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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Aberk's guide to converting SCII to Torque

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Author Topic: Aberk's guide to converting SCII to Torque
Posts: 40
Post Aberk
on: February 18, 2011 (GMT)

This tutorial references the following 2 PDFs;

We need to fill in the following fields on Torque

Long Name
Short Name
Min Value
Max Value
Scale Factor
Unit Type

with the following from SGII

As we go through the tutorial I will use the following for an example
Engine Oil Temperature 07E0221310 046245130610 3010 00090005F05F EOT Degrees F

This field comes from the TXD of the SGII file. There are 2 flavors, CAN (controller Area Network) and the rest of the older OBD2 protocols. If it is CAN, you want to use all the characters after “07DF” or “07E0”. If it is “07E1”, then Torque will likely not work for this gauge as the ELM327 may need specific instructions to communicate the transmission control module.
For all the other protocols, you want to use all the characters after the “F1”.
Our example: 221310

Long Name
Take this value from the GAUGE field
Our example: Engine Oil Temperature

Short Name
Take this value from the NAM field
Our Example: EOT

These are really determined by the data you are gathering and can be set up after you have your equation. Torque does a pretty good job of rescaling gauges if the data over steps the range.

Scale Factor
I always leave this as 1 because we can scale in the equation if we need to. However, SGII may do some prescaling that you should be aware of before you implement your equation.
Unit Type
Take this value for the notes field
Our example: F

Now for the most complicated part.
First look at the RXD field. Don’t worry about the first 2 characters. If the second 2 characters are “08”, then you have 1 byte of data and you will only need an “A” in your equation. If the second 2 characters are “10”, then you have 2 bytes of data and you will need to start off your equation like ((A*256)+B). Don’t ask why. This isn’t a lesson in hexadecimal.
Our example: “10”-> ((A*256)+B)

Now look at the MTH field. It is separated in 3 sections. It may look like this 00090005F05F. The first 4 characters (0009 in our example) are the multiplier. These values are in hex so you must convert them to decimal. Open up the windows calculator and makes sure it is set to scientific view. Click the hex circle and enter in the first 4 characters. Then click the decimal circle. The value displayed is what you want to use in torque. Repeat this step for the second 4 characters (0005 in our example) and you will have the divisor. The final four are the trickiest. If you have an F,E,D,C,B,A,9,8 as the first character as we do in our example, then this will be a negative number. To calculate this use windows calculator and set it to HEX. Enter the value and click XOR and enter “FFFE”. Click “=”, then click the decimal circle and you will see what value you have to subtract from the equation. If there isn’t, then we will be adding this value. And you proceed the same as with the multiply and divide to the value.
Our example: 9/5-4001

The final thing to pay attn to is the RXF field. Which may look like 046245130610. Pay close attn to 0462->4-5130610. If you see a 4 here, then your data must be multiplied by 100. If you see an 8, then your data must be multiplied by 10. If it is 0, then don’t worry about this part.
Our example: *100

Final equation: ((A*256)+B)*100*(9/5)-4001

This is only a guide and not a bible. If you can’t get data for a PID it can me two things, you entered it wrong or your car doesn’t support it. Just b/c your car as a certain sensor it does NOT mean your vehicle will support the PID to get that data.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 18, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks for helping breaking down the math section I’ve been able to figure out the other ones but the math section has been a tad difficult to interpret based off their documentation.


Posts: 37
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 19, 2011 (GMT)

That is awesome! I have been trying to do a few more for my truck this guide sure helps!!!


Posts: 1
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 19, 2011 (GMT)

Aberk, thanks for this guide.But, it raises a problem for me that the developer must answer. Will we be able to read from the other ECUs? I drive a Prius and MOST of the parameters I want are from the HV battery & charger ECUs.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 20, 2011 (GMT)

The developer answers yes! :) (but not in the current version)

1.4.6(Just released by the way) did a lot of work to pave the way to get data from other ECUs into an accessible format. I also managed to fix a couple of slowness bugs whilst at it so PIDs can be retrieved at a faster rate.

1.4.7 or 1.4.8 should improve on this more hopefully to the point of getting the data into a format you guys can use – you will start to see an ECU selector in the extended PID setup, as well as a big fat “Test” button to save time going back/forth testing things


Posts: 10
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 24, 2011 (GMT)

The final thing to pay attn to is the RXF field. Which may look like 046245130610. Pay close attn to 0462->4-5130610. If you see a 4 here, then your data must be multiplied by 100. If you see an 8, then your data must be multiplied by 10.
Our example: *100

I’ve run into a problem. Looking at my RXF number, I have neither 4 or 8. My number is 046205160674. This is for the transmission fluid temperature. What do I multiply for a “0”?

I believe my equation would be…

((A*256)+B)*don’t know*(1/8)+65534

Posts: 40
Post Re: Aberk
on: February 28, 2011 (GMT)

You don’t do anything. Leave that part out. I’ll edit the how-to.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Aberk
on: March 1, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks Aberk,

Like I stated before, I am trying to get the TFT to work.
Here is what I am using

Transmission fluid temp

TXD 07E0221674
RXF 046205160674
RXD 3010
MTH 000100080000

Here is my formula

Here is my result
69246.4 *F

Any idea where I went wrong?

Posts: 40
Post Re: Aberk
on: March 1, 2011 (GMT)

I have and trouble getting this to work in my truck too and haven’t been able to test lately. You don’t need to add anything to your equation. The last for digits for the MTH piece are “0000” which means “+0”.

Also, in my truck the “7e0” doesn’t work. I have to use the “7e1”.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Aberk
on: March 25, 2011 (GMT)


Can you put this post as a sticky post or copy the first post of this topic into a to wiki since there are usually a lot of questions pertaining to converting Scangauge x-gauges to Torque Custom PID’s.

Best Regards,


Garage Guy
Posts: 15
Post Re: Aberk
on: April 22, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Aberk on February 18, 2011To calculate this use windows calculator and set it to HEX. Enter the value and click XOR and enter “FFFE”. Click “=”, then click the decimal circle and you will see what value you have to subtract from the equation.

That works for negative odd numbers, but is off by 2 for negative even ones. If you really want to calculate 2’s complement:

…use windows calculator and set it to HEX. Enter the value and click XOR and enter “FFFF”. Click “=”. Then click “+” and enter 1. Click “=”. Then click the decimal circle and you will see what value you have to subtract from the equation.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Aberk
on: April 22, 2011 (GMT)

It seems that Chrysler extended PIDS are like CIA secrets. I did stumble across this post on another forum. DashDAQ system looks to have the extended PIDS and a owner was able to get this read out from it.

Is any of this useful, or is it just a filing system used by the DashDAQ device?

Also, is there any way to extract the available pids from the ECU with a OBDII terminal type application?

DashDAQ Available Signals Report

Time: Mon Oct 11 13:22:34 2010
Firmware Version: DashGUI-2.1.2-1949

Device: a-Chrysler Specific Version:2.1.2-1949 (Extended)
9998 “Latency” “OBD Latency” “ms” 0
9999 “Updates” “OBD Update Rate” “Hz” 0
6 “11O2HT” “1/1 O2 Heater Temp” “°C” 1
11 “11O2SV” “1/1 O2 Sensor Volts” “V” 1
13 “11O2V” “1/1 O2 Volts (0-1)” “V” 1
523 “12CLM” “1/2 Closed Loop Met (1/0)” “” 0
17 “12O2HT” “1/2 O2 Heater Temp” “°C” 1
20 “12O2SV” “1/2 O2 Sensor Volts” “V” 1
21 “12O2V” “1/2 O2 Volts (0-1)” “V” 1
30 “21O2HT” “2/1 O2 Heater Temp” “°C” 1
32 “21O2SGV” “2/1 O2 Sensor Goal Volts” “V” 1
34 “21O2SV” “2/1 O2 Sensor Volts” “V” 1
524 “22CLM” “2/2 Closed Loop Met (1/0)” “” 0
43 “22O2HT” “2/2 O2 Heater Temp” “°C” 1
46 “22O2SV” “2/2 O2 Sensor Volts” “V” 1
47 “22O2V” “2/2 O2 Volts (0-1)” “V” 1
759 “4to8TRR” “4 to 8 Transition or Torque Reserve Requested (True/False)” “” 0
1054 “” “ABS Pump Feed” “V” 1
4974 “” “ABS Pump Feed” “V” 1
86 “ACP” “AC Hi-Side Pressure” “kPa” 0
2323 “” “AC Hi-Side Pressure” “kPa” 1
97 “APP1_V” “APP 1 Volts” “V” 1
98 “APP2_V” “APP 2 Volts” “V” 1
2480 “” “APP 2 Volts” “V” 1
85 “” “Ac Head Pressure Scaled Filtered” “kPa” 1
88 “APP” “Accelerator Pedal Position” “%” 0
3598 “” “Actual Kilometer Reading” “km” 1
91 “SPKCYL1” “Actual Spk Cyl1” “°” 0
92 “TORQUE” “Actual Torque” “N*m” 0
95 “TEMP” “Ambient Temp” “°C” 0
96 “TEMP_V” “Ambient Temp Voltage” “V” 1
99 “BARO” “Barometric Pressure” “in Hg” 0
100 “BASESPK” “Base Spark” “°” 0
101 “BT” “Battery Temp” “°C” 0
102 “BT_V” “Battery Temp Voltage” “V” 1
103 “VPWR” “Battery Volt” “V” 0
3606 “” “Battery Voltage” “V” 1
104 “VPWR” “Battery Voltage Filtered” “V” 1
4976 “” “Booster Travel Distance” “mm” 1
4977 “” “Booster Travel Speed” “mm/s” 1
1056 “” “Brake Pedal Travel Distance” “mm” 1
1057 “” “Brake Pedal Travel Speed” “mm/s” 1
1041 “” “Brake Pressure Sensor” “bar” 1
109 “MTCAT” “CAT Modeled Temp” “°C” 0
1029 “CCDIFFLS” “CCDIFF Learn Status” “” 0
106 “CCD” “Cam Crank Difference” “°” 1
124 “DPPVMT” “Change in Pedal Position Voltage above its Minimum Threshol” “V” 1
126 “C1BT” “Coil 1 Burn Time” “µs” 1
127 “C2BT” “Coil 2 Burn Time” “µs” 1
128 “C3BT” “Coil 3 Burn Time” “µs” 1
129 “C4BT” “Coil 4 Burn Time” “µs” 1
130 “C5BT” “Coil 5 Burn Time” “µs” 1
131 “C6BT” “Coil 6 Burn Time” “µs” 1
132 “C8BT” “Coil 8 Burn Time” “µs” 1
184 “CACP” “Crank at cam position” “EngineDeg” 1
187 “CIPW” “Cranking Injector Pulse Width” “µs” 1
1058 “” “Current Draw” “mA” 1
4979 “” “Current Draw” “mA” 1
1007 “CFS” “Current Fuel Shutoff” “” 0
3769 “” “Current Gear” “” 1
1008 “CWF” “Cylinder Which Failed” “” 1
1009 “CTMF” “Cylinders that Misfire During 200 revs” “” 1
213 “DCTL” “Decel Counts To Learn” “cycles” 1
214 “DELTHR8” “Delthr 8 Bit” “V” 1
215 “DFANPWM” “Des PWM Rad Fan” “%” 1
217 “TPSDSD” “Desired TPS Position” “V” 1
221 “EGRFLOW” “EGR Flow” “g/s” 0
237 “ETCDDC” “ETC Directional Duty Cycle” “%” 1
227 “EGRMFR” “Egr Mass Flow Rate Des” “g/s” 1
229 “EGRPA2D” “Egr Position A2D” “V” 1
232 “EGRZREF” “Egr Zref A2D” “V” 1
233 “ECT” “Engine Coolant Temp” “°C” 0
234 “ECT_V” “Engine Coolant Temp Volt” “V” 1
235 “ERT” “Engine Runtime” “s” 1
236 “RPM” “Engine Speed” “RPM” 0
1044 “” “Engine Speed” “RPM” 1
2021 “” “Engine Speed” “RPM” 1
3623 “” “Engine Speed” “RPM” 1
4964 “” “Engine Speed” “RPM” 1
1045 “” “Engine Torque” “N*m” 1
4965 “” “Engine Torque” “N*m” 1
574 “” “Extended Idle Switch Input Pin State (High/Low)” “” 0
239 “FMA1” “Fast Moving Average Bank 1” “” 1
240 “FMA2” “Fast Moving Average Bank 2” “” 1
251 “FLVL” “Fuel Level” “gallons” 0
252 “FLVLP” “Fuel Level Percent” “%” 0
253 “FLS1V” “Fuel Level Sensor #1 Volts” “V” 1
2087 “” “Fuel Level Sensor #1 Volts” “V” 1
254 “FLVV” “Fuel Level Sensor Voltage” “V” 1
262 “FSRICH” “Fuel System 1 Rich SCW Absolute MAP” “kPa” 1
266 “GENDC” “Generator Duty Cycle” “%DC” 1
267 “IAC” “IAC Current” “mA” 1
268 “IACDC” “IAC Pulse Width” “%” 1
269 “IACAF” “IAC Total AirFlow” “g/s” 0
270 “ICCSQ” “Icc Sw A2D Ave” “V” 1
271 “DWELL1” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 1” “µs” 1
272 “DWELL2” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 2” “µs” 1
273 “DWELL3” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 3” “µs” 1
274 “DWELL4” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 4” “µs” 1
275 “DWELL5” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 5” “µs” 1
276 “DWELL6” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 6” “µs” 1
277 “DWELL7” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 7” “µs” 1
278 “DWELL8” “Ignition Dwell Cylinder 8” “µs” 1
280 “IPW1” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 1” “µs” 1
281 “IPW2” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 2” “µs” 1
282 “IPW3” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 3” “µs” 1
283 “IPW4” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 4” “µs” 1
284 “IPW5” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 5” “µs” 1
285 “IPW6” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 6” “µs” 1
286 “IPW7” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 7” “µs” 1
287 “IPW8” “Injector Pulse Width Cylinder 8” “µs” 1
3610 “” “Input Speed Sensor 1 (N2)” “RPM” 1
3609 “” “Input Speed Sensor 2 (N3)” “RPM” 1
288 “IAT” “Intake Air Temp Deg” “°C” 0
289 “IAT_V” “Intake Air Temp Volt” “V” 1
319 “TKNKRET” “Knk Total Retard” “°” 0
320 “KS1AV” “Knock Sensor 1 Average Volts” “V” 1
321 “KS1V” “Knock Sensor 1 Volts” “V” 1
322 “KS2AV” “Knock Sensor 2 Average Volts” “V” 1
323 “KS2V” “Knock Sensor 2 Volts” “V” 1
1035 “” “LF Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
4955 “” “LF Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
1037 “” “LR Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
4957 “” “LR Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
349 “LASTSWC” “Last Switch Closure Time” “minutes” 1
1042 “” “Lateral Acceleration” “G” 1
4962 “” “Lateral Acceleration” “G” 1
3622 “” “Left Front Wheel Speed” “RPM” 1
3624 “” “Left Rear Wheel Speed” “RPM” 1
1043 “” “Longitudinal Sensor” “G” 1
4963 “” “Longitudinal Sensor” “G” 1
356 “MAPV” “MAP Vacuum” “in Hg” 0
764 “MDSEC” “MDS Enabling Conditions Have Been Met (True/False)” “” 1
766 “MDSA” “MDS Has Been Activated (True/False)” “” 1
6968 “” “MDS Has Been Activated (True/False)” “” 0
757 “MDSIBDC” “MDS Initiated one BDC ago (True/False)” “” 1
771 “MDSRTU” “MDS Requesting Torque Unlock (True/False)” “” 1
763 “MDS1S” “MDS Solenoid #1 (Cyl #1) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
6965 “” “MDS Solenoid #1 (Cyl #1) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
762 “MDS2S” “MDS Solenoid #2 (Cyl #4) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
6964 “” “MDS Solenoid #2 (Cyl #4) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
761 “MDS3S” “MDS Solenoid #3 (Cyl #6) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
6963 “” “MDS Solenoid #3 (Cyl #6) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
760 “MDS4S” “MDS Solenoid #4 (Cyl #7) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
6962 “” “MDS Solenoid #4 (Cyl #7) Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 1
767 “MDSS” “MDS Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 0
6969 “” “MDS Status (Active/Inactive)” “” 0
765 “MDSTS” “MDS Transition Status (True/False)” “” 1
770 “MDSV4TE” “MDS V4 Steady State Timer Enabled (True/False)” “” 1
768 “MDSV4” “MDS in V4 State (True/False)” “” 1
6970 “” “MDS in V4 State (True/False)” “” 0
351 “MAP” “Manifold Air Pressure” “kPa” 0
1946 “” “Manifold Air Pressure” “kPa” 1
357 “MAPV” “Map Volts” “V” 1
358 “MAF” “Mass Airflow” “g/s” 0
369 “NVLDLON” “NVLD Last Trip Engine On Time” “minutes” 1
370 “NVLDLOFF” “NVLD Last Trip Off Time” “minutes” 1
373 “NVLDSWT” “NVLD Switch Time to Close” “minutes” 1
374 “NVLDTOT” “NVLD total Off Time” “minutes” 1
382 “EOP” “Oil Pressure Sensor PSI” “kPa” 0
383 “EOP_V” “Oil Pressure Sensor Voltage” “V” 1
3579 “” “Output Shaft Speed” “RPM” 1
384 “PCMODO” “PCM Odometer” “miles” 0
2520 “” “PCM Odometer” “miles” 1
385 “PVCMF” “Pcv Mass Flow” “g/s” 1
1053 “” “Power Supply Voltage” “V” 1
4973 “” “Power Supply Voltage” “V” 1
4961 “” “Pressure Sensor” “bar” 1
391 “PRGTFT” “Prg Tgt Vlv Flow” “g/s” 1
393 “PRGAIR” “Purge AirFlow” “g/s” 1
1004 “PM” “Purge Mode” “” 0
1036 “” “RF Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
4956 “” “RF Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
401 “RPMTB1F” “RPM at Time of Bank 1 Failure” “RPM” 1
402 “RPMTB2F” “RPM at Time of Bank 2 Lean Failure” “RPM” 1
403 “MISRPM” “RPM at Which Engine is Misfiring” “RPM” 0
1038 “” “RR Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
4958 “” “RR Wheel Speed” “km/hr” 1
399 “RPM” “Read Engine RPM” “RPM” 0
3581 “” “Req. Engine Torque” “N*m” 1
3645 “” “Right Front Wheel Speed” “RPM” 1
3621 “” “Right Rear Wheel Speed” “RPM” 1
1006 “SCDS” “S/C Denied Status” “” 0
407 “SCSPEED” “S/C Set Speed” “mph” 1
1005 “SCWS” “S/C Working Status” “” 0
410 “SCWDB1” “SCW Data Bank 1” “RPM” 1
411 “SCWDB2” “SCW Data Bank 2” “RPM” 1
429 “STKR” “ST Knock Retard” “EngineDeg” 0
412 “SAMAPS” “Secondary Air MAP Sensor” “g/s” 1
2538 “” “Secondary Air MAP Sensor” “g/s” 1
413 “SAMAPV” “Secondary Air MAP Volts” “V” 1
2536 “” “Secondary Air MAP Volts” “V” 1
414 “STIP” “Sensed TIP” “kPa” 1
420 “SPKADV” “Spark Advance” “EngineDeg” 0
1986 “” “Spark Advance 1” “°” 1
428 “SPKADJ” “Spk Adj” “°” 0
4959 “” “Steering Angle Sensor Position” “°” 1
4992 “” “Steering Angle Sensor Position” “°” 1
3603 “” “TCC Duty Cycle” “%” 1
460 “TPSV” “TPS 1 Volts” “V” 1
2481 “” “TPS 1 Volts” “V” 1
462 “TPS2V” “TPS 2 Volts” “V” 1
463 “TPSCV” “TPS Calculated Voltage” “V” 1
1966 “” “TPS Calculated Voltage” “V” 1
436 “TCV” “Target Charging Voltage” “V” 1
437 “TIS” “Target Idle Speed” “RPM” 1
2017 “” “Target Idle Speed” “RPM” 1
449 “TBP” “Throttle Blade Position” “%” 1
1046 “” “Throttle Position Sensor” “%” 1
3620 “” “Throttle Position Sensor” “%” 1
450 “TP” “Throttle Position Sensor Percent” “%” 0
1964 “” “Throttle Position Sensor Percent” “%” 1
451 “TP_V” “Throttle Position Sensor Voltage” “V” 1
1962 “” “Throttle Position Sensor Voltage” “V” 1
1066 “” “Tire Size” “mm” 1
4987 “” “Tire Size” “mm” 1
769 “TRR” “Torque Reserve Requested (True/False)” “” 0
457 “TMISS” “Total Mis-Fire Since Clear” “” 0
458 “TPEF” “Total Port Egr Flow” “g/s” 1
3575 “” “Transmission Fluid Temperature” “°C” 1
3594 “” “Turbine (Input) Speed” “RPM” 1
465 “BAROT” “Turbo Baro” “kPa” 0
2504 “” “Turbo Baro” “kPa” 1
467 “UCP” “Unlock cam position” “EngineDeg” 1
469 “UCRP” “Unlock crank position” “EngineDeg” 1
4978 “” “Vacuum Sensor” “kPa” 1
1055 “” “Valve Feed” “V” 1
4975 “” “Valve Feed” “V” 1
3617 “” “Vehicle Speed Front Wheels” “km/hr” 1
3618 “” “Vehicle Speed Rear Wheels” “km/hr” 1
472 “VSS” “Vehicle Speed Signal” “mph” 0
1003 “VTS” “Vehicle Theft State” “” 0
473 “VLTS” “Voltage Sense” “V” 0
474 “WGSOL” “Wastegate Solenoid” “%” 0
1040 “” “Yaw Sensor” “° / Sec” 1
4960 “” “Yaw Sensor” “° / Sec” 1

Device: b-Zeitronix ZT2 Version:2.1.2-1949 (Extended)
1 “AFR” “Air/Fuel Ratio” “” 0
6 “USER” “Analog Input” “V” 1
3 “RPM” “Engine RPM” “RPM” 1
2 “EGT” “Exhaust Gas Temperature” “°C” 1
4 “MAP” “Manifold Absolute Pressure” “inHg/PSI” 1
5 “TPS” “Throttle Position” “%” 1

Posts: 9
Post Re: Aberk
on: May 17, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from datamedic on February 19, 2011
Aberk, thanks for this guide.But, it raises a problem for me that the developer must answer. Will we be able to read from the other ECUs? I drive a Prius and MOST of the parameters I want are from the HV battery & charger ECUs.

Did you ever get an answer to this? I have a Gen 3 Prius as well and I can’t figure out how to convert these..


Posts: 9
Post Re: Aberk
on: May 17, 2011 (GMT)

Ok question… when your RXD is 2808 you only need an A..

So would this be correct for fuel level on a Gen III Prius..


TXD = 07C02129
RXF = 046185290000
RXD = 2808
MTH = 13880EC90000


Posts: 4
Post Re: Aberk
on: June 10, 2012 (GMT)

So I’ve just run torque scan and have a set of results,

Lets take the following as an example:

Command 220100 response 7E804620100FF

How would I go about converting that into a usable PID for Torque?


Posts: 2
Post Re: Aberk
on: June 20, 2012 (GMT)

I have a small question to ask about torque

how to add the PID which are in the form of the table a copy, because I have at my disposal a CAN-based manufacturer, type BDC interests me to see.

Bit:1.7 – 2.0
Description:Acceleration laterale
Valeur Defaut:Mini: -15 Maxi: 15
Commentaire:Invalide: 7FFF “Positif pour un virage à gauche
Valeurs inutilisees : -32668 à -301 et 301 à 32766”

Posts: 2
Post Re: Aberk
on: August 21, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from JLo32 on April 22, 2011
DashDAQ system looks to have the extended PIDS and a owner was able to get this read out from it.

Is any of this useful, or is it just a filing system used by the DashDAQ device?

Also, is there any way to extract the available pids from the ECU with a OBDII terminal type application?

DashDAQ Available Signals Report

Time: Mon Oct 11 13:22:34 2010
Firmware Version: DashGUI-2.1.2-1949

Device: b-Zeitronix ZT2 Version:2.1.2-1949 (Extended)
1 “AFR” “Air/Fuel Ratio” “” 0
6 “USER” “Analog Input” “V” 1
3 “RPM” “Engine RPM” “RPM” 1
2 “EGT” “Exhaust Gas Temperature” “°C” 1
4 “MAP” “Manifold Absolute Pressure” “inHg/PSI” 1
5 “TPS” “Throttle Position” “%” 1

Sorry to threadjack, I will start another just used a search first.

I am looking to add support for the Zeitronix product line to Torque they have an open communication spec via rs232.


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