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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing

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Author Topic: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
Posts: 2994
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 28, 2013 (GMT)

Are you getting 7F… in the raw hexdecimal
data when you get “no data” when you
test the pid?

The hex data response is what I was hoping
you would post.

Did you run the pid scanner from Torquescan?
(Menu>Pid Scanner).

It should help to identify available pids in a text
listing. Once you have your list look for consecutive
pids that may work with your equations.

Was hoping 7E0 or 7DF would get a response back.

Posts: 28
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 29, 2013 (GMT)

Yed i did run torque scan. i get the same thing for the balance rates. -423.xx something like that.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 29, 2013 (GMT)

Example of Torquescan text file…

Quote from Capp777 on September 3, 2013
I would focus on the following pids that
have a successful response. Note I added
a space to separate data from the header.

Try testing these pids when engine is cold
to match outside temps. Typical temps are
reported as A-40 °C. Example: 43 hex equals
67 decimal – 40 = 27 °C = 80.6 °F.
Two byte responses would be ((A*256)+B)-40.

Command: 220001 response:620001 00060000
Command: 220004 response:620004 58
Command: 220009 response:620009 80
Command: 220010 response:620010 09DC
Command: 220100 response:620100 00
Command: 220101 response:620101 008E
Command: 220200 response:620200 00
Command: 220940 response:620940 00
Command: 220979 response:620979 03C2
Command: 221100 response:621100 09FF0000
Command: 221101 response:621101 01
Command: 221104 response:621104 01
Command: 221151 response:621151 5140
Command: 221631 response:621631 00
Command: 221679 response:621679 0100
Command: 2216a9 response:6216A9 00
Command: 22c124 response:62C124 4C
Command: 22e100 response:62E100 051E

Any chance 22e100 behaves like TFT?
((A*256)+B)/8 = 163.75

Posts: 28
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 30, 2013 (GMT)

lol you lost me…………..

Posts: 28
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 30, 2013 (GMT)

I just found the pid scanner in torque scan. i will try the scan on the way home later today.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: October 11, 2013 (GMT)

atz option, works no worky variations

atz works with the old style bluetooth adapter

The new version 1.5 I can not get it to work at all, one of them is the small stubby reader

Tried this on 2 of each version with same results

Posts: 1
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: October 20, 2013 (GMT)

Can anyone tell me the steps that are required to read the injector baksnce rates on my Duramax LLY using Torque Pro software? I can’t seem to find anything in the app that allows me to access this data. Thanks.

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: October 20, 2013 (GMT)


Go to Settings->Manage extra PIDS/sensors->Menu->Add predefined list->(and add the one specific to your manufacturer)

This should add a load of manufacturer specific PIDs(sensors) to the app so that you can then access them from the ‘realtime information’ screen

Posts: 1
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: October 23, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from admin on August 30, 2013

Torque isn’t available on iOS – it’s only available on Android and BlackBerry at the moment

I may include the balance rate PIDs into the main predefined PIDs lists in the app if noone has any objections (to make things easier to add to save typing stuff out) – if anyone has any other links to pids they want adding let me know (alternatively the PIDs can be added via third party plugins if someone wants to create one :-))

Thanks a bunch for getting the inj balance rates going, that’s awesome!!!

My application is a 2011 LML…
Sure would like to have the Diesel Particulate Filter related PIDs available in Torque, especially DPF Soot Mass & Regen Status. I’m trying to learn how to use TorqueScan to see what I can come up with….

DPF Pressure Variance
DPF Soot Mass
Post DOC/Pre SCR
Post DPF
Regeneration Status
Reductant (Urea) Level
Reductant Pressure
Reductant Temperature
Reductant Range
Reductant Inj Command
Trans Temp

Terrain Twister
Posts: 5
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: May 17, 2014 (GMT)

Has anyone gotten any further with the LBZ and newer PID’s?

Posts: 6
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Just want to give a bump on this for 2006-2007 lbz. Just received bluetooth obdii adapter today and song to help any way possible with guidance.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: July 14, 2014 (GMT)

Any progress with getting LBZ balance rates to work correctly? For all the other LBZ owners out there, what PIDs do you use to monitor for?

Posts: 5
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: July 31, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from admin on October 20, 2013

Go to Settings->Manage extra PIDS/sensors->Menu->Add predefined list->(and add the one specific to your manufacturer)

This should add a load of manufacturer specific PIDs(sensors) to the app so that you can then access them from the ‘realtime information’ screen

Hi! I have a fuel consume issue in my Chevrolet Corsa 2 1.8L (or Opel Corsa C) since I bought. The average consumption is 310km/40L fuel 95 octanes (I did it a injector cleaning with ultra-sound, etc.)

I am looking to test the injectors but I cannot make it. I tested many configs without any success.

How can I do it?

Chevrolet Corsa 2 (Argentina)
Opel Corsa C (rest of the world)
Engine: 1.8L / 107CV

Posts: 6
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 10, 2014 (GMT)

Just wanted to keep this current for the LBZ. Has anyone had any luck yet getting the balance rates?

Posts: 6
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: September 17, 2014 (GMT)

When I first downloaded this, I bought the pro version because of the extra PIDs to get balance rates for my LBZ. I guess I just wasted the money on that.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: October 1, 2014 (GMT)

Any updates on getting this working on an 08 LMM? I would love to look at my balance rates.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: November 4, 2014 (GMT)

Sadly, I think us LBZ/LMM owners have been orphaned and will never see a fix.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: November 6, 2014 (GMT)

Come on if other readers like edge can do it Torque can do it too! Why is there no update on this?!

Posts: 3
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: February 13, 2015 (GMT)

Still holding on to hope

Terrain Twister
Posts: 5
Post Re: Help required - GM/Duramax Injector Balance Rate testing
on: March 11, 2015 (GMT)

Still holding out hope to be able to test injector balance rates for the LBZ/LMM!

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