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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Themes

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Author Topic: Themes
Posts: 8
Post Re: Themes
on: March 6, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from ryanjd on March 6, 2012
Quote from tswahn on March 6, 2012

Ryan: I love to see that theme when it ready.

Can anyone make a theme for saab 9-5 2007-2010.
It is not the same as that Ryan are doing..

Heres a picture:

Once I figure out what I’m doing wrong on my theme, I may be able to do something for you, if only because of my love of Saabs. 😀

Hi ,as of yet there no way of setting the dial start and finish say ,at twenty to or twenty past the hour only at the half past
but this may change with the next update?.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: March 6, 2012 (GMT)

Well for me that’s not a concern, however, I can’t get the numbers and the ticks on the dials to change colors when I make my own themes. What am I doing wrong? x[

Posts: 8
Post Re: Themes
on: March 6, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from ryanjd on March 5, 2012
Hey guys, new to these forums. Just downloaded the app yesterday, it’s awesome!
Anyways, I’m working on a theme now for my 2000 Saab 9-5 and I finally figured out how to test it with Torque.
It’s coming together, but I’ve run into a problem.
I can get the dials and displays that I designed to work fine, but I don’t think my properties.txt document is getting read.
This is the whole content of that document:


Nothing is changed. The font is the original and all the text and ticks are white.
I’m not sure what I did wrong, but if anyone could help me, that would be great!


Hi Ive copied and pasted this over my properties file and every thing seems to work ok but the font,as far as I know it must already be a font in your device. I had to download a font pack and select one that was embedded on my device , if that makes sense.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Themes
on: March 7, 2012 (GMT)

I never got a reply (and it isn’t on the theme server), so here’s a link to a theme I am using and which I hope is useful for others:

This theme, “Ultra Minimalist Red,” is designed for “Night driving, OLED conservation, and Spartan aesthetics”; the requested credit line is “R. Clayton Barnes (”.

It is also designed to facilitate easy stacking and/or partial overlapping of controls without being to cluttered. The basic style is derived from the dial design in my 2010 TDI golf.

Let me know if you have any questions or if I should to make any changes.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Themes
on: March 7, 2012 (GMT)


I’m a bit behind on the themes – I had planned to add them this weekend but didn’t have time. A bunch will be added soon!

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: March 7, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on March 7, 2012

I’m a bit behind on the themes – I had planned to add them this weekend but didn’t have time. A bunch will be added soon!

So did you decide on whether or not you’re going to allow themes with logos?
My Saab theme is done, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself, though not as sweet as that Dodge one earlier.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Themes
on: March 8, 2012 (GMT)

How can i put theme manually , without the online theme server ??

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: March 8, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from scoupegt on March 8, 2012
How can i put theme manually , without the online theme server ??

Look at the Wiki, son.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: March 9, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Sparehead3 on January 16, 2012
This is what the gauge cluster of a 2011/2012 Subie WRX looks like:

This is a work in progress for a WRX theme:

I’m pretty happy I found a reasonable facsimile of the font used.

Hey nice gauges…Have you finished them? Is there anyway I can get a copy? I have a 2011 WRX.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 11, 2012 (GMT)

Okay guys, regarding the themes…I’ve read on here that people download them from the “Theme Server”…I’ve looked for the past hour and I cannot find any themes other than the ones dotted through-out this post.

If someone could post a link please? Thank You.

Oh and great job on Torque Ian.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Themes
on: March 12, 2012 (GMT)

Hi all!

Start and end angles for dials are now in the latest version of the app for themes:


Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 12, 2012 (GMT)

This is my theme. Hope you guys like it.
avaiable in other colours on request.


Download here

Logo can be removed using adobe fireworks

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 13, 2012 (GMT)

Very nice job kativiti, I downloaded both and they look great.

Could you make one that is NEON blue, like bright blue, with red lettering/numbers?

But again thank you xD.

And does anyone know how to get the themes/files to save so they appear in the themes section on the actual application, because at them moment i have to delete one theme from the dir file to replace it with another.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 13, 2012 (GMT)

im glad you like it Angel.

use this site to choose the color you want and send me the color codes.

you can change the the interior(nubers, needle, etc) on the file properties.txt

Quote from angel on March 13, 2012
Very nice job kativiti, I downloaded both and they look great.

Could you make one that is NEON blue, like bright blue, with red lettering/numbers?

But again thank you xD.

And does anyone know how to get the themes/files to save so they appear in the themes section on the actual application, because at them moment i have to delete one theme from the dir file to replace it with another.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: March 15, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on March 12, 2012
Hi all!

Start and end angles for dials are now in the latest version of the app for themes:


Hi Ian,

Is there a way to customize the display angle one dial at a time?

I would likt to change it on my rpm and speed dials, but keep the other ones using the full circle.


Posts: 8
Post Re: Themes
on: March 15, 2012 (GMT)

Heres my first attempt with the new dial options.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: March 15, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from Intrepidfan on February 20, 2012
Quote from Hemi345 on August 9, 2011
Quote from ramthis9501 on July 7, 2011
Ok I really want mine to say Ram, so is there a way I can make it? Is there a program I need to make gauges?

I made some gauges for my Dodge Ram. I know Ian doesn’t want logos and such, but if anyone wants to manually install it, I’m willing to host them. Is that okay?

Screenshot of different gauge styles:

Dude, I’d love a copy of your theme!

Sign me up for that too… It matches my Charger!

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: March 17, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from robsch on March 15, 2012
Quote from Intrepidfan on February 20, 2012
Quote from Hemi345 on August 9, 2011
Quote from ramthis9501 on July 7, 2011
Ok I really want mine to say Ram, so is there a way I can make it? Is there a program I need to make gauges?

I made some gauges for my Dodge Ram. I know Ian doesn’t want logos and such, but if anyone wants to manually install it, I’m willing to host them. Is that okay?

Screenshot of different gauge styles:

Dude, I’d love a copy of your theme!

Sign me up for that too… It matches my Charger!

I’d love to get this theme too. Good work.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)

HI Ian,

I’ve been playing around with custom dials per pid, and am finding that I cannot get the pid whose description is Fuel Flow (g/h) to show custom. #ff125a apparently corresponds to the Fuel FLow (g/m), but this pid’s numerical value is too low to produce either attractive dial labels or smooth dial movement, and 5e doesn’t appear to be it either.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Themes
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)


That should be ff125d – I’ll see if I can update the TorqueScan app this week to list the id’s to make this easier

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