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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID

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Author Topic: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
Posts: 21
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 27, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from nauman25 on December 25, 2018
Quote from cintakc on December 25, 2018

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"OPEL Astra-K Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration","Dist. DPF","223039","A*256+B","0","65535","km","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure Sensor","Diff.pres.sen","223035","A*5.5/255","0","5.5","V","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration Status","DPF status","2220F6","Lookup((A&1)::0='notrequi':1='required')","0","1","","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure","Diff. press.","2220F4","SIGNED(A)","-128","127","kPa","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration State","DPF state","2220F2","Lookup((A&7)::0='notrequi':1='Stage1':2='Stage2':3='Stage3':4='Stage4':6='Warming':7='Actively')","0","1","","7E0"

PID 2220F2 so far showing as not required .will update on next regeneration ,will be interesting.
Many thanks cintakc

Hi cintakc,Interesting development today,at about 125km DPF Status changed to REQUIRED and i drove few good kilometers to get regeneration started but it stayed on .I had to stop car for a quick shopping after giving enough time for regeneration.
Interestingly after starting the car again the DPF status went to ‘NOT REQUIRED’ and DPF STATE showed ‘STAGE 2’.I restarted torque and it went to previous reading again showing DPF status ‘REQUIRED’ AND DPF State’Not REQUIRED’.
Here are the screen shots .

after restarting the car it showed this

then after restarting the torque ,

if you note the distance it started at 125km and then 180 km it was still showing until now . I didnt go to motorway as last time i drove on a high road on 3rd gear for 5 to 8 minutes and it went away.
Are these both PIDs Conflicting each other or is it just showing stages before DPF goes into regeneration mode.
Also How can i set up the alarm for these PIDs to alert if they change values when regeneration starts etc,Shall i put value 1 or 100 for the alarm to work.
thanks for your time cintakc :)

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 28, 2018 (GMT)

as I said, I can not guarantee the reliability of these PIDs, since according to your data I have determined another car
you have to decide what suits you

Posts: 21
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 28, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on December 28, 2018
as I said, I can not guarantee the reliability of these PIDs, since according to your data I have determined another car
you have to decide what suits you

thanks citakc As I bought this car second hand,not sure much about its history,It could be as it has VECTRA C ECU software installed as determined by you.
as of 220km PID 2220f6 is still showing as ‘REQUIRED’ ,’Value 1′ looking at the thread i noticed castas had the same issue unless it will regenerate again it will reset it self to value 0 .I can try removing PID 2220f2 to see if any thing changes to 2220f6 as before it did perfect regen when PID 2220F2 was not present.
I really appreciate your time and help cintakc. atleast i can see some information regarding DPF .this should suffice .
before coming here i was looking in the dark.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 30, 2018 (GMT)

Hi. I have a car that is Orlando. it uses disel 2.0 engine.
I live in south korea,and many people use this vehicle in there
and suffer from DFP timing. so we want to know DPF Soot Accumulation

I have read post in this section. so
before asking. I do check in elmbasic .. below command
but my elm device is not connected with elmbasic application
(maybe this model is not compatible for elmbasic appllication)

so I requested check it by friend in Orlando car web club
but I can’t sure that any body answer to me

if you know Orlando DPF PID, would you reply to me.
(when I receive the elmbasic check e-mail by a friend. I will post it under this)

—– below —–

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: December 31, 2018 (GMT)

try this PIDs 223275, 223277

Posts: 2
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on December 31, 2018
try this PIDs 223275, 223277

thank you. 223275 maybe work properly

(but is the equation right ? I use the equation that is A*100/255.
the percentage is little bit lower than I Guess ..)

and additionaly I want to know the all information about DPF as below

————— below —————

“OPEL Astra-K Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration”,”Dist. DPF”,”223039″,”A*256+B”,”0″,”65535″,”km”,”7E0″
“OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure”,”Diff. press.”,”2220F4″,”SIGNED(A)”,”-128″,”127″,”kPa”,”7E0″
“OPEL Astra-K Calculated DPF Flow”,”DPF flow”,”2220F5″,”A*0.01″,”0″,”2.55″,”kPa”,”7E0″
“OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure Sensor”,”Diff.pres.sen”,”223035″,”A*5.5/255″,”0″,”5.5″,”V”,”7E0″
“OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration Status”,”DPF dif.stat”,”2220FA”,”{A:0}”,”0″,”1″,”req/notreq”,”7E0″
“OPEL Astra-K DPF Soot Accumulation”,”DPF Soot”,”22336A”,”A*100/255″,”0″,”100″,”%”,”7E0″

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 1, 2019 (GMT)

I think the formula can or A*100/255 or A %
223277 – Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration

Posts: 37
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 18, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on September 26, 2017
here are a few PIDs, for the formulas I’m not sure, since I do not have enough data

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"OPEL Astra-K Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration","Dist. DPF","223039","A*256+B","0","65535","km","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure","Diff. press.","2220F4","A","0","255","kPa","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K Calculated DPF Flow","DPF flow","2220F5","A","0","255","kPa","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure Sensor","Diff.pres.sen","223035","(A*256+B)/51","0","5","V","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration Status","DPF dif.stat","2220FA","{A:0}","0","255","req/not req","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF DPF Soot Accumulation","DPF Soot","22336A","A*100/255","0","100","%","7E0"

Can someone help me with Odometer distance PID for Opel? I guess the total distance must be stored in the ECU.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 21, 2019 (GMT)

Hello I am new to this, i am reading this forum and it seems that only this tread has plenty of info.

I need to monitor my DPF like you guys have done here!
I like to read:
Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration,DPF Regeneration Status
DPF Soot Accumulation in % or grams or both and DPF temp.

i look aroudn over here and do not see anything for my car i wonder if you can help me or what i need to change if to make it work for me too!

I have a Nissan Juke 2013 (K9K engine)

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 22, 2019 (GMT)

VipeR_GR, try this

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"The number of failed regeneration attempts","fail reg","222485","A","0","255","","7E0"
"Mileage after replacement DPF","Mil.after","2224BB","A*65536+B*256+C","0","100000","km","7E0"
"The time since the last regeneration","Time last reg","222488","(A*256+B)/3600","0","18","h","7E0"
"Weight soot in the DPF","Soot DPF","22242C","(A*256+B)/100","0","600","gram","7E0"
"Diff pressure DPF","Dif pres","222542","(A*256+B)-32768","-32768","32767","mbar","7E0"
"Mileage since the last successful regeneration","Mil.sin.last reg","2224A9","A*65536+B*256+C","0","100000","km","7E0"
"Counter successful regeneration","Count.suc.reg","222481","A","0","255","","7E0"
"Command regeneration","Com.reg","22246D","A","0","255","","7E0"
Posts: 3
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 28, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on January 22, 2019
VipeR_GR, try this

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"The number of failed regeneration attempts","fail reg","222485","A","0","255","","7E0"
"Mileage after replacement DPF","Mil.after","2224BB","A*65536+B*256+C","0","100000","km","7E0"
"The time since the last regeneration","Time last reg","222488","(A*256+B)/3600","0","18","h","7E0"
"Weight soot in the DPF","Soot DPF","22242C","(A*256+B)/100","0","600","gram","7E0"
"Diff pressure DPF","Dif pres","222542","(A*256+B)-32768","-32768","32767","mbar","7E0"
"Mileage since the last successful regeneration","Mil.sin.last reg","2224A9","A*65536+B*256+C","0","100000","km","7E0"
"Counter successful regeneration","Count.suc.reg","222481","A","0","255","","7E0"
"Command regeneration","Com.reg","22246D","A","0","255","","7E0"

Thank you very much I just tried tried them.
I will see if it is giving me correct numbers in soot.
I have few questions though…
1st the “Mileage since the last successful regeneration” is giving me 137500km it is impossible to have so soot and have my last regen 137k km before…! my cars meter is at 137800 so it might gives me when the mileage that the last regen took place right? If yes then, how can i make it equation to take that number and subtract it from the total mileage?

also what is the command regeneration and Counter successful regeneration suppose to do??
And from the above what i have to look at to realise that a DPF regen is taking place?

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 29, 2019 (GMT)

This PIDs for Renault with the same engine, perhaps not all the same

Posts: 6
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: January 29, 2019 (GMT)

Hello cintakc
My car 2014 corsa d – 1,3 start & stop A13DTE.
I want to enable all dpf features and add their indicators on the torque screen. I would like dpf pid formulas for my car. Thanks for your help.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from srhtctnr on January 29, 2019

Hello friends
Isn’t there anyone who can help?

My car 2014 corsa d – 1,3 start & stop A13DTE.
I want to enable all dpf features and add their indicators on the torque screen. I would like dpf pid formulas for my car.
I ask for help from friends. Thanks for your help.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

try PIDs OPEL Astra-K and report the result

Posts: 6
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

Hello, cintakc. Thank you for the information. I tried the Astra k equations, but I didn’t get any value. I think the corsa d a13dte equations are different. but I can not find.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

Hello, cintakc. Thank you for the information. I tried the Astra k equations, but I didn’t get any value. I think the corsa d a13dte equations are different. but I can not find.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

give answers

Posts: 6
Post Re: Vauxhall (Opel GM) DPF PID
on: February 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from soumyasen92 on January 18, 2019
Quote from cintakc on September 26, 2017
here are a few PIDs, for the formulas I’m not sure, since I do not have enough data

"Name","ShortName","ModeAndPID","Equation","Min Value","Max Value","Units","Header"
"OPEL Astra-K Distance Since Last DPF Regeneration","Dist. DPF","223039","A*256+B","0","65535","km","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure","Diff. press.","2220F4","A","0","255","kPa","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K Calculated DPF Flow","DPF flow","2220F5","A","0","255","kPa","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Differential Pressure Sensor","Diff.pres.sen","223035","(A*256+B)/51","0","5","V","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF Regeneration Status","DPF dif.stat","2220FA","{A:0}","0","255","req/not req","7E0"
"OPEL Astra-K DPF DPF Soot Accumulation","DPF Soot","22336A","A*100/255","0","100","%","7E0"

Can someone help me with Odometer distance PID for Opel? I guess the total distance must be stored in the ECU.

Please excuse me. I’m writing my articles with translation. I’m new and beginner. I entered the astra k equations as follows, but I did not get results. Now I don’t know how to deal with the last ones. I’m sorry I took your time. Can you write more clearly?

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