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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web Viewer is not working

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Author Topic: Web Viewer is not working
Posts: 16
Post Web Viewer is not working
on: November 24, 2023 (GMT)

Web Viewer is still not working.

Cavalier Condorelli
Posts: 3
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: April 17, 2024 (GMT)

“Web Viewer is still not working.”
I’m interested too, I used it in the past. Have you tried to contact the developer?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: May 4, 2024 (GMT)

Doe anybody know if WEB WIEVER works?

How can I analyze logs uploaded to webserver?

Was TORUQE abandoned by seller?

Posts: 64
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: June 10, 2024 (GMT)

I am working on a (free) replacement service because I used it frequently in the past but hadn’t had the time to build something…

Fun fact: Once I even used it for an insurance claim (opponents insurer claimed I wasn’t at the site of the accident, and I could prove I was using torque web viewer)

Anyway… I’m planning to release this service this month to the public.

Current state is I need to write the UI to display the data. Log ingestion, processing and retrieval is complete.

Stay tuned fellow torquers :)

Posts: 42
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: June 21, 2024 (GMT)

A complete replacement of Web Viewer:

Posts: 64
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: June 24, 2024 (GMT)

While this is fine, you have to host it somewhere. This applies to 99% of the provided solutions. And then you can’t be sure what happens with the data really.

And just because I wanted to create something unique, I went the extra mile and wrote a solution from the ground up. With security and scalability in mind.

So here we are:

Use it or don’t use it. I provide this service free of charge with the hopes that it is useful to anybody who just wants to log and view their data.

I wrote it primarily for myself and friends who occasionally spend their spare time on race tracks. So it has to cope with 10hz sensor submission and should provide tools for the ECU tuners to investigate what happened. It’s going to receive specific real time data analysis over the next months because of that.

Posts: 42
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: June 24, 2024 (GMT)

I don’t understand what do u mean. RedBox Telemetry fully production ready, fast, scalable, secure. Publishing an application/service today is not a problem anyway

Posts: 64
Post Re: Web Viewer is not working
on: June 24, 2024 (GMT)

Not everybody is tech savvy enough for that. Keep that in mind.
Expect people who use torque to be “just car owners”.

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