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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Data upload question

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Author Topic: Data upload question
Posts: 4
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 17, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from steve1811uk on January 17, 2014
Do you have an internet data connection during the driving trip? That would need to be 3G, GPRS etc. through your phone? If not then I’m pretty sure that data upload to the webserver doesn’t work. Also do you remember to select ‘Start Logging’ then ‘Stop Logging’ when you finish the trip. Steve.

Quote from frodus on January 17, 2014
It is in fact:

Do not use anything else or it will not work.

Thank you both.

Resetting the Upload Address now.

Yeah, I have a 4G, and thank you for the ‘Start/Stop” suggestion to check it each time I use the OBD.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Data upload question
on: July 23, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 13, 2012

The trip logging, file logging, and the web uploads are seperate logging systems so there isn’t currently a way to upload this

However I am in the middle of writing a desktop app (that does a similar job to the web viewer) which you will be able to use for file and trip recordings when it’s finished (it will be available for linux, windows and OS X)


1 1/2 years later – any progress on this program?

Posts: 4
Post Re: Data upload question
on: July 24, 2014 (GMT)

I am having trouble getting this to work.

I am able to log into the website with the user ID provided by the program. All of the settings in the program seem to be correct based on what I have read in this thread.

The error message that I get when testing the settings is “Your email address has not been entered into the webserver setup correctly so you will be unable to login to the website.”

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data upload question
on: August 19, 2014 (GMT)

Yes, as a paying customer, I too am curious about the status of this. I have a lot of OBD data that is on my tablet (which does not have an active data connection) that I wish I could view.

Ian, please take the time to give us an update. Thank you.

Does anyone have any information?

Quote from martymonster on July 23, 2014
Quote from admin on December 13, 2012

The trip logging, file logging, and the web uploads are seperate logging systems so there isn’t currently a way to upload this

However I am in the middle of writing a desktop app (that does a similar job to the web viewer) which you will be able to use for file and trip recordings when it’s finished (it will be available for linux, windows and OS X)


1 1/2 years later – any progress on this program?

Posts: 9
Post Re: Data upload question
on: October 18, 2014 (GMT)

Looking forward to the desktop app. has it been released yet?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Data upload question
on: November 17, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 13, 2012
I am in the middle of writing a desktop app (that does a similar job to the web viewer) which you will be able to use for file and trip recordings when it’s finished (it will be available for linux, windows and OS X)

Whatever happened to this idea. I’m afraid I must be missing something, because it’s a long time since this post. I’m using Torque for Android on Web at I think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. (Just an expression – not that I like sliced bread.)

What I’d REALLY LOVE, though (more than any sort of bread or butter or just about anything else) would be a desktop app, just like the one online, to which I could download CSV files from the website, or my phone, so I could change stuff like the colour of lines for graphing (I’m colour-blind; I’d use dashes and dots instead of colours.) c/w the map. What am I missing; how can I get it, if it’s already done? Sorry to be such a duh-brain (as my kids say), please forgive me and let me know how I can download for OSX.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Data upload question
on: November 17, 2015 (GMT)

^^^ Me too!!

That’s on the APP, the sliced bread, AND the duh-brain too. LOL



Posts: 19
Post Re: Data upload question
on: November 17, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from F-150Torqued on November 17, 2015
^^^ Me too!!

That’s on the APP, the sliced bread, AND the duh-brain too. LOL


Well this is what I don’t understand: what’s ‘on the APP’? You mean access to the application on the website, where your trips are uploaded, which you can then download as CSV files? Yes, I know (and love) that. What I want is an app(lication) (I think it’s called now. We used to call them programs.) on my desktop computer (OSX) to which I can download those wonderful ‘Torque’ CSV files and ‘tweak the app’ to my personal preference (like changing line colours for tones or dots or shapes, etc.). Is there such a thing or not? I’d be quite happy to pay for it. (It’s not sex, after all, but a lot more fun at my age. (Just don’t tell my wife!))

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Data upload question
on: November 17, 2015 (GMT)


It’s still ongoing (unfortunately I was unable to do much on it at the start of this year, but I’m now back working on everything again, so you will see an update)

The website will be getting a much needed update first, this will allow me to update the desktop ‘sync’ agent as well (it’s going to be re-written which will make it easier to add new things to it after that’s done)

There’s a couple of other features that will be coming as well, but I don’t want to promise anything on those yet until I have the first 2 out of the way with :)

Posts: 19
Post Re: Data upload question
on: November 17, 2015 (GMT)

OK, thanks much for the reply. You’re really good like that. It’s impressive.

I’ll shut up and sit tight, just hoping, and with every confidence, it will be just as good – exciting, fun, entertaining and educational – as ‘Torque (Pro)’ is: lots and lots of all those good things. (Thanks!)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data upload question
on: July 23, 2018 (GMT)

Hello?, I’m new using ODDII interface and I see that will be very interesting, for my Big Data Master, I need to know if you can send me the information about how to make a WEB to upload the information (using torque) of the vehicle, my work only use data of speed, position, acelerometer, and general data (not especific of the vehicle), to make a Machine Learning Model to predict things, also, If you have anonimous similar data (big data, a lot or records) that you can share with me.

Thanks a lot.

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