his works to for those that cant use the google market.

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