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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Pairs ok but fails to connect

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Author Topic: Pairs ok but fails to connect
Posts: 1
Post Pairs ok but fails to connect
on: April 7, 2013 (GMT)

I was using Torque Pro with a Samsung Exhibit II with no problems on 6 different vehicles. I am using the Soliport ELM 327 ordered from Amazon:

I then upgraded my phone to a Nexus 4 while still using the same ELM 327 device. The phone will pair with the ELM 327 without any problem, but fails to actually connect. It toggles back and forth between reporting a BT connection failure, and waiting for BT connection. I have tried unpairing and re-pairing, closing and re-opening the app, as well as turning the phone off and on again. No luck. I am using the latest available version of Torque (1.6.41). Within the app settings, the connection type is BT and the one and only BT device (OBDII) has been selected. I also tried changing some of the settings under OBD2 Adapter Preferences which made no difference. Any suggestions?

Mr D
Posts: 1
Post Re: Pairs ok but fails to connect
on: March 24, 2021 (GMT)

I have same problem. You solved yours? What to do?

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