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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Data upload question

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Author Topic: Data upload question
Posts: 5
Post Data upload question
on: December 13, 2012 (GMT)

I have a question about data upload to webserver. If i don’t have enabled automatic upload to webserver what’s is procedure to upload trip/log file. When i go to “map view” in my phone, trip show normally but can’t find option to upload to web server. Have option to share but don’t know how to import to web viewer.

TNX in advance..


Posts: 1
Post Re: Data upload question
on: December 13, 2012 (GMT)

I too would be interested to know this. I’ve googled and tried searching this forum and wiki but have been unable to find the answer.

I didn’t have uploaded ticked whilst logging for the first time this morning and whilst I can view on phone I cannot see a way to upload historical logs to the web service.

I’ve just bought the app and it looks to be an excellent tool.


BMW E39 530i 2002

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Data upload question
on: December 13, 2012 (GMT)


The trip logging, file logging, and the web uploads are seperate logging systems so there isn’t currently a way to upload this

However I am in the middle of writing a desktop app (that does a similar job to the web viewer) which you will be able to use for file and trip recordings when it’s finished (it will be available for linux, windows and OS X)

Posts: 5
Post Re: Data upload question
on: December 14, 2012 (GMT)

Great news, tnx for info and keep it up with this great work!

Posts: 6
Post Re: Data upload question
on: February 6, 2013 (GMT)

Any further news on progress of this?


Software Build and Release engineer, ex-biker and West Ham fan.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Data upload question
on: February 7, 2013 (GMT)


Yes! – good news – I’m hopefully looking to release the desktop update before the end of February (likely around the 25th)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Data upload question
on: February 7, 2013 (GMT)

This is great – will this allow the local retrieval and storage of log files?

I’m hoping that it can translate into KML logs by date/trip if possible – much less cumbersome than emailing individual files one by one.

Hopefully csv/xls as well? *bats eyelashes*

Posts: 3
Post Re: Data upload question
on: February 26, 2013 (GMT)

Any news on the desktop app?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data upload question
on: May 3, 2013 (GMT)

yep also looking for a basic upload of the log saved to device in vehicle.
‘Either don’t want to be burning the mobile web data if in coverage while on a long trip or no good if there is no coverage or worst still I didn’t realize and the PDA is sending / using roaming data whiles bursting around the Nuremberg!

mobile device App needs an update to do this, one would expect if you can select a trip to load in the Map View one would also be able to upload the data or at least log it to memory card and import it when on a PC?

its a basic need please IH, Great app otherwise.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Data upload question
on: May 4, 2013 (GMT)

I just love this app, but the app won’t upload, i have tried to untick and then tick the box again and again, but it will not upload at all.

What am i doing wrong?
Is the program at fault?

I have an Galaxy S2 with Android 4.1.2

Please respond so we can resolve this problem, I’m sure I’m not alone with this problem.

Best regards Bengt Strömquist.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Data upload question
on: May 5, 2013 (GMT)


Can you post what you have set in the web part of the ‘Data Logging / Upload’ screen – and also what the URL is – I can then help with this for you.

Usually the URL isn’t correct(or has accidentally been changed slightly), or an email address isn’t entered, or the web upload option is unticked – it’s worth checking these first – you will need a data connection for the realtime upload to work

Posts: 5
Post Re: Data upload question
on: May 5, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from admin on May 5, 2013

Can you post what you have set in the web part of the ‘Data Logging / Upload’ screen – and also what the URL is – I can then help with this for you.

Usually the URL isn’t correct(or has accidentally been changed slightly), or an email address isn’t entered, or the web upload option is unticked – it’s worth checking these first – you will need a data connection for the realtime upload to work

Hello and thanks for a fast reply.

I have set my e-mail address, i have ticked the “upload to webserver” i have ticked (and tried unticked) “Only when ODB connec..”
The webserver address is the default “”

The test settings tells me everything is OK.

And i have a data-plan on my phone with good connection.

Best regards
Bengt Strömquist

Posts: 5
Post Re: Data upload question
on: May 6, 2013 (GMT)

When i look at my statusbar when i use the program, then i see that it is a lot of data traffic, so it has to upload to the server all the time ?

But when i try to logon with my torque-ID it says that’s invalid.

Can you pleas check in to that.

/Bengt Strömquist

Posts: 2
Post Re: Data upload question
on: August 4, 2013 (GMT)

Exactly same problem here… Manual export works but this web-app doesn’t show anything. Anyone got this error solved? Help please :)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 14, 2014 (GMT)

Hi guys,

I use since some weeks torque on Samsung S4.
I insert my mail adress to the android app and set at realtime upload:
upload if ODB is connected.
I set mail mail Adress and teste the conection.
I get the message “no problems found”
I drive a round with my car.
After the drive I register on web upload.
But I didn’t see the upload.
Mail adress for registartion is same as in the app.

Now I drive three days with torque always on if the car is driving.
Can’t finde any values or trips or something else on the webpage :(

Did someone have an idea why?

It could be help to get all available configurations for the app!

And sorry for my non professional english. I’m from Germany.



Posts: 4
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 15, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from admin on May 5, 2013

Can you post what you have set in the web part of the ‘Data Logging / Upload’ screen – and also what the URL is – I can then help with this for you.

Usually the URL isn’t correct(or has accidentally been changed slightly), or an email address isn’t entered, or the web upload option is unticked – it’s worth checking these first – you will need a data connection for the realtime upload to work

I am having problems with the upload also.
Under “Select what to log” I have:
Engine Oil Temp the icon is / labled “Current Data”
Air Fuel Ratio(Commanded) / labeled “ECU Custom PID”
Air Fuel Ratio (Measured) / labled “ECU Custom PID”
O2 Volts Bank 1 Sensor 1 / labled “ECU Custom PID”
O2 Volts Bank 1 Sensor 2 / labled “ECU Custom PID”
O2 Volts Bank 2 Sensor 1 / labled “ECU Custom PID”
O2 Volts Bank 1 Sensor 2 / labled “ECU Custom PID”

I have gone to the site and successfully logged in. What I have found is I can “Toggle Graph” and see a list. When I load a list all I see is Ave. MPG.

What do I have to do to see any of the “PIDs” I have selected to log?

Under “File Logging” I have selected:
“Only when OBD connected”

Under “Realtime web upload” I have selected:
“Only when OBD connected”
Webserver URL:….”OK”
“Torque ID” I believe has been validated.
“User Email Address” is correct and I believe has been validated also.
“Test Settings” = OK.

Under “Trip Recording”:
All is checked “ON” in this checkbox array.

Twitter/Facebook = NOT USED.

Love the App while monitoring in real time, but would like to archive actual logs. I have downloaded as I stated earler however it was only AVE.MPG.

Thank you,

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 15, 2014 (GMT)

Did you set the “Also log selected sensors” in
the trip logging settings… right above the
twitter settings?

Then stop and restart trip logging.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 17, 2014 (GMT)

Yes “Also log selected sensors” is checked on.

Still haven’t seen any Log Files on the Torque Website.

Now trying to figure out how to get the Ave. MPG to reset after recording one tank.
The MPG bumped up to 300MPD and went over 1,100MPG. What is up with that?

I just modified the URL to

Dropped the .php in the default setup for “Data Logging & Upload”.

I noticed that when I would try to go to the website at my desktop using “” I would get a 404 Error that the website could not be found.

The only other thing I could think it may be is
rather than

Posts: 6
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 17, 2014 (GMT)

Do you have an internet data connection during the driving trip? That would need to be 3G, GPRS etc. through your phone? If not then I’m pretty sure that data upload to the webserver doesn’t work. Also do you remember to select ‘Start Logging’ then ‘Stop Logging’ when you finish the trip. Steve.

Posts: 518
Post Re: Data upload question
on: January 17, 2014 (GMT)

It is in fact:

Do not use anything else or it will not work.

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