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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque shows all values as very large numbers

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Author Topic: Torque shows all values as very large numbers
Posts: 3
Post Torque shows all values as very large numbers
on: January 21, 2024 (GMT)

I’ve connected Torque to my BYD Atto 3 and it is showing some weird data.

OBD speed: 340.282.346.638.528.860. km/h
Battery charge: 340.282.346.638.528.860. %

So it’s the same weird number for most sensors.

I’m using a Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) OBD2 reader and a Android 13 phone. That has been working fine with my others cars and Torque.

When I use other OBD apps, like Car Scanner ELM OBD2 they show the correct values.

Any ideas hpw to get Torque to show the correct values?

Posts: 6632
Post Re: Torque shows all values as very large numbers
on: January 28, 2024 (GMT)


Check in the settings and/or vehicle profile that:

* In the vehicle profile, the OBD speed multiplier is at it’s default value of ‘1’

* In the settings, manage extra PIDs, that you don’t have any extra PIDs set that override the OBD speed value

And ensure you’re using a genuine version of Torque (which is only distributed on Google Play and nowhere else).

The vehicle speed is more or less passthrough from the adapter with only a single unit conversion applied. If this is reading incorrectly after checking the above, then I would check the adapter (I believe the vgate uses a chinese clone of the ELM327 which can be bugged for some headers on/off modes)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque shows all values as very large numbers
on: December 23, 2024 (GMT)

Sorry for the very late response. It’s not just the speed, almost all values show as this number.
I’ve tried all the suggestions you made, but no difference. I’ve even changed the dongle but that made no difference as well.

What I did find is that this weird value is the maximum value of a FLOAT variable. So it seems the values either stay uninitialized or overflow

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