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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID

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Author Topic: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

Just sent the debug file a couple of times.
Without ath1 first, then with it.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

Brilliant – got them thanks, will be able to go through them properly tonight and see what needs doing!

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)


Just curious… are you seeing mode AA
responses from other modules e.g.,

7E9-200 (hex) = 5E9 (hex) ?
7EA-200 (hex) = 5EA (hex) ?
7E8-200 (hex) = 5E8 (hex) ?

Wondering if there is a pattern with your
non standard messages.

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

if I give response in the emulator from the address 7E8 scanner correctly identifies all
if I give response in the emulator from address 5E8 scanner does not accept such responses
I guess the problem with the adapter

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

5e8 doesn’t come from my adapter.
Just copied the sequence (atcra5e8 etc.) from another app…

is your emulator hardware or software?

You could just put another set of variables (eg Z0, Z1, …) that just skip the first nibble. I would use it with ath1 and Z0 would be “e8” in my case. I would use from Z1 on…

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

Im thinking your emulator is giving
you a standard can response but I don’t
think this response is standard at all.

That’s why I was curious if there was a
pattern emerging when using a different

Adding a leading zero to the xyz would
shift the data bytes into alignment with ath1.
With atcaf1 the data is misinterpreted and
R0 is off by one byte.

I believe the elm327 stores xyz internally on
the adapter as three bytes e.g.;

7E0 stored as 00 07 E0 internally… using the
right most 11 bits in this case.

I believe the adapter is just sending what it receives
without the parsing of 5E8 since it is not seen as
a recognizable response to 7E0.


Posts: 1662
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

is your emulator hardware or software?

emulator hardware-software

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 24, 2016 (GMT)

in version 1.8.92 formula “R0” works

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 24, 2016 (GMT)

I’m guessing it works only with your
emulator since it is sending a standard
can response which the adapter would
know how to parse but not with the 5E8
that vincent’s vehicle is sending.

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 25, 2016 (GMT)

I also wrote that in the firm scanner choose specifically this model and give her answers to the addresses 7E8 and everything works, but if I give answers to address 5E8, does not work

Posts: 9
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 25, 2016 (GMT)

hi guys…

i also have a chevy aveo (t300) with a13dtr diesel engine. i’m a total noob with these equations and stuff but i have obdlink mx and if there is anything i can help about, just tell me how to do it :)

i also want to see dpf soot load and if possible force regen for dpf… gm mdi tool can see/do this so why cant torque?

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)


are you suggesting me a way to fix the nubble shifting? or to Ian?

I read your prevoius posts once again; I’m not sure if you’re saying I can make the current version working


Posts: 2994
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)

Ian would have to fix by whatever way he
chooses. I don’t know anyway that you can get
get Torque to read the correct data values until
he modifies the app.

From the second byte onward you might be able
to “and” and bit shift to get an answer but that
would take some effort.

I’m sure Ian will figure something out.

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)

Tonight I want to try at jhf0.
With at caf0 it doesn’t work as I would need to send “03 aa 01 18 00 00 00 00”, that is too long

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)

Ok. I did it!
At jhf0 is not recognized by my adapter.
I used atd1. It “magically” inserts a “7” after the 5e8. Together with ath1 R0 starts reading from the 5e. R3 is my first useful byte.
I will also try avoiding ath1 bit not sure it works.

Start config: atcra5e8 \n atd1 \n ath1
Stop config: atcra7e8 \n atd0 \n ath0

Not sure if everything is needed. Something in the stop config avoids torque to loose connection.
I also sent debug file out.


Posts: 1662
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)

try to use such an initialization string
Start config and Stop config do not fill

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)

Interesting way to slip a data length
digit in between the header and data

I thought jhf0/jhf1 are for the J1939
protocol used by commercial vehicles.


Posts: 6629
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 26, 2016 (GMT)


I’m aiming to release an update to fix the ‘nibble’ issue hopefully by the end of this week/early next week!

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 27, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks Ian.
Do you already know how you’ll address it?

I also noticed few issues:
– when I change the start/stop config in one custom pid, this reflects on all other custom pids.
– if I insert many displays on the real time screen and then I need to change something in the pids definition (e.g. equation, config, unit…) this doesn’t reflect in the real time screen, and I need to re-insert every display from scratch
– it seems there’s no way to import pids, including start/stop config, from csv file

Posts: 40
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 27, 2016 (GMT)

I tried your suggestion but I get no response.

With my setup many of the pids of your file work!
Do you have any others?


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