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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Detection of errors other than engine

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Author Topic: Detection of errors other than engine
Posts: 1
Post Detection of errors other than engine
on: May 6, 2023 (GMT)

Oltre agli errori registrati da ECU, è possibile leggere errori di sistemi: frenante (tipo ABS), servosterzo, …altri? Questi sistemi quando in avaria accendono sul crustotto del veicolo spie diverse da quella classica simboleggiante il motore. Utilizzo l’app Torque pro.

In addition to the errors recorded by the ECU, it is possible to read system errors: braking (ABS type), power steering, …others? When these systems fail, they turn on warning lights on the vehicle’s crust other than the classic one symbolizing the engine. I use the Torque pro app.

Posts: 642
Post Re: Detection of errors other than engine
on: May 13, 2023 (GMT)

torque is generic, most of the time it doesn’t have access to those data

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