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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014

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Author Topic: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
Posts: 6
Post ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 10, 2024 (GMT)

I recently bought an ELM 327 mini OBD II Bluetooth adaptor and after connecting it to Torque Pro, my car (Mazda 6 2014) throws up multiple service error messages. Pretty much everything come up as requiring maintenance. If I unplug the ELM then all the errors go away after a few restarts. However, all the data is coming through ok into Torque Pro.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?

I am wondering if the adapter is faulty.

Posts: 223
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 10, 2024 (GMT)

have you tried to insert adapter to OBD2 but do not start any program? just to test whether the hardware alone leads to error messages in the car.

Posts: 6
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 11, 2024 (GMT)

I tried it without running Torque and no maintenance messages came up, but when I start Torque the messages come up. Seems to be something with Torque and my car?

Posts: 223
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 11, 2024 (GMT)

have you set any initialization string?
have you installed any external/custom PIDs?

Posts: 6
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 11, 2024 (GMT)

I have only installed the app then launched it. No customisation has been made, and a big thanks for helping me out. I am a novice with all of this by the way.

Posts: 6
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 12, 2024 (GMT)

I might try to reinstall Torque to see if that fixes the problem.

Posts: 6
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 13, 2024 (GMT)

I uninstaller the app, then reinstalled and went through the basic setup of the Bluetooth connection and the basic car settings and still have the same issue. I will try Torque’s support to see if they can help.

Posts: 6
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 13, 2024 (GMT)

Looks like the only support is this forum.

I really like Torque Pro but this issue is preventing me from using the app.

Does anyone have any idea on how resolve this?

Posts: 64
Post Re: ELM 327 Mini generating multiple error logs Mazda 6 2014
on: June 16, 2024 (GMT)

Torque is sending commands to the adapter after connecting to it. These commands are only designed to configure the adapter for general operation. No commands are sent onto the diagnostic bus at this time.
If that results in errors then I would say that the adapter is faulty because never ever should an OBD adapter interfere with the cars system when it is configured to just query PIDs.

Did you try that very same adapter on a different car?

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