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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID

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Author Topic: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: November 22, 2019 (GMT)

Device mac=00:00:00:33:33:33
Device Version (Declared)=ELM327 v2.1

most likely this speaks of a fake adapter

Posts: 2
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 11, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on November 22, 2019
Device mac=00:00:00:33:33:33
Device Version (Declared)=ELM327 v2.1

most likely this speaks of a fake adapter

Yes, most lickely it is fake.
But it can make some commands.
What PID should I use in my car for % DPF Shoot?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 27, 2019 (GMT)

Hi everybody. My name is Juan, from Spain, so sorry for my level of english.

I have read all the topic and have not found any information about DPF pids for GM A20DTH engine. I’m trying to check parameters as distance from last regeneration, percentage of saturation, and current status of regeneration, and have no idea how to get it.
My car is an Opel insignia 2.0 diesel from 2011, i’ve tried the pids posted here used for an 1.3 Astra J diesel, but it doesn’t work on my car.

Does anybody know the parameters I have to use for this engine, or either the commands to get an answer to calculate it?
My Torque app have pre-installed two PIDs, just for you know: DPF pressure, and DPF temperature, and they do work.

Thanks so much for your support.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 27, 2019 (GMT)

You say 017A and 017C (DPF Pressure
and DPF Temperature) work for you?

You might want to test the hex responses
to see if other sensors are included.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 1, 2020 (GMT)

Hi again, and happy New Year to all.

These are the answers I got by testing the commands you said:

Responses for commands 017A:

Responses for commands 017C:

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 1, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from juanra on January 1, 2020
Hi again, and happy New Year to all.

These are the answers I got by testing the commands you said:

Responses for commands 017A:
0: 41 7A 01 00 14 00
1: 00 00 00

Responses for commands 017C:
0: 41 7C 01 04 71 00
1: 00 00 00 00 00

End Quote.

Both of those responses are showing sensor
data on bytes B and C only.

Does your vehicle support?

0180 – (PIDs supported)

0185 – NOx/Reagent related. See page [9] of this thread.

0186 – PM related.

018B – (Used in Ford 6.7 threads for more DPF stuff)

Does 73.7°C (164.7°F) seem reasonable?

0.029 Psia? 0.200 kPa? 2.0 mbar? 0.002 bar?

Since these pressures are below atmospheric
it is likely a delta p. assuming readings are
also reasonable. If so, its readings may be +/-
requiring either a signed() or -327.68 form of
equation. (Though in this case the latter
wouldn’t make sense with readings below


Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 3, 2020 (GMT)

Both of those responses are showing sensor
data on bytes B and C only.
\\I don’t understand what this implies.


Does your vehicle support?

0180 – (PIDs supported)

018B – (Used in Ford 6.7 threads for more DPF stuff)

\\Do you mean I must check responses for 0180 and 018B or what? Sorry for my misunderstanding.


Does 73.7°C (164.7°F) seem reasonable?
\\I don’t know much about DPF normal temperature, I guess it’s not reasonable.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 3, 2020 (GMT)

Your posted hex responses indicate only
one sensor is supported for both 017A and

My understanding about DPF temperature is
that during regen temperatures can reach very
high temps (above 1000 °F). Your posted data of
0x0471 seems to match typical transmission
temps. I assume your vehicle wasn’t in a state
of regen when you recorded the data. It seems
reasonable if your vehicle hadn’t been running
long. Definitely worth watching before, during
and after regen.

If your vehicle supports 018B, there may be
additional useful info. Testing its hex response
will show if it is supported.

When you said that 017A and 017C worked,
what values were the built-in pids showing?

I was under the impression that these pids were
“place holders” only because the other sensor
data has not yet been defined in Torque.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: March 5, 2020 (GMT)

I wonder if anyone can help, I’m struggling to get any PIDs to work for DPF.
Mine is a 2011 Vauxhall Zafira B with A17DTJ (diesel, 1.7 CDTI, 110 HP, DPF installed).

I added a push button to send OBD commands, and tested:
AA0118 = NO DATA
AA0329 = NO DATA
2220F2 = 7F2231
2220F4 = 7F2231
2220F5 = 7F2231
2220F6 = 7F2231
22131F = 7F2231

Also changed init string to:
Tried again, all above values the same.

With both init strings I still got other data, engine coolant temperature, RPM, throttle position, etc, so ECU communication is working.

Can anyone advise on correct DPF for the A17DTJ engine please?

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: March 6, 2020 (GMT)

Don’t forget to test the mode 01xx pids
discussed above.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 17, 2020 (GMT)

use this app: OPL DPF MONITOR LITE

Posts: 9
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: April 19, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on June 17, 2019
you have an adapter with fake firmware

Hi Cintakc, As i read topics in forum, i think you are a special guy to help me, can you write me on my mail? Thanks a lot

Posts: 4
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: May 12, 2020 (GMT)

Hi Everyone,

I’m new here and I already saw a post here about a Zafira C with the Engine B20DTH.

I’ve a Opel Insignia A from 2015 with that engine (B20DTH) 2.0CDTi 170HP but I can’t see the voltage from the Oxygen Sensors on that post I saw previously.

Can someone share the all the custom PID’s that can be retreived from the ECU?


Posts: 4
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: May 28, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from daniel.santos7 on May 12, 2020

Hi Everyone,

I’m new here and I already saw a post here about a Zafira C with the Engine B20DTH.

I’ve a Opel Insignia A from 2015 with that engine (B20DTH) 2.0CDTi 170HP but I can’t see the voltage from the Oxygen Sensors on that post I saw previously.

Can someone share the all the custom PID’s that can be retreived from the ECU?



Anyone can help on this please?


Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: May 28, 2020 (GMT)

HO2S1 – PID 222320, A*0.01, V, 7E0
HO2S2 – PID 222321, A*0.01, V, 7E0

Posts: 4
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: June 12, 2020 (GMT)

Hi cintakc,

Thanks for your answer. However, I gon’t have any information back with those codes. Check the image below.

I’ve tested with ELM 1.5 and 2.1and I got the same.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: June 12, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on May 28, 2020
HO2S1 – PID 222320, A*0.01, V, 7E0
HO2S2 – PID 222321, A*0.01, V, 7E0

Hi cintakc,

Thanks for the info. However, even with an ELM327 v1.5 or 2.1, nothing is collected. Check the image below:

Posts: 20
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: October 1, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from disasterdaz on June 2, 2013
Hi, I’m currently suffering from persistent diesel particulate filter problems with my Zafira 1.9cdti 150 (08 plate). Unfortunately the built in PID do not cover the specific sensors I wish to monitor. Can anyone advise the PID for the following sensors: DPF saturation, DPF temp, DPF differential pressure, etc. I am not too bothered about the exact details for the formula’s (although this would be nice). I would like to basically monitor if and when a regen cycle is occurring, indicated by a rise in DPF temp and the state / saturation of the DPF indicated by rise and fall of DPF differential pressure. Any help would be most appreciated.

Hi, have found you the pid for DPF for Zafira B 1.9 Z19DTH year 2008 with BOSCH EDC16 CAN?

Stone Isthisticky
Posts: 51
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: October 13, 2020 (GMT)

Hi every one,

thanks to this thread, i’ve find a way to (finnaly!!) have access to DPF’s informations in Torque !
Great find !

I now wonder : what are the PIDs availables on our Vectra/SAAB 93 diesel ?

I have a ’08 93 TTID.
And I would like to know what are all the informations reachable (by adding custom PIDs) with torque ?

When I do a Scan, I have a very few green PID (and all PIDs regarding DPF was not green for example, however custom PIDs exist).

Where could I have a list of this ?

(I’ve look in the Workshop Information Service, but it’s seem to not mention those informations).

thanks in advance.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: October 17, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on December 20, 2018
try these parameters in motion, use the digital type of devices

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"OPEL Astra-K Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration","Dist. DPF","223039","A*256+B","0","65535","km","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure Sensor","Diff.pres.sen","223035","A*5.5/255","0","5.5","V","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration Status","DPF status","2220F6","Lookup((A&1)::0='notrequi':1='required')","0","1","","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure","Diff. press.","2220F4","SIGNED(A)","-128","127","kPa","7E0"

Thank You

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